Windows => Television => Topic started by: trevoraiston on September 07, 2016, 12:49:28 pm

Title: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: trevoraiston on September 07, 2016, 12:49:28 pm
Logged in this morning and TV has lost all channel/program info.  Managed to get channels back but no prog info

Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: trevoraiston on September 07, 2016, 01:01:28 pm
Also video playback on live TV jumpy.  Wonder if I should go back earlier build?

Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: JimH on September 07, 2016, 01:03:47 pm
You might be able to restore a backup.

Power your machine and tuner down and back up.
Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: imeric on September 07, 2016, 01:31:57 pm
Assuming your TV setup was already done 2 things you can do:

1. Look at when the program guide was last refreshed in the standard view beside TV Options at the bottom.
2. Since I upgraded to MC22 I noticed the "automatically load the program guide everyday in the background" was disabled under "Load Porgram Guide...In TV Options..  I just re-enabled it.
3. While you're there click ok to run Selected profiles now...

Hope this helps
Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: trevoraiston on September 07, 2016, 03:36:41 pm
Done all the above no joy.  Even reinstalled 21 same issues. No programme info and jumpy TV playback. Although movies and tv recording playback fine .

What next Full uninstall and reinstall?

Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: Yaobing on September 07, 2016, 03:41:09 pm
Trevor, your screenshot shows that you do have channels, but do not have EPG data.

As Eric has suggested, the first thing to check is to make sure "automatically load..." checkbox is checked.  From your last post, it looks like you already checked that.  Did you try manually update EPG?  If manual update still does not produce data, it is likely a problem at the EPG data provider.
Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: trevoraiston on September 07, 2016, 03:44:47 pm
And the jittery live TV video playback?
Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: JimH on September 07, 2016, 06:16:22 pm

Where are the files stored?  Local drive?
Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: imeric on September 07, 2016, 06:19:30 pm
Under Video settings Are you using Red October Standard or HQ? Toggle between the 2 and let us know what happens.
Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: trevoraiston on September 07, 2016, 11:21:29 pm
Thanks.  That was it.

5am here and already been up for couple hours will return to programme settings later today.

Still leaves the question why had things changed? I hadn't modified video or EPG s, or anything in JRiver?
Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: imeric on September 08, 2016, 07:30:40 am
So what was the issue? Antivirus?
Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: trevoraiston on September 08, 2016, 09:38:48 am
I've used the same anti virus all the time either jrmc and it's never been an issue. I stepped down the video setting as suggested.  Although I'm assuming it has been at the higher level all the time I've used jriver mc.  So why it would suddenly  become one is a mystery?
Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: imeric on September 08, 2016, 10:38:00 am
Same happened to me a few months back with MC21 with one of my "Older" PCs where I had to go from ROHQ to Red October Standard...I just left it at that since it wasn't my main HTPC and the image quality was good enough for a smaller PC...Maybe a MADVR update caused it?

In my case nothing to do with the upgrade from MC21 to MC22.  As I said in other posts this had to be the smoothest version upgrade thus far...
Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: trevoraiston on September 08, 2016, 01:38:07 pm
Often get madvr  crashing on me!

Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: JimH on September 08, 2016, 05:32:14 pm
madVR support is on the doom9 forum.
Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: imeric on September 08, 2016, 07:08:10 pm
So we should go to doom9 if we have MC video playback issue in ROHQ? Not sure I understand...
Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: JimH on September 08, 2016, 08:33:41 pm
If the problem is with madVR, yes.
Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: trevoraiston on September 08, 2016, 08:48:05 pm
Dummies question, can you run jrmc without madVR?

Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: JimH on September 08, 2016, 09:04:48 pm
Use Red October Standard in MC's Video Settings.
Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: trevoraiston on September 09, 2016, 12:35:14 am
Channels AND programs restored hurray. Only thing I changed was to tick (for a try) astc option (see screenshot)

Don't know what astc is but now got full pramme guide.

THanks all for your patience with me


PS what does astc stand for doh

Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: JimH on September 09, 2016, 07:38:58 am
Title: Re: TV Lost Channel Info
Post by: Yaobing on September 09, 2016, 09:09:34 am
Channels AND programs restored hurray. Only thing I changed was to tick (for a try) astc option (see screenshot)

Don't know what astc is but now got full pramme guide.

THanks all for your patience with me


PS what does astc stand for doh

If that is what restored EPG data, then I am guessing you had setup your options to run ATSC over-the-air EPG loading, perhaps in addition to mc2xml option.

Go to TV Options, click "Load program guide...".

On the resulting dialog window, make sure the checkbox "Automatically load the program guide everyday in the background" is checked.  Then take a good look at the list of EPG modes in the middle of the window.  You should put check marks on only the modes that you want to use.  In particular, you should probably not check "OTA" mode (if it is in the list) unless you know you want to use Over-the-air EPG mode for ATSC TV.

If OTA mode is not selected (checked) , or it is not even in the list, then the option "In Over-the-air EPG scan (ATSC only), save programs for channels with empty XMLTV IDs only" option is not relevant.  Checking or unchecking it should not matter.  It might have been a coincidence that "it fixed the issue".