More => Old Versions => Media Center 11 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: cruiserman on August 06, 2003, 06:47:40 pm

Title: DJ w/ MJ
Post by: cruiserman on August 06, 2003, 06:47:40 pm

can you use MJ 9 to DJ?  more specifically, does MJ have the ability to xfade between to players, both of which are maped to the same audio (asio) output?  in addition, also have the ability to have either a third player or use the second player as a monitor for cueing up songs using headphones?  if so, how whould you do this.  if not, do you have any suggestions for getting some of this functionallity from MJ9?  

btw:i'm using winxp pro with a 8 channel (asio) gigaport ag usb audio device.


Title: Re: DJ w/ MJ
Post by: JimH on August 07, 2003, 04:10:21 am
I'm surprised nobody has answered this because I know that it is used by DJ's.  

It does do cross fade and it does to ASIO.  You can't run two players at once, but you can use two zones to play to two different sound cards.
Title: Re: DJ w/ MJ
Post by: cruiserman on August 07, 2003, 05:00:11 am
thanks for the reply.  thats kinda what i thought using multizone, but the mixer operation it still seems limited (not useful) and arkward when compared to the mixer funtion in actual dj software.

is there a method of using multizone that i'm just not understanding that may provide or mimic the funtionality of a real s/w mixer?

the reason is that i really like MJ for casual performances or home parties, rather than deal with complexities and limitations (yes)  of dj s/w.
Title: Re: DJ w/ MJ
Post by: NoCodeUK on August 07, 2003, 06:31:01 am
I use MC to "DJ" in a way but I do not DJ in the sense of wanting to beat match or needing to cue files so in this sense MC works great.  I use the library to find tracks and have my PLaying Now setting set to add to end.  This way I find a track, dbl lcik and it is added to the end of the list.  The crossfade is set to 5 secs.  Works great for what I need but like I said I am not really a DJ.  I do more sort of "discos" (tho I hate the word.  Sounds too much like the 70's for my liking.  Earth Wind & Fire and all that).
I tried using PCDJ and found MC was more suitable cos of its excellent library.  The library in PCDJ was poor...

Title: Re: DJ w/ MJ
Post by: cruiserman on August 07, 2003, 07:45:05 am
yup, library and filing functions are the biggest limitation with many of the dj packages. MJ excels at this.  i guess i need something to bridge the gap between MJ and PCDJ, Traktor, etc. anyone have suggestions?
Title: Re: DJ w/ MJ
Post by: JimH on August 07, 2003, 07:55:11 am
You might let the publishers of the DJ software you use know that they can control MC by using one of our SDK's.  See the Developer's Zone under Interact above for more info.
Title: Re: DJ w/ MJ
Post by: NoCodeUK on August 07, 2003, 08:28:45 am
LOL I am looking for that very same piece of software.  That would be the holy grail as far as DJ software is concerned...

Title: Re: DJ w/ MJ
Post by: NoCodeUK on August 07, 2003, 08:31:21 am
Jim,  It is more a case of the other way round...using MC as the library and then cueing up the DJ software so you can have two players, pitch control, BPM mapping etc.  The playback engines of these softwares are usually okay it is the library part that is poorly implemented.  This is the bit MC excels at  but it does not have the DJ functions for playback.  I may look into devloping some kind of plugin which would allow you to use MC to queue up two players and then cross fade between the two manually using a slider.  However with all my plugin ideas I may not have the programming knowledge to get it beyond the idea stage :)

Title: Re: DJ w/ MJ
Post by: KingSparta on August 07, 2003, 08:32:23 am
I use MC to "DJ" in a way but I do not DJ in the sense of wanting to beat match

i wonder if J river could do this and maybe other things to make MC\MJ more DJ user friendly.

or a split (another product) "DJ Master" to allow users, DJ's to have more control over what is to play.
Title: Re: DJ w/ MJ
Post by: NoCodeUK on August 07, 2003, 08:34:19 am
I would love this to happen but I think this probably a niche market and as such is not necessarily something J River would consider for MC.  Their have been calls in the past for more DJ oriented features like manual crossfading and tempo control but none have been implemented as yet...

Title: Re: DJ w/ MJ
Post by: KingSparta on August 07, 2003, 08:36:14 am
i wonder if more control could be made in the SDK that this could happen as a plug-in
Title: Re: DJ w/ MJ
Post by: NoCodeUK on August 07, 2003, 09:03:57 am
That is what I was thinking of.  A plug in within MC that would allow you to choose tracks and send them to either player in an external app window that would then allow cross fading/beat matching.  If it was done like this it would be an optional extra so would not have to be part of the default MC setup...Basically use MCs library to choose the tracks and the external app to do the DJ bits...

Title: Re: DJ w/ MJ
Post by: kiwi on August 07, 2003, 09:26:07 am
You might be able to get away with using a sound card that has a mixer/fader in its control panel and using 2 zones playing to two virtual inputs of said device.  Then fade between them.  Not quite as clean, but it might be good.  You could possibly send either zone's output to head phones.  And have one output device and a number of virtual ones.

Don't know much about them, I've just seen features like that in products feature lists and have no idea how they really work.

Title: Re: DJ w/ MJ
Post by: xen-uno on August 07, 2003, 10:19:26 am
To make MJ/MC more DJ friendly would require nothing more than the ability to keep the Playing Now window and your source windows (ie Media Library, playlists, smartlists, etc) viewable at the same time. The other very useful function would be to have PN clear out tracks that it has just played, so the the currently playing track would always be at the top of the list.

Title: Re: DJ w/ MJ
Post by: NoCodeUK on August 07, 2003, 03:12:06 pm
Well we are half way there now then!!

Title: Re: DJ w/ MJ
Post by: cruiserman on August 11, 2003, 10:26:18 am
ok, changing gears here a little.  i just tried using MC 9 with my ASIO gigport ag USB (4 discrete stereo output channels) and i can't get MC  to output to any other channels beside channel 0 (right and left). using the ASIO setting, i tried several different channels in zonemanager, but the sound is always directed out the same outputs. any suggestions?

ps. i have been sucessfully using this devices with other dj s/w.