More > JRiver Media Center 21 for Linux

Dual Monitors - MC ping pongs around..


I have dual monitors on Ubuntu Studio.
If I start gedit and other apps, they always starts on the left monitor.

With MC 21.0.4 it always starts on the right monitor.
Also it often keeps moving ""randomly"" to other monitors, sometimes it complete goes off screen. Sorry can't find any decent steps yet.
Please test dual monitor setups.



--- Quote from: AlexS on August 16, 2015, 07:12:07 pm ---I have dual monitors on Ubuntu Studio.
If I start gedit and other apps, they always starts on the left monitor.

With MC 21.0.4 it always starts on the right monitor.
Also it often keeps moving ""randomly"" to other monitors, sometimes it complete goes off screen. Sorry can't find any decent steps yet.
Please test dual monitor setups.


--- End quote ---
Multiple monitor setups are still a WIP. The behavior is very dependent on the desktop in use.


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