Here is hoping someone could help me figure it out.
I created two zones - video and music. I also created two zoneswitch rules:
- video rule: [Media Type]=[Video], play in ''video'' and stop playback in ''music''
- music rule: -[Media Type]=[Video], play in ''music'' and stop playback in ''video''
If MC is closed and I open a video file, playback starts in ''video'' zone. Then if I start playing music, playback in ''video'' zone stops and music starts playing in ''music'' zone. So everything is good.
If music is already playing in ''music'' zone and I open a video file, then instead of video I get an album art of currently playing song blown to full screen. Meanwhile video I wanted to watch gets added to playing now of ''video'' zone. But when I try to start video playback from playing now of the ''video'' zone I get a popup window saying something went wrong with the playback.
In case if it's relevant: I start video playback from within windows explorer