15. NEW: TV time-shifting supports audio compression.
15. NEW: TV time-shifting supports audio compression
17. NEW: Action Window > Play shows "split pane" Playing Now.
Do you have any idea how much coding must have gone into this?!?
I just noticed that you can't re-order items in the Playing Now split pane.
The right click menu to switch between the views, is, IMO not enough. A tabbed interface to switch between the views would be nice. But even the semi-toolbar that we had before would be ok.
Where did the 'Display options' in Hairstyle go?
Lol Monkey. I just realised that at exactly the same time I saw your post. Where is it guys?? We gotta be able to stop now and again.
The "stop" button is kind of expected, but really... Does not the "Pause" button offers same functionality?
The top bar is still a work in progress. We know it isn't better. At least not yet.
Any suggestions on how to do this would be welcome. A clean-n-simple look is very important there. Tooltips + right-click was the cleanest, but we don't think it'll hold up in usability tests. Ideas?
Any suggestions on how to do this would be welcome. A clean-n-simple look is very important there. Tooltips + right-click was the cleanest, but we don't think it'll hold up in usability tests. Ideas?
The top bar is still a work in progress. We know it isn't better. At least not yet.
Any suggestions on how to do this would be welcome. A clean-n-simple look is very important there. Tooltips + right-click was the cleanest, but we don't think it'll hold up in usability tests. Ideas?
And a PS...I dont think Pause and Stop are the same thing. There is a definite time when stop is necessary. Even if it was a shift click on the pause button...don't tell me it is a shift click on the pause button ;D
6) Basically, I am of the opinion that refining functionality and make it rock solid is more important to have a really good product than UI cosmetics.
1) I like the new position of Search Bar, it seems to be more usable now.
2) I don't like the position of the controls in the middle, I prefer them on the left and the display in the middle. By the way, instead of copying the Mac, why don't you make your control buttons the same shape as your MC9 logo - that would look really rock (Play in the middle, stop below, pause above, left and right). I think WinDVD has something similar and it looks really smart!
I agree..! :)
I Totally Agree ::D
No, there is no a shift click. But if you are able to click while holding CTRL-ALT-L and F6, the result is just what you wish.
Any suggestions on how to do this would be welcome. A clean-n-simple look is very important there. Tooltips + right-click was the cleanest, but we don't think it'll hold up in usability tests. Ideas?
The top bar is still a work in progress. We know it isn't better. At least not yet.
Quote: The right click menu to switch between the views, is, IMO not enough. A tabbed interface to switch between the views would be nice. But even the semi-toolbar that we had before would be ok.
Any suggestions on how to do this would be welcome. A clean-n-simple look is very important there. Tooltips + right-click was the cleanest, but we don't think it'll hold up in usability tests. Ideas?
The new version is UUUGLY. Man that top panel just sucks. But I know, it will get better. I never had a problem with the regular 9.1 version of the top window, and I don't think most people did either. Except for maybe the small search bar on 9.1
As for people thinking that MC is copying iTunes with the 9.1 interface... Microsoft has been copying Apple for years and for good reason... they make a good product.
Smartlists seem to have stopped working. Every smartlist returns a list of everything in the Media Library.
I'm using Windows XP, MC v9.1.228
The system info option under help keeps giving an invalid argument error.
the mouse from the PARC Labs
i have a good idea that might help in the new interface of the playbar..
just a small button down the stop or pause button that closes the library window and clicking again to close the library window..
Just some general notes:
I'm not a huge fan of the new bar, it doesn't look nearly as good as the previous bar, but I understand that it's being worked on.
There should be a better way of displaying rules for smart lists. When you have multiple rules or longer rules, it is very hard to edit as they extend off of the single line. Maybe having a separate window pop up. Or having the list rules in the left hand pain. I would love to have a small window and be able to control the rules much as they are done in mail programs for filters. Or, have an easier way of actually editing and viewing the rule.
My problem is that in order to view it, I have to select "edit by typing" and then use the right arrow to get over to the rest of the rule.
The top bar of the program has been rearranged. Expect it to change more before things are finished. Once the design is finalized, the skins will be cleaned up for the new look. For now, we know it doesn't look or work optimally.
It's a work in progress. Don't try it if bugs, crashes, and half-finished features will upset you.
mini-me is our "Player Mode". I think adding another mode on top of that doesn't give us much. An easier or more obvious way to get to mini-me may be useful though.
Second, WOW!!!! We can now view the playlist and media library at the same time! Kudos and accolades, guys! This is an awesome milestone. :D ;D :D
Just some general notes:
There should be a better way of displaying rules for smart lists. When you have multiple rules or longer rules, it is very hard to edit as they extend off of the single line. Maybe having a separate window pop up. Or having the list rules in the left hand pain. I would love to have a small window and be able to control the rules much as they are done in mail programs for filters. Or, have an easier way of actually editing and viewing the rule.
My problem is that in order to view it, I have to select "edit by typing" and then use the right arrow to get over to the rest of the rule.
Manual item switching -- already mentioned this, but we need to expose the tools and modes that are available but want a very clean look. Right-click, auto-hide, or one button that opens a menu (like the Windows Start button) are some ideas.
Other helpful pages -- what other things could be in the action window that would be helpful?
i have a good idea that might help in the new interface of the playbar..
just a small button down the stop or pause button that closes the library window and clicking again to close the library window..
mini-me is our "Player Mode". I think adding another mode on top of that doesn't give us much. An easier or more obvious way to get to mini-me may be useful though.
mini-me is our "Player Mode". I think adding another mode on top of that doesn't give us much. An easier or more obvious way to get to mini-me may be useful though.
