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Author Topic: JRemote - lost registration  (Read 1372 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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JRemote - lost registration
« on: May 10, 2015, 10:12:03 am »

Anyone who can help please. I purchased and downloaded JRemote on iTunes eariler this year and accidentally removed the App on my iPad. Apple said they'd like to help me recover my registration, but they are just a conduit handling the purchase and I must go through JRemote to get my lost registration. I can provide my name, etc. for recovery of registration. I have also been a JRiver MC user for years through several versions. I do not want to pay another $9.95/$10 for JRemote. Thanks, Brian


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Re: JRemote - lost registration
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2015, 04:37:45 pm »

There is no registration for JRemote on the App Store.  I think maybe you confused the Apple rep, or they gave you bad information. You bought the app, like you would any app on the App Store. It has no in-app purchases, and does not require an "account registration" with JRiver of any kind (which is, I think, what Apple thought you meant).

To re-download the app, you need to sign into the App Store using the same AppleID you used to original purchase the app, and then re-download it (you can just search for JRemote in the app store, and it should have a cloud icon).  See this Apple help page for more detail:
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