More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 23 for Windows => Topic started by: kensn on June 14, 2017, 04:04:32 pm

Title: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: kensn on June 14, 2017, 04:04:32 pm
Radio KISS is a blank screen for me after update.

Before the update I could see the controls and car radio links.

Not positive what the address was before, but now the Panel Radio button points to "http://localhost:52199/WebPlayer/".

Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: JimH on June 14, 2017, 04:14:26 pm
Are you using 23.0.4?  23.0.2 had that problem, but this build works for me.

Do you have any Car Radio buttons set?
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: kensn on June 14, 2017, 04:18:21 pm
I'm on 23.0.4 Jim. I have 6 car radio buttons set up.


Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: kensn on June 14, 2017, 04:23:20 pm
Opened in different browsers. It works in Chrome and Firefox for me, just not IE.

I can not verify if it was operational in IE before the update, always was opening with Chrome. Different PC...  Different default browser.

Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: JohnT on June 15, 2017, 03:53:53 pm
Opened in different browsers. It works in Chrome and Firefox for me, just not IE.

I can not verify if it was operational in IE before the update, always was opening with Chrome. Different PC...  Different default browser.

This should be fixed in the next build (23.0.7 or above).  IE is really poor at handling the CSS overflow property.  Keenan made some changes that appear to make it work in all browsers.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: mattkhan on June 15, 2017, 04:02:04 pm
I notice you're using react, are you intending to port this to ios/android via react-native?
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: JohnT on June 16, 2017, 09:20:05 am
I notice you're using react, are you intending to port this to ios/android via react-native?
For now, the intention is for this to be a dead simple to use alternative to JRemote rather than a replacement.  React gives it the flexible infrastructure to go lots of directions, which is very cool.  Keenan is our developer for this project.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: mattkhan on June 17, 2017, 07:31:06 am
NB: I've never used the Car Radio feature before but I thought I'd try this out.

I went to a radio station I have defined in my library and thought I'd be able to send that library entry to car radio however that doesn't seem possible, instead I have to create a playlist in car radio and then add that library item to the playlist. This seems a little odd to me, why can't I add a library item directly to car radio?

Anyway I created a single item in a new playlist under car radio and called the playlist radio. The item points at a stream (absolute radio - I refreshed my browser and get a single entry titled io, I don't know why as the playlist is named Radio so not sure where Rad went :)

I then attempted to play, the thumbnail appeared at the bottom but nothing else happened. Chrome devtools tells me the stream isn't a supported format but there is no feedback on screen to say that anything has gone wrong.

Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: JimH on June 17, 2017, 08:23:40 am
Try Car Radio with ordinary playlists and playcharts (Play Doctor playlists) first.  The wiki has a topic with instructions.

Internet radio is harder to add.  You need to play it in MC from File > Open URL, then right click on it in Playing Now and save it as a playlist.  Then  you should be able to add the playlist to Car Radio.

BTW, your link won't work for me.  I think it's probably blocked outside the UK.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: mattkhan on June 17, 2017, 09:22:30 am
I can only find

I now see that my confusion is because I had the Car Radio feature turned off which mean the buttons in the playing now view were not available. It's a bit odd that the Car Radio playlist group was still available in this case. It would be worth surfacing that (whether the feature is on or off) on screen.

Now I can see how you can associate a button with an existing playlist however using that option breaks the rendering of the buttons, see attached pic. The n buttons are replaced with a single button named 1000 and it's not possible to access the other buttons. If I right click it on the car radio button and click reset then nothing happens. I then have to right click and reselect "show x buttons" and then the buttons are back to normal.

The net radio stream is not supported no matter how I add it btw. My existing library item is created from File/Open URL and then add to library from there. I can send playing now to the button and it still doesn't work. MC itself (or jremote) plays it back just fine.

Some feedback on it in operation;

- the playlist names invariably don't fit in the box and the text isn't scaling to fit, I think you should allow a picture to be associated with a playlist instead of showing text
- you lose the ability to change track/volume/ff/rew once the width is <768px (bootstrap xs?)
- the upcoming list isn't clickable so you can't jump to a track of your choice
- the upcoming list isn't scrollable (back or forwards)
- the upcoming list isn't searchable (so basically the upcoming list feels like a playlist that has lost nearly all useful functionality)
- the volume slider seems to have quite non linear behaviour, at least on this PC (using chrome) most of the travel does not much and it's just a section on the left (maybe the leftmost 10% or so) where it does anything (i.e. it's closer to a mute button)
- direct URL access (or hitting refresh) isn't working (so I guess the js router isn't configured properly), e.g. if I hit http://myserver:52199/WebPlayer/playing directly then I get a white screen
- the zone selector feels completely out of place for an app which is meant to be a simple browser interface for playing on that device, IMV you should remove it
- I see numerous 500 errors on calls like MCWS/v1/File/GetImage?File=-1&Type=Thumbnail&Format=jpg just from opening the screen, not sure what it is requesting a thumbnail of (file=-1 seems odd)

