More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 22 for Windows => Topic started by: jeklaussen09 on December 27, 2016, 10:29:53 am
I have tried to import my Game og Thrones series.
I have this file structur:
/series/SeriesName/Season #/E#-EpisodeName.mkv
I have read a lot to try understanding. But this was little over my head.
Pleas help me to make rules for importing so I can have right tags completed when I run importing.
See this Wiki explanation
Basically it's like this:
Media Center's Carnac feature recognizes a variety of file naming styles. One syntax that works well for file naming is: Series_name.SxxEyy.Episode_name.File_extension where xx is the Season number and yy is the Episode number.
For example:
Frasier.S01E01.The Good Son.mkv
Yes, I have seen that. But when I have most of my information in PATH and filename I started to get problems to understand how my rules would be for my import..
Are you just importing Game of Thrones or are you setting up a template for all of you TV shows?
All of my TV-Shows. Game of Thrones are just the beginning.
I have the same catalog structure on all.
Try the "Fill Properties from File Name" tool. Select the file(s) you want to import. You can use the Drives & Devices >Explorer to find the file wherever it is stored. Then right click on it and select "Library Tools>Fill Properties from File Name. There is a results window on the right so you can see what the rule will look like.
Maybe the other choice would be to use the "Rename, Move, and Copy" Tool to move all the TV series from the folders where they are now to a new folder setup like discussed earlier. This tool has a results window too, so you create the rule then you can see how it works before actually using it.
Basically, I think you just need to remove the "/" between season# and episode# then it would look like the example from the wiki.
How many files do you need to fix?
Also take a look at this thread, which is full of auto-import tagging wonders. You can specify lots of rules based on the filename path:
Thanks to glynor again for this one.
All of my TV-Shows. Game of Thrones are just the beginning.
I have the same catalog structure on all.
It shouldn't be a problem to use your current file names with tag on import.
If no one chimes in first I can write up some expressions for you.
Just need some time, holidays and all.
Hi Syndromeofadown,
Please write down some examples for me.
I really appreciate your help.
Hi jeklaussen09
Can you please post a few examples of your files names
M:\Video M\Video\MKV(DVD)\TV Show\Penny Dreadful\03\01_.mkv
Hi, and happy new year!
My files are named like this:
m:\Series\Game of Thrones\Season 01\E01-Winter is comming.mkv for normal files
m:\Series\Game of Thrones\Bonus\S01-Character profiles.mkv for Bonus/features files
Here are some expressions that can get you started. They are very basic as I am no expert. Someone may chime in and put them to shame. MrC and blgentry have a lot of examples you can search for on the forum.
These should work for Tag On Import for your regular TV episodes but not for your bonus content.
TV Show
regex([Filename],/#\\Series\\(.+?)\\Season (.+?)\\E(.+?)\-(.+?)\.(?:)#/,1)
regex([Filename],/#\\Series\\(.+?)\\Season (.+?)\\E(.+?)\-(.+?)\.(?:)#/,2)
regex([Filename],/#\\Series\\(.+?)\\Season (.+?)\\E(.+?)\-(.+?)\.(?:)#/,3)
regex([Filename],/#\\Series\\(.+?)\\Season (.+?)\\E(.+?)\-(.+?)\.(?:)#/,4)
You can also use them in the tag window by pasting them with an equal sign before.
=regex([Filename],/#\\Series\\(.+?)\\Season (.+?)\\E(.+?)\-(.+?)\.(?:)#/,1)
Your bonus content has a different file structure than your normal shows and can be dealt with in a few ways:
1 rename your bonus content to match the file structure of your regular episodes.
2 import them separately with a different set of rules
3 write a separate expression for bonus content then combine the two with an if/else so that you have a singe set of import rules to handle both.
I would lean towards option 1 because if bonus material is named similar to regular episode it could likely be viewed in the same MC view. If you will have separate views for bonus material then option 2 or 3 would make more sense. Up to you.
Remember that if you are re-importing with Tag On Import there are a few steps you have to do first.
1. Delete any JRSidecar.xml document on disk.
2. Remove the file from the library.
3. Remove them from the deleted items database (search ~d=r in a view filter or smartlist).
I will try to make some effort this coming weekend.
Thanks again.