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Author Topic: Embed tag into media file -or- import part of a library  (Read 1806 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Embed tag into media file -or- import part of a library
« on: August 25, 2015, 08:46:21 am »

I have added 1200 FLAC files from my CD collection into JRiver using a spare computer while I was disabled for a few weeks.   There is another (main) computer running JRiver which has about 3000 media files.  I spent about 6 weeks getting the meta-data correct on these files and now would like to add these music files and the edited meta data from the spare computer to the main computer

Since the edited meta-data is not part of the file, simply importing the raw files won't work, as at least 35% had errors

Is it possible to...

1) import just the part of the library created on the spare computer to the main computer, or
2) embed the edited meta-data into the media files so that when I import them, everything is correct?

Thank you
If music be the food of love, play on


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Re: Embed tag into media file -or- import part of a library
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2015, 10:10:01 am »

There are two approaches:

A.  All your tags are supported as file tags.  If you are only using standard tags, then you should be able to tell MC to write those tags to the files.  Then importing the files on the main computer should read those tags right from the files.
B.  If you're using any non-standard tags that won't save to the files, you can do a playlist export as Media Center's MPL format.  MPL contains every field for every file you choose, so this will get everything.  Then you can import the MPL file on the main computer.

Some brief instructions and considerations:

A.  Supported tags.  To get Media Center to write tags to your files, there's an option that has to be turned on.  It's turned on by default, so you shouldn't need to touch it unless you turned it off on purpose: 

Tools > Options > General > Importing & Tagging > Update Tags when file info changes

If that's set, your files should automatically have all of the changes you have made, written to the files, pretty much as you make them.  If it was off, or you want to be extra sure, you can tell MC to write all Library fields to the tags in the files (the ones it supports).  Select some files, then:  Tools > Library Tools > Update Tags (from Library) .

B.  MPL export and import.  The big consideration with this one is where the files are on disk.  If the files on the Spare computer are in exactly the same place as they will on the Main computer, then you don't need to do anything.  If they are in different locations (different drives or different paths), then you'll need to use the Rename, Move, and Copy tool *after* you import the MPL on the Main computer.  The general approach (leaving out all the details) is this:

1.  On the spare computer, select the files you are interested in.  It might be smart to do just a few as a test first.
2.  File > Export Playlist.  Use MPL as the format.  Make note of where this file is being written to.
3.  Copy the MPL file to the Main computer.  Copy the music files to the Main computer.
4.  On the Main computer, import the MPL with:  File > Import Playlist
5.  If the drives or paths for these new files are different from Spare to Main, you'll need to update their locations now.  You'll need to locate the new files first.  Searching for their old path name (like it was on Spare) is a good way to locate them.
6.  Once you've found all of the files that need to have their drives or paths updated, select them and then use the Rename, Move, and Copy tool in UPDATE mode to change the paths.  The Find and Replace mode of MR&C is very useful for this.

Like I said, I'm leaving out details, as it could get very long.  If you need to go the B path, we can try to fill in details for you.  It's not nearly as complicated as it might sound.  It's just a matter of breaking down the steps.  Then doing some testing.  Then doing the bulk of the files.



  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 91
Re: Embed tag into media file -or- import part of a library
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2015, 10:38:15 am »

Thanks a lot.  I will give it a go.  Thank you for the speedy reply!
If music be the food of love, play on
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