Hmmmm... Maybe we'll start again. The way VLC works by default is using the DirectSound API. If you want MC to work just like VLC, put MC in DirectSound mode. What happens when you do this (which is also what happens when you use VLC) is:
* Applications can send DirectSound audio in any supported format (so, VLC can "play" a 24-bit 96kHz audio file).
* All audio is resampled by Windows to the format specified in the Sound control panel.
* So, if you have Windows set to 16-bit 44.1kHz (as you do from your comments above), you never actually get 24-bit 96kHz audio because Windows resamples it before it gets to your audio device driver.
DirectSound is very "sharing friendly" but it essentially resamples everything, and it does so "outside" of the application (at the OS level). The application has no idea what format is going to the sound driver.
You can change VLC to use WASAPI in its advanced options, but don't because from everything I've read, it is horribly broken and basically doesn't work at all.
WASAPI is a much better audio API because it works around these limitations in one of two ways:
1. An application can play an exclusive-mode stream. While this stream is active, the audio device's full capabilities are exposed to the application, but it is up to the application to deliver a format compatible with the device. And, while the exclusive mode stream is active, Windows blocks all other applications (including itself) from using the audio device.
2. An application can play a shared-mode stream. In this case, the application must deliver audio in the format specified by Windows. Applications playing shared-mode streams can only "see" and access the one setting set in the Windows Sound control panel. That way, you know no "secret, dirty resampling" is happening behind the scenes (as it does in DirectSound mode) but all audio played on the system must be played in the user's selected format (and the user can only specify one).
Those are the choices. If you want to play multiple formats (different sample rates) to the same audio output device on your computer:
* Without resampling: Your only choice is to enable Exclusive Access.
* With MC doing the resampling: Enable WASAPI and disable Exclusive Access, and you must set MC to resample to the option you have selected in the Windows Sound control panel. The Output Format DSP can do this, and you would be well advised to set Windows to the highest settings supported by your sound device.
* With Windows doing the resampling: Enable DirectSound in MC, and Windows will automatically resample all system audio (including MC) to whatever setting you've specified in the Windows Sound control panel.
* Maybe Without Resampling: Use a "professional" device with an ASIO driver. But, most applications can't play to ASIO devices at all, so this isn't really the same thing. And, the ASIO device has the same limitations so it either does the same thing as Exclusive Access (this is most of them I've seen), it resamples the audio itself, or it has some kind of crazy analog mixer with multiple internal DACs.
That's it. The only other option is to use multiple sound output devices and a hardware (analog) mixer (or to play to discreet speakers). None of this has anything to do with external DACs or any of that. The same rules apply to all sound devices.