More > JRiver Media Center 21 for Linux

Quick start guide for installing JRiver Mediacenter 21 ARM for Raspberry Pi

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The easiest (not particularly sophisticated) fix is to add a "sleep" command to your script before the line that starts MC to delay the start of MC by some amount.  The syntax is
--- Code: ---sleep X
--- End code ---

Where X is a number expressed in seconds that tells the script how long to wait.

So if it takes your wifi 30 seconds to come up, try "sleep 35" or something like that.  Try tinkering with different values until you get what you need.


--- Quote from: mwillems on October 18, 2015, 09:25:39 am ---The easiest (not particularly sophisticated) fix is to add a "sleep" command to your script before the line that starts MC to delay the start of MC by some amount.  The syntax is
--- Code: ---sleep X
--- End code ---

Where X is a number expressed in seconds that tells the script how long to wait.

So if it takes your wifi 30 seconds to come up, try "sleep 35" or something like that.  Try tinkering with different values until you get what you need.

--- End quote ---


First, thanks guys for posting this: I am running MC21 on my Raspberry Pi Model B (512MB RAM, 2 USB ports) and it is basically working.  I do notice some issues, of course due to lack of horsepower.  I would like to run this solely for audio.  Gizmo is working pretty well, too.

Without MC21 running, the CPU meter in the upper right corner hovers between 0 and 1 percent.  When MC21 is running and not-playing (stopped), the CPU utilization hovers between 4-7 percent with occasional jumps to 44%.  When playing, the CPU utilization pegs at 100% and program reaction is a little slow.

Curious: is there a list of options or features that we can disable to make MC21 more responsive?  Especially given that I only want audio features?  I'd like a stripped-down version if one exists.  Maybe there can be features that are not installed during the primary installation?

Should we disable any swap-files to force running entirely in RAM?

Anyway, still very cool to play with.  Will continue to test.  THANKS!

This will sound dumb, but the single best thing to free up CPU is to disable the spectrum analyzer in the top bar of mediacenter.  It uses a hilarious amount of CPU on linux for some reason, and on a Pi it can actually free up 10 or 20% CPU in my experience.  You turn it off by right clicking on it (or on where it otherwise would appear when playback is stopped)

I forgot to mention: I disabled the Spectrum Analyzer right out of the gate...still pegged at 100% during playback without the analyzer running.  Anything else we can try?

I know you can use VNC to allow MC to run headless; I can use Gizmo for most of the control; does that take less resources than using a display?


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