Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Pink Waters on May 31, 2005, 09:03:26 am

Title: MJMS version="3.0/3.1"
Post by: Pink Waters on May 31, 2005, 09:03:26 am
i have some questions about the <customtab> section of the main.xml skinning engine file.
is there any new features that i can add through new codes other than those below ?:
   <Data InternalMarginLeft="18" InternalMarginRight="18" OverlapLeft="0" OverlapRight="0"
      ImageToTextSpacing="6" FirstItemTextOffset="8" MakeFinalItemSameWidth="1" />
   <Entry Name="Button" Bitmap="CustomTab_Button.png" NumberImages="4" Columns="14,?-Flex,14" />
   <Entry Name="BorderRow" Bitmap="CustomTab_BorderRow.png" NumberImages="2" />

another thing, is there anyway i can change the hover effect of the tabs because its a pain in the head when skinning because it destroys all colors one can choose in CustomTab_BorderRow.png file.
