More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 22 for Windows => Topic started by: jkauff on August 05, 2016, 11:56:13 am
The Windows 10 Anniversary update has broken madVR's use of NNEDI3 (OpenCL) in MC22. Movies play, but the image is green and distorted with lots of multi-colored squares. Changing to superxbr solves the problem.
NNEDI3 works in both versions of MPC, but not in MC.
The Windows 10 Anniversary update has broken madVR's use of NNEDI3 (OpenCL) in MC22. Movies play, but the image is green and distorted with lots of multi-colored squares. Changing to superxbr solves the problem.
Please report madVR problems to the madVR thread on the Doom9 forum.
I have, but this problem only occurs in MC. Other players work fine.
BTW, I'm using a GTX 770 with the latest NVIDIA drivers.
Is this only in mc22?
Cause it's still working fine on MC21, I have the same video card in my HTPC along with latest drivers.
EDIT: Just installed MC 22. It's fine also. I'd recommend re-installing MC 22, if you have not tried already.
I haven't tried that yet, but I will. Thanks for the suggestion.
If NNEDI3 is working for you, it must not be an MC bug but something on my end.
The Windows 10 Anniversary update has broken madVR's use of NNEDI3 (OpenCL) in MC22. Movies play, but the image is green and distorted with lots of multi-colored squares. Changing to superxbr solves the problem.
NNEDI3 works in both versions of MPC, but not in MC.
I believe the Anniversary update overwrites the Nvidia OpenCL component, reinstalling the Nvidia drivers should resolve your issue with NNEDI3.
I believe the Anniversary update overwrites the Nvidia OpenCL component, reinstalling the Nvidia drivers should resolve your issue with NNEDI3.
I read that, too, and did a deep uninstall of the Nvidia drivers, then reinstalled the latest version (clean install). The utility GPU Caps Viewer shows OpenCL being available, and other players work fine with NNEDI3.
If I reset madVR to default settings, and change nothing but setting image doubling to NNEDI3, MC 22's display is distorted. Changing image doubling to superxbr solves the problem, but I like the look of NNEDI3 for SD movies. For the time being, I've set .mkv files in MC to launch another player until someone can duplicate the problem in the MC player.
Apparently the issue with Windows 10 installing a corrupted version of opencl.dll goes back a few months, and Microsoft has acknowledged it but not fixed it. madVR uses the opencl.dll distributed with the graphics card driver, which is why it works in MPC and other players.
I suspect Red October may already have a different version of opencl.dll loaded, and madVR can't open the graphics driver version.
Just FYI, if anyone's interested.
It might be worth trying deleting the OpenCL (hkcu\software\madshi\madvr\opencl\yourvideocard) key in the registry, I seem to remember that fixed some OpenCL issues a while back. Madvr recreates it so make sure you run Madvr from JRiver first.
It sounds like you are running two instances of Madvr, I always register just the JRiver version so I only have one version installed and use the JRiver version with MPC etc. Might help....(and you can test your different OpenCL theory).
Thanks Terry. Gave it a try, and madVR (from MC) created exactly the same (correct) values.
I also only keep one version of madVR, in the JRiver folder.
Didn't solve the problem, however. I'm still inclined to think MC is loading opencl.dll, probably the Win 10 version, before madVR can load the Nvidia version.
Try deleting the files in the madVR folder and then start a movie, so MC will reimport a fresh copy of madVR
NNED13 hasn't worked for me for months, started back in 21. But only on some videos. I just give up using it.
using invida gtx 780 ti card
I followed some advice I found, did a deep uninstall of the current Nvidia driver, and did a clean install of the older 359.06 version.
It did eliminate the occasional crashes I was getting in both flavors of MPC, but no change to the behavior in MC 22.
Complaints are getting louder, hopefully Microsoft is listening and will get a fix out soon.
I had the same problem after upgrading to Win 10 Anniv. Edition. GPU-Z showed no Open CL. I have uninstalled all NVIDIA drivers and then used Geoforce Experience to install the latest drivers. After that every thing was OK :).
I'm still inclined to think MC is loading opencl.dll, probably the Win 10 version, before madVR can load the Nvidia version.
MC does not use OpenCL, or even load it.
MC does not use OpenCL, or even load it.
Thanks, Hendrik, it's good to know that. One more theory bites the dust. :)
I guess we'll have to wait for Microsoft to fix the problem. This end user is giving up.
I found a good-enough workaround for this problem. I now have madVR installed in two different places.
The JRiver version (in its usual location) is 0.90.20, and I have it set to use superxbr for image doubling. I put my 0.90.23 files in c:\madvr, set to use NNEDI3 for image doubling.
My other players use the 0.90.23 files, and MC 22 uses the 0.90.20 files. I think this works because MC is using the 32-bit version, and the other players are using 64-bit.
In any case, I can now play my movies in all my players with no problems.
On Nvidia's website you can find a download of their latest drivers (372.54) especially for Win 10 Anniversary Update.
These drivers fix the 32-bit OpenCL problem I described above.
Just FYI for anyone else affected.