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Author Topic: JRemote album view (thumbnail array) "jump to" index letter flakiness  (Read 1521 times)


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At the right side of the Album view in JRemote is a vertical alphabet to jump to that section of the active library. I have a very large library loaded. If I tap, say the "B" in that alpha index a large B flashes mid-screen but nothing moves (iPad Air 2) even though no albums with names beginning with "B" are visible. Likewise for some other letters, at least early in the series. I think I recall that "D" works, and certainly later letters such as "H" and "S" work. This is puzzling if I want to jump to my Beethoven titles, for instance. How does the index decide when to jump? I'm wondering if there isn't some assumption that X number of rows are "visible" (perhaps defined for a desktop-size viewport) and the array doesn't jump until that number is exceeded, but on the tablet many of those rows are hidden "below" the viewport, so not actually visible.

This hypothesis could be completely wrong but the behavior is puzzling and frustrating. Any thoughts or fixes?


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Re: JRemote album view (thumbnail array) "jump to" index letter flakiness
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2015, 10:40:07 am »

As far as I recall, it only scrolls to a letter if there is actually at least one album in the library whose album title starts with that exact letter.

For example if the display is currently showing album titles starting with "A" (say), and there are some albums in the library whose title starts with "P" and "R" (say), but there are not any albums whose title starts with "Q", and you press "Q", then the display will not scroll; whereas if you press "P" (or "R") then the display will scroll.

I agree with you that it would be nice (future feature request) that if you press a letter when there are no albums whose title starts with that letter, then display should scroll to display albums whose starting letter is "closest" to the actual letter that you pressed. But that is not the way it works right now.

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