- Auto-sizing -- when we watched people use it before, they were always having to manually move the properties splitter. Auto-sizing fixes that and it gets rid of clutter from splitters. The challenge is to make it smart enough without making it feel like it's always moving.
- Smart item switching -- it makes sense to show a simple, graphical "Burn CD" page when the user says they want to burn a CD. The same holds for building a playlist or Playing Now. However, we don't want to always be shoving it in peoples faces. When should it show up / auto-switch items?
- Manual item switching -- already mentioned this, but we need to expose the tools and modes that are available but want a very clean look. Right-click, auto-hide, or one button that opens a menu (like the Windows Start button) are some ideas.
- Other helpful pages -- what other things could be in the action window that would be helpful? We've thought a "Tools" page that listed tools with an explanation and "Run Tool" button on it may be helpful. Any other ideas?
- How the "hidden" mode should look -- when the properties are minimized, what should it do? If you put it in "Drag, Drop, & Go" it works just like the old Drop Target. If it's in "File Properties", it's worthless. Should it switch to "Drag, Drop & Go" in hidden mode, or is there some other slick thing we could do.
Changed: Pane splitter resizing more intuitive.
Have u tried the Favourites menu? I think you'll find it does exactly what you want...You canhave it as a drop down on your toolbar. Right click the toolbar, customize and add the Favourites icon. I think you can just drag and drop locations to it or right click in the tree and select add to favourites.
3) In the Action window you included Playing Now.
That's ok, but the basic functionality of the property window has not really improved - just cosmetics.
Why are you so reluctant to group the fields according to media type and name them properly (audio, images, video as in Media Library)? And why are you so reluctant to have our own grouping as so many have asked for?
I liked the idea of having a Mini-me skin that looks like just the top bar of the Mega-me skin, with an easy icon to switch between the two.
and it would be better to click the same button again to get it compacted more and give us a toolbar mode with a hight bigger than the player button a while.. and be placed upper the start menu bar... with button to open the library too
- Auto-sizing...
- Smart item switching...
- Manual item switching...
- Other helpful pages...
- How the "hidden" mode should look...
Playerbar | |
------------------ | -------------------------- |
Tree | | |
------------------ | | Library or Playing Now |
Action Window | | |
Playerbar | |
------------------ | -------------------------- |
Tree | | Library or Playing Now |
------------------ | -------------------------- |
Action Window |
when only little content is shown in the "Action Window" (properties or an image, for example). But if there are shown tools and especially lists, wouldn't it be nice if the "Action Window" could expand ("auto-sizing"...) not only to the top (inside the tree area) but also to the right
The changed properties-area with the new 'Drag, drop ,go'-view is great. Now we can see what we play and search in the library at the same time. That's what a DJ needs
I think you're on the right way.
Looks fantastic and good idea!
By the way: the http://www.futurehome.de/mc/split_view.htm suggestion is great!
You can already do 1
The reason your views are changing when you resort is probably cause you have the option set in Tree and View settings to save all changes. Unchek this, set the scheme how you want it then right clk one of the columns and select save view scheme.
decide to delete one of them (bad quality) but for this file I've done my tagging. So I want to copy all tag fields to the new one and finally delete the first file.
Smartlists seem to have stopped working. Every smartlist returns a list of everything in the Media Library.
I'm using Windows XP, MC v9.1.228
The system info option under help keeps giving an invalid argument error.
you can do that. There is a function "Copy/Move fields". You select the fields you want to copy or move and then do it in one go!
I just noticed that you can't re-order items in the Playing Now split pane. You can choose where to drop them, but once they're there, there's no moving them without going to the real Playing Now. I hope that'll be addressed.
It's very difficult to find the current playing song on Drag & Drop playlist. A highlight or arrow on the current playing song would be great.
Smartlists seem to have stopped working. Every smartlist returns a list of everything in the Media Library.
I'm using Windows XP, MC v9.1.228
Great work guys. The direction is good and I have a feeling you'll make all the needed "polish" as quickly as you can code it. So, I have no suggestions just yet on how the new stuff should work, other than making "quick click" iconic tabs to switch between the six "Item To Show" options. No text, to save space, just tooltips to further describe to newbies what each tab icon switches to.
Also, on a related "change the interface" vein: it's my opinion that the "Media Center Display" area that currently shows above the Playing Now area should actually show *below* it now. This would keep the top sub toolbar at the very top, so that the browsing back and forward buttons are always in the same place on the screen. Currently, all other areas within MC show the back and forward in that same place, but you have to go hunt them down when in Playing Now.
Again, awesome direction guys!
Oh, and those quick click iconic tabs should probably be along the bottom of the new active window thing, that way they don't move when the area resizes itself.
Burning doesn't seem to work. Screen to burn comes up as if it's about to start. The information box goes white (no repainting and so does the windows task bar) then it just sits there.
I can't burn with .228 because of problems already reported. Can't go back to previous versions because it won't recognize my library and tells me to go back to the latest version.
Help - get me out of this; gotta burn some promised CD's .
Anyhow downloaded a trial competitor program, remade Playlists, burned the CDs I needed...You must be mistaken. There is no competition for MC!
Since it's three pages long, excuse me for not reading every post to find out if this has been reported:Yes. Had it 3 times but can't find the pattern. Still trying to recreate it. When it does happen if you click on another view then back again it's OK.
Anybody else notice the random "right click works now it doesn't" routine?