Networks and Remotes => Remotes => Topic started by: mirdle on July 18, 2016, 07:54:04 am
Using android version with MC22.
To keep the question simple, when I click on an album stack from this menu:
(see first attachment)
I get this for the selected album artist (each track from each album is displayed)
(see second attachment)
But what I'd like to get is this (each album is displayed instead of each track)
(see third attachment)
Is this possible?
Thanks for any help.
You need to attach the images to your post (your links do not import)
I have same wish/question, re-phrased: Is it possible to have Smartlists on JRemote viewed as Album Thumbnails and grouped same (only one thumbnail per album even if they are multiple tracks)?
You can customize the view to your liking. Options > Media Network > Advanced
click > ... Customize views for JRemote, Gizmo & WebGizmo...
Thank you 221bBS. Got it. Works as advertised. :)