I totally agree with you that it shouldn't stutter as I also did the math and my problem is most likely due to the Colossus itself (or Sage)...Once I reset the SageTVService the issue usually disappears..
Ah, so the stuttering problem doesn't just happen with JRiver MC, but also happens with your preferred TV recording software, Sage. In fact, does it happen with MC at all? If it does happen to Sage and MC, it certainly points to your hardware and not the software. As I have already mentioned, I can record four separate channels at once to one hard disk, and don't get any stuttering. Given that that the problem exists with Sage, which does allow you to write TV recordings to multiple drives, I don't see how adding that capability to MC is going to fix your problem.
You should probably do some research on the issue with other Colossus users, as I have seen many threads here and elsewhere discussing problems with the Colossus. But it truly could be anything, from an underpowered CPU or insufficient memory, to incompatibilities between the Colossus and your sound card, or onboard sound.
But it looks like it might be specific to one HD I have. Still trouble checking this...Not sure where my problem is yet.
It wouldn't happen to be a Toshiba disk would it? Perhaps a SATA II disk?
Whichever disk it is, compare the buffer size on the drive to other brands such as WD and Seagate drives.
But sharing loads bwn hard drives for recordings would be a good thing wouldn't it?
Well, it could be handy. But there are plenty of ways to spread the load across drives, as I mentioned above. Plus the fact that modern drives can handle multiple OTA recording streams anyway. Well, at least until broadcasters start airing programs in UHD.
Nevertheless. I'm not going to start throwing away my existing 1 or 2 TB hard drives
No need to throw them out. Just repurpose them as off line backup drives for your boot drive, or something similar. Or leave them in your PC as extra space, if there is room. Then add in a 6TB drive for TV recording. US$260 on Newegg:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822236737&cm_re=wd_red_6tb-_-22-236-737-_-Productand or start deleting TV files because JRiver can not handle more than one Recording folder.
Naturally. But deleting them because you aren't really going to watch them, or moving them to another drive and allowing MC to keep track of them, is certainly an option.
I'll just keep using "The Other" software for TV recordings. It also offers the option to distribute recordings amongst HDs based on bandwidth or Space.
Well Sage is good, but I understand it is no longer developed at all. So it has limited life. Keeps hanging on though, doesn't it!
But if the stuttering is happening with Sage as well, it doesn't solve that problem for you.
And having more than one HD is also good for redundancy...Ie if one of them goes I don't lose the recordings on the others...
Backups are good for redundancy. Or for non-critical stuff like TV recordings, I use "Hard Disk Sentinel" to monitor my drive and warn me if there is a developing problem. It is very good.
If you want to keep some recordings for later or something though, moving them to another underutilized drive is a good solution, and easy within MC.
I bought NAS in the past and always ended up returning them as they are too slow for my needs...(For moving files around bwn different PCs...) The ones I would want are too expensive and would rather run PCs with smaller HDs which are cheaper instead..
A NAS can be very expensive, and you get what you pay for. A cheap one is going to be slow. But a 6TB WD Red drive for US$260 is an easy decision.
Again this is a must for me. And yes a little off topic
Fair enough, but I think you are limiting your options unnecessarily.
Maybe a Mod could split these posts off into a thread titled appropriately, such as "Multiple drive or folders for TV recordings", or "Stuttering on multiple TV recordings".