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Author Topic: Tagging problem  (Read 2275 times)


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Tagging problem
« on: August 31, 2015, 01:06:53 pm »


I have a problem with J River. I use metadatics as a tagging program and has tagged several albums here without any problems.

The problem is the tag "Disc #" - it isn't supported in J River - the mac version. A double cd will be shown with the track number eg. 11 22 33 and not separate the discs with the Disc # tag.

I have a master license and on my pc with windows there is no problem here - so this looks like a fault in the sorting-

Please help here with a solution:)

all the best
Frank Helenius


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Re: Tagging problem
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2015, 05:10:23 pm »

JRiver MC definitely has a Disc # field and it uses it.  I'm not sure how it's interacting with how your files are already tagged.  I *am* certain that JRiver obeys the Disc # field and sorts properly.

You should take a look at the full tags of a few of the songs in one of the albums that you are talking about.  Highlight one song and then go to the Tagging Pane.  Right click and select Tag, or just press Alt-Enter.  Once the Tagging Pane opens on the left, you might need to make it show all tags.  Click in the upper left corner of the Tagging Pane and select "all tags".  Then find the Disc # tag and see what is in it.

If it's empty for all tracks, you'll need to fill it in.  Once you have it set correctly, all of the songs will sort properly by disc # and then by track #.

If you can select all of the songs in disc 1 at once, you can tag them all in one operation.  Just type a "1" in the Disc # field in the Tagging Pane and it will set them all at once.  You might be able to sort by filename or by import date or something to group them together for easy selection.  Or just manually select them (using Command-click) individually.

Good luck.



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Re: Tagging problem
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2015, 05:58:14 am »

If it's empty for all tracks, you'll need to fill it in.  Once you have it set correctly, all of the songs will sort properly by disc # and then by track #.


yes, maybe you have to check the View setting (I'm guessing that the "it" Brian is referring to is the view  :D)to make sure the sort order is disk# then trak#. I'd look there first.

However, just to check do a tag dump on one file,to see that the disk# was actually written to disk. If you are using this program after import, you might need to run auto-import to sort this out. Sometimes external changes are not taken into account immediately depending on your set-up. And if ti works for the windows version, then maybe your import settings are not exactly the same?
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