I would like to be able to use my universal remote (URC MX-900) to control MC20 on my laptop.
I only really need simple basic commands to work---- Play pause stop next previous. The URC MX-900 will control the rest of the commands needed to turn on the receiver, get the correct input/source, volume, etc.
When I go to MC20 > TOOLS > OPTIONS > REMOTE CONTROLS > DEVICE & OPTIONS there are several options, but I think I need to choose USB-UUIRT. I am pretty sure the FLIRC is a USB-UUIRT.
When I looked at the FLIRC webpage and some YouTube videos, it appears that I will need to know the keyboard commands for MC20 which are listed under PLAYER at the top of MC20--- play/pause= control+p, etc.
If there is anyone here who is using FLIRC with a universal remote to control MC20 could you please help me.
Do I understand the setup correctly?
Is there a list of different keyboard commands for MC20 that are not listed under PLAYER or VIEW ? Like UP, DOWN, SELECT, etc.??
If anyone is using a URC universal remote, are there JRiver MC20 commands in their MX EDITOR list of commands? Or doesn't it matter what commands are in the MX-900 as long as they are matched with the correct keyboard commands in the FLIRC setup?