More > JRiver Media Center 21 for Linux
MC_Notifier - a simple Linux system notification script for MC (using libnotify)
I had changed the icon of MC20 in the main menu, because in the Systray the icon "unknown" appeared. After I had done that, no longer "notify-send" worked,. I think, this has nothing to do with the path in the script.
The actions of KDE are inscrutable. :o
Now I have MC 20 and 21 completely erased, including all directories in / home / and all desktop-files
Reinstalling MC 20 - it works again.
MC 21.0.3. says again that trial period expired. I'll wait with MC 21, until a license is available. I have no desire to argue with MC ::) :-[
What happens if you go to this address in a browser?:
--- Code: ---http://localhost:52199/Gizmo/library.html
--- End code ---
---> this works (but I had there certainly changed nothing)
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