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Author Topic: MCWS PlayByFileName Command Plays to Current Zone, Not The Zone in the Command  (Read 2455 times)


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Hi all,

I am trying to use the MCWS PlayByFile command to play 2 files in specific zones. However no matter what I tried it will always play only in the currenly selected zone in JRiver, not the zone that I state in the command.

Here is the http command that I an sending:

http://myuserid:mypassword@myipaddress:52199/MCWS/v1/Playback/PlayByFilename?Filenames=D:\Music\Organized Music\Dropbox\Dropbox Music Sync\PA Beep-01a.mp3|D:\Music\Organized Music\Dropbox\Dropbox Music Sync\PA 01.mp4&Location=Next&Zone=PA Boys' Room&ZoneType=Name

I tried this from the Tasker app on my Android phone & from a browser with the same results.
What am I doing wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


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Please help. Thanks in advance.


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Good find.

Next build:
Fixed: The MCWS command Playback/PlayByFilename didn't honor the zone setting that was passed.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Good find.

Next build:
Fixed: The MCWS command Playback/PlayByFilename didn't honor the zone setting that was passed.

Thanks Matt for your response.

A couple more questions/points.

1)   While looking for an alternative to the “Playbyfilename” command I tried to use the “SetPlayList” command. However I don’t know what to put for the Playlist parameter. I tried the playlist name as well as the playlist ID# but both didn’t work. I searched the forums on what a “serialized playlist” means but couldn’t figure it out. Can someone help me on what needs to be put there for the Playlist parameter?

2)   In the meantime I tried instead the MCC command to set a playlist. Here is the command:"/MCWS/v1/Control/MCC?Command=30007&Parameter= 894722373&Block=0&Zone=PA Kitchen&ZoneType=Name". However here I am running into the same issue as with the PlaybyFileName command. It doesn’t honor the zone setting that’s passed & always plays on the active zone. Can you please confirm if that’s also a bug or if I am doing something wrong?

3)   I have been wanting to use JRiver to be able to make public announcement messages on all my speaker zones. See this thread: Judging from the non-response in that thread I understood that JRiver does not currently have that capability natively. So I started working on a project to be able to do that using the Tasker app on my Android which can send & parse HTTP commands. I am almost there & I hope once I complete it to do a write-up in that thread on how I set it up, as well as some questions, suggestions, and feature requests I encountered along the way. But since I am on the topic already anyway I will mention two feature requests here:

a)   The “PlaybyKey” command doesn’t have the above bug & it does honor the zone command. The problem is it only lets you play 1 file per command. Feature request: Can the command be updated to allow more than one file key in the same command by using a pipe delimited list of key numbers just like the “PlaybyFileName” command?

b)   This would probably not be easy to implement but would be a HUGE help. In the case of my Tasker project it would probably cut the commands I have to use & the complexity by 75%. Can you add to all MCWS commands the possibility to be able to send a command to more than one zone in the same command?

Thank you very much for such a great product & for your help.


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As I told you, a fix for the originally reported issue will be in the next build.

If you're pursuing some other question, please start a new thread.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center
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