Ive been getting crashes from time to time on MC.
I use madvr and my card is Asus GTZ1080.
My logs don't seem to point at anything as far as I see...
I did post one a month or so ago and guys on here said they looked ok...
The only time it really happens is if I'm testing and using stop/start in a fast manner... e.g. I can be playing/testing one ripped BD, stop it jump to my library and start a new BD, that's when occasionally it crashes, I have to then restart the PC. This doesn't happen every time but I can make it happen, its annoying!
Now could it be this....
I went into my settings this morning and saw that buffering was set to 2 secs. I moved it to the recommended setting of 6 secs. Could this affect things for me and cause crashes being set to 2 secs?
I hope this is all it is, I haven't had time yet to fully test it on 6 secs as I hate making it crash for testing.... I certainly don't have the highest settings on madvr, they have always been very conservative and my video card is one of the top.
Thanks in advance, I hope to get to the bottom of this, it would be great if the faster Buffering has fixed it