Devices => Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod, Airplay => Topic started by: Shrubwalker on April 15, 2016, 06:47:44 pm

Title: Disable Airplay automatic connect
Post by: Shrubwalker on April 15, 2016, 06:47:44 pm
My MC21 is automatically trying to connect to other people's airservers in the building.  It won't stop popping up the boxes that are asking for passwords.  It's really annoying.  It happens constantly.  Is there a way that I can stop MC from trying to connect to other people's airservers?
Title: Re: Disable Airplay automatic connect
Post by: JimH on April 16, 2016, 01:01:39 am
MC doesn't support Airplay.  Maybe you're seeing DLNA Servers.  Right click and you can hide them.

If that isn't it, please provide more details.  Windows or Mac, version, etc.