More => Music, Movies, Politics, and Other Cheap Thrills => Topic started by: glynor on May 04, 2017, 11:35:06 pm

Title: The Great Glynor Move Is Nearly Complete
Post by: glynor on May 04, 2017, 11:35:06 pm
Hey everyone! As some of you probably know, I sold my home a smidge over a year ago now, and I've been in the process of moving (and moving, and moving) while building a new house for this past year. It has been exhausting, stressful, rewarding, exciting, and terrifying all mixed up into one. That, and the fact that I have not had reliable Internet access for much of this time, nor access to my "real" AV and computer systems, has also made me very intermittent in my availability here on Interact.

Well, the good news is that we're now almost done with our new home. We're moved in, anyway, though my dining room table is in pieces on the floor, the "office" is just a pile of disassembled stuff, and I'm surrounded by boxes everywhere I go. But, I have a couch to sit on and my TV (boy, I missed my Panasonic plasma the past year) in the Living Room. That's an improvement from last week when the only "chair like furniture" we had to sit on in the house was the toilets!

So, I thought some of you might enjoy a few photos. I'll post more later.
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It isn't done yet, but they've made great progress over the past two weeks, and the end is in-sight. Of course, I still have massive tasks in front of me around things like rebuilding my network and hooking up all of my computers again, and you know, landscaping. And gardens. And... Let's not think about it.

But, summer is coming, and perhaps more importantly... The cable company is coming on Saturday and bringing me Internets!!!
Title: Re: The Great Glynor Move Is Nearly Complete
Post by: marko on May 04, 2017, 11:47:00 pm
What an undertaking! Stunning result.
Title: Re: The Great Glynor Move Is Nearly Complete
Post by: astromo on May 05, 2017, 02:43:28 am
Oh, the joy of the project S curve where the final 1% to achieve completion can take almost as long as the first 99% of progress.

Sounds like you deserve a holiday for all your hard graft.

All the best with getting that last 1% sorted ahead of time.
Title: Re: The Great Glynor Move Is Nearly Complete
Post by: JimH on May 05, 2017, 06:28:34 am
Fantastic!  A dream come true!  Well done!

How about a couple pictures of the inside?

That's a very nice house.
Title: Re: The Great Glynor Move Is Nearly Complete
Post by: jmone on May 05, 2017, 06:31:16 am
It looks like you are on a pretty big block of land as well!