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Author Topic: Windows Drive Letter Problem  (Read 2247 times)


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Windows Drive Letter Problem
« on: May 12, 2015, 12:49:30 pm »

Every now and then (phases of the moon?) Windows (8.1) decides to reassign drive letters to my Pono's memory devices. For a while they're E: and G:, then months later, G: and H:, then later still, E: and H:. Nothing else has changed (no other drives/devices plugged in or installed), Windows just decides to change. I can't figure out anything to do to peg these drive letters for all time so they are controlled by me and don't change. After any of these drive letter switches, I then have problems with PonoMusicWorld/JRiver.

This drive letter switch just happened to me again today. Normally I just go ahead, delete everything fron the Pono and resync, but I'm getting tired of this.

(I keep the sync option "Resync if Date Modified has changed" checked so that when I update a tag the file gets over to my Pono on the next sync.)

Before this latest switch, everything was up-to-date. There was nothing "In queue" to sync. After the switch JRiver now decides I need to resync everything to the Pono. If I uncheck "Resync if Date Modified has changed" all is well. JRiver then thinks the Pono is in sync. I am therefore led to believe it has something to do with the date/time stamp of the tracks in the library or the computer files themselves.

Is there anything I can do to make JRiver think it's date/time matches the Pono's date/time so it doesn't want to do a sync of everything in the library?


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Re: Windows Drive Letter Problem
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2015, 11:23:40 am »

You can try using from the Win desktop My Computer, Management, Disk Management and assign a letter to the drive. Windows will try to  use that letter when you connect afterwards, assuming it presnets no drive letter assignment conflict.
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