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Author Topic: Cover art for multiple CD boxset  (Read 2872 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Cover art for multiple CD boxset
« on: July 13, 2016, 04:40:41 am »

Is there a way to display a multiple cd boxsets for a single artist as one nested album by :
Whith a title and a cover art for the boxset and the corresponding  title and cover art for every cd included in the boxset ?




  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Cover art for multiple CD boxset
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2016, 06:49:20 am »

Help Help Help !!! ?


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Re: Cover art for multiple CD boxset
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2016, 09:30:48 am »

I take it you want a different title for each cd in the set yet keep them all under one album umbrella; is that correct?

I don't know of a way you can do this because of the structure to name an album by it's filename. 

If you wanted to split each cd to a separate album there would be no problem.  This would keep them all under the artist umbrella.

If you wanted to mark each cd (disk 1, disk 2, disk 3, etc.) and have different cover art that would be no problem as you could tag each track with different cover art by putting it in the tag of the file. But you would not be able to rename each album separately.

You can rename each in whatever manner you like to show it as part of the boxset if that's what you want.  There are ways to manipulate it to keep the order, but  don't think you're going to get it exactly like you're looking for. 


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Re: Cover art for multiple CD boxset
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2016, 09:56:19 am »

I have an 87-disc Complete Beethoven box set. Every disc has the same paper sleeve, so different cover art was out of the question. I can't remember if the disc titles came in as "Complete Beethoven - Disc 1" etc, but I think they did. I created a "Beethoven Box" genre so I could group them easily without giving them all the same title but different disc numbers. After a while I realized this made it very difficult to find particular pieces, so I selected tracks within the same opus and changed the album name to the opus name (eg "Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 9 in a Major (Kreutzer), Op. 47"). This produced many more than 87 "albums", but made finding and listening much easier - and they're still grouped in the "Beethoven Box" genre.

I also bought the Marias Callas remastered studio recordings box. In this case each disc had its own cover art, so I did nothing special to group them, other than making sure one of the artist names was Maria Callas. Using this system I see other Callas discs I have that aren't part of the box set, but it wasn't important to me to break out the set. If I had wanted to do that I would have created another genre "Callas Box Set" or something like that. Since I ripped them in order, sorting by date imported preserves the sequence of the box set.

I don't use disc number for pop music sets because normally I want to play one disc from the set, but not the entire set. In that case I'll put the disc number in the album name. I do use disc number for things like operas or symphonies that I want to play from start to finish with a single click.


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Re: Cover art for multiple CD boxset
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2016, 10:53:25 am »


I set up 3 Custom Tags ... Box Set > Disc Volume > Disc Name


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Re: Cover art for multiple CD boxset
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2016, 11:04:54 am »

Try again ??

I set up 3 Custom Tags

Box Set > Disc Volume > Disc Name

Then I set up  a View based on Box Set being NOT Empty ie BoxSet>Disc Volume>Disc Name

Hence in your example

Box Set = The Beethoven Edition
Disc Volume = 01 - Symphonies
Disc Name = 1 - Symphonies 1 & 2 (incidentally I set this to [Disc #] - [Disc Name])

When The view displays , you can select By Disc Volume and see the 5 CD's in Volume 1 Symphonies

It probably works nicer if you don't use the Disc Volume tag as very few box sets have Disc Volume value. If you do this name each Volume Album = "The Beethoven Edition Volume 1 Symphonies" etc

If you have the Art work separately so that you can define separately then you can Do Cover Art> Add From File and add to each "CD" in your box set

It works a dream

Equally you can call each Album tag "The Beethoven Edition" and "Album Artist = "Various Artists" and the set will show in your album listing as a single album

Tagging is in nightmare until you get the hang of it

I know its a bit cheeky but have a look at a program called Tag&Rename this gives you a lot of freedom to attach any artwork down to file level (its fairly cheap)

Hope This helps

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