More => Old Versions => Media Center 11 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: Yangus on July 07, 2003, 09:51:02 am
Right now I'm busy adding lyrics to all my tracks, should take a while as there are over 3,000 to do.
What are the chances that by the time I'm done and I'm ready to start on Bios, that I will be able to save one Bio for an artist and attach it to each track by that artist (from within MC) rather than store the same Bio in each tag.
Are you always connected to the internet when using Media Center or do you use it off-line as well?
If you're talking about just saving yourself some time, you could probably use the Copy Fields tool to copy the Bio from track by an artist to all of the tracks by that artist.
If you're talking about saving disk space... that's another matter entirely.
What I'm talking about is: it makes sense to have lyrics saved with the tag - one lyric, one tag. With Bio's however, you are only going to save one Bio per artist. Does it make sense to have the same Bio saved in every tag for the same artist?
Just wondering.
Well, it makes sense from the perspective of: there's no other way to do it.
disclaimer : That I'm aware of.
I know what your saying - I have 200 songs by 2 pac and to have the BIOS show for each file I need to save it with each file.
What your talking about is a relational database and as of yet, MC isn't one as far as I know.
U just have to save it 200 times if u want it to show for each file.
So, any chance of it changing?
To be honest - I'm just guessing because I dont work for them.
But I cant see it changing any time soon.
To change from a flat database to a relationtional one would be a BIG change, a good one I'm sure but a BIG one none the less so I dont see it changing except during a major upgrade (v9 -> v10 etc)
And I'm not too sure it'd go high on their priority list.
All the BIOS info is just stored in the MC library though unless u choose for it to be stored in the files so although it will make the library QUITE a bit larger (hopefully not slower), it shouldn't matter too much.
I am not sure I understand the question...
He has 50 songs by 1 artist.
He want's the Bios to show for all 50 songs but doesn't want to have to copy and paste 50 times.
If this is correct follow below:
Select all the tracks, press alt-enter (to display properties) click on edit for the bios, Enter the info for the Bio, then select any other song, and it will update all 50.
If this is not what you want, give me a smack and tell me to wake up.
Actually, this question is aimed at the developers :-/
I don't mind cutting and pasting, I'm going to do it about 3.000 times for the lyrics and to me it makes sense to have the lyric saved with the song, afterall, each lyric is different. I just think its a waste to have the bio saved with the song as it will be the same page saved with however many songs you've got by a particular artist.
If it means redoing the whole DB, there's probalby no chance. I was hoping something could be done with the Bio field itself.
Yangus, I assume that you are NOT always connected to the internet whe using MC. Is my assumption right?
No, Deivit, I am always connected. Not sure what that has to do with anything though.
If you are always connected... haven't you tried the "Artist Info" button?
I find it extremely useful, to the extent of not having ever worried about putting any bio on the files. You only have to highlight the desired track, press the "artist info" button and in less than a second the "all music guide" bio of the artist will appear right before your eyes.
There are obvious advantages of this system:
1.- No need to save any info on the tags, so no more hard disk space needed.
2.- Bio is always completely updated. Lyrics of a song will never change but bio of the artist will.
3.- The program works for you... you don't have to worry of updating your bios.
The only downside is that the info will not be retrievable unless you're connected to the internet.,.. that is why I was asking you about this.
Ah, now I see.
Good suggestion while I'm in the UK but in 5 mths I'm off back to South Africa and I might have to say goodbye to broadband :'(
Before another of my questions gets buried, any chance of a quick reply from a developer? :-*
normaly questions dealing with Cover Art And Lyrics You Will get No Responce Or "No" they are not going to talk about it.
this is all due to copyright matters, and JimH does not want to go to jail. that would cut in on his sailing time.
Yang - What difference does it make if ur on the internet or not as to weather u can save it per artist or for each track? U just copy it when selecting one artist - then select all files by that artist and paste?
Wouldn't that do it fine?
Nil - that's not the point. I know it's easy to add bios to artists. My point is that it makes more sense to have 100's of songs point to one page rather than have that paged saved 100's of times.
My question was, is there any chance of this happening?
King - I don't see where the question of copyright comes into this. Either you have a field for Bios or you don't. If you do, what difference does it make to the police whether it is flat or relational?
All I wanted when I started this was a "were looking at it" or "no chance", honestly.
Either you have a field for Bios or you don't.
there is one, If you don't see one
You can add any field you want
I don't see the problem.
I see what ur talking about.
Making the db relationtional gets VERY complex as it's for dealing with all types of collections, none of which have similar attributes (photo albums, cd albums, video's etc) - each have seperate attributes so I'm gonna say for them: Aint Happenin :)
They could prove me wrong but I dont thinkn so :)
They could prove me wrong but I dont thinkn so
I'm with you on that.
OK, try this.
I save one folder.jpg in a folder and every track in that folder displays that .jpg. Couldn't Bio's use a similar sort of system?
All it's gonna take is one developer's input to put this thread to bed.
All it's gonna take is one developer's input to put this thread to bed.
Not really
I could delete it
King, are you deliberately trying to give me a hard time?
You couldn't delete it anyway, I wouldn't let you anywhere near my machine ;)
Seriously, so what if you delete it? You just go and get another one. Same as if you deleted a .jpg.
I think it's a good idea anyway.
Um.. I just reread your post and it wasn't actually referring to deleting a bio was it?
U got that right :)
I see what your saying about the BIOS - that would then however require MC to start reading in external files and stuff.
Just put it in the feature requests and post it in each new thread build - it makes sense - maybe they'll do it just for u :)
I understand what your saying, don't understand why you would need it.
it would be simple to write a plug-in to export it to a text file.
ArtistName - Bios.Txt
I don't think it would be a good idea.
since a 1 byte file takes up 32,000 bytes (due to the way drives are formated) why you would like to have all the little files litering your hard drive I would have no idea.
why not just let it stay in the database or media file where it does not matter.
Hey King,
do u reckon this and lyrics make the library slower? having it for all our files??
Just wondering cause my library is SLOW and clunky these days - 9000 songs or so, like 200 video's and 10,000 pictures.
Wondering if that much extra text per song is slowing it up alot.
You'd know as the king of big libraries.
I prefer to store as little as possible in the file itself and a system that involves saving the same thing in 100's of files seems archaic to me. I just thought that there might be a better way.
If it's not to be, so be it, I'm done.
Dont give up so easily :)
Moving from a flat to a relationtional db takes a LOT of time and planning to do.
Maybe they will do it in a future version to speed up MC as peoples libraries get bigger and bigger with all the new types of files - keep pushing for it if u want it enough :)
Just wondering cause my library is SLOW and clunky these days - 9000 songs or so
Mine is not at 24,000+ on a 3.06 Ghz
it would be slower if the program needs to do a disk access for each file. if it was loaded into a single database that would be much faster.
The 3Ghz might be the key there.
I'm on an athlon 2000XP - ie 1.6Ghz.
I'm finding it REALLY slow, especially changing between view schemes etc.