FWIW I can see the utility in this for someone like my wife however I strongly suspect she will immediately want to play something not in the list. To that end, I think you should add a search bar so you can simply search for random library content and play it (so effectively a dynamic playlist populated by the search).
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: JimH on June 17, 2017, 09:36:54 am
What skin are you using?  I saw a similar problem yesterday with a Modern Cards skin.  Try Noire.

I was able to work around it with Modern Cards by right clicking where the buttons should have been and then selecting an option for the number of buttons.  Any choice probably works.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: JimH on June 17, 2017, 09:47:19 am
- the playlist names invariably don't fit in the box and the text isn't scaling to fit, I think you should allow a picture to be associated with a playlist instead of showing text
That's a bug.  Will be fixed soon.
- you lose the ability to change track/volume/ff/rew once the width is <768px (bootstrap xs?)
Also a bug.
- the upcoming list isn't clickable so you can't jump to a track of your choice
May or may not happen.  Next and last tracks give you some control.
- the upcoming list isn't scrollable (back or forwards)
Probably won't happen.  Other remotes may be better suited to your needs.
- the upcoming list isn't searchable (so basically the upcoming list feels like a playlist that has lost nearly all useful functionality)
- the volume slider seems to have quite non linear behaviour, at least on this PC (using chrome) most of the travel does not much and it's just a section on the left (maybe the leftmost 10% or so) where it does anything (i.e. it's closer to a mute button)
Probably a bug.
- direct URL access (or hitting refresh) isn't working (so I guess the js router isn't configured properly), e.g. if I hit http://myserver:52199/WebPlayer/playing directly then I get a white screen
- the zone selector feels completely out of place for an app which is meant to be a simple browser interface for playing on that device, IMV you should remove it
There are good reasons to be able to play on the server or on the client.
- I see numerous 500 errors on calls like MCWS/v1/File/GetImage?File=-1&Type=Thumbnail&Format=jpg just from opening the screen, not sure what it is requesting a thumbnail of (file=-1 seems odd)
No idea.

Thanks for the feedback.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: blgentry on June 17, 2017, 04:25:51 pm
[Attached Screen Shots of KISS Radio]

I'm not really following this very closely.  I'm only posting to say that Bona Drag is a favorite album of mine.  I approve.  :)

Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: mattkhan on June 19, 2017, 04:23:26 am
There are good reasons to be able to play on the server or on the client.
what are they?

Other remotes may be better suited to your needs.
have you considered adding support for user (or more likely community) provided plugins? I think this would be a) great, and b) not that much effort for you.

something like you publish some core components to npm (just basic functions like "play library entry XYZ") and then add support for user provided routes and then just surface them in some side menu. I would not expect this to cost much dev effort at all and it would let interested people build whatever additional functionality they like without nagging you to build it :)

I also thought the current UI could reasonably be a single page rather than multiple. For example, if you click on a button then instead of having a separate playlist page, just "zoom" into that button to show the playlist and leave the other buttons as smaller buttons on screen. The zone selector could similarly appear on one screen as a collapsible menu.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: JimH on June 19, 2017, 05:44:35 am
Playing locally lets you roam around and play music from your server.  Usually local means a phone or tablet, and it plays through headphones or to a Bluetooth speaker.

Playing on the server lets you control music from anywhere but play it on your server.  In my case, it's my HTPC, and it's connected to a receiver and good speakers.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: mattkhan on June 19, 2017, 05:52:05 am
OK I see, I misunderstood the intent (thought it was intended for local playback only).

In that case I think you should configure the js router so the URL is of the form - http://{mc_server}:{mc_port}/{zone} - so that that choice is the first one made (and so that bookmarks can be created that mean someone always lands on a given zone).
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: JimH on June 19, 2017, 07:47:23 am
OK I see, I misunderstood the intent (thought it was intended for local playback only).
I believe that all our remotes serve this dual purpose, and my sense is that both methods are heavily used.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: fitbrit on June 20, 2017, 04:00:37 pm
I believe that all our remotes serve this dual purpose, and my sense is that both methods are heavily used.

I am a heavy user. And a heavier user of this feature. And a user who is heavy.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: marko on June 24, 2017, 02:41:06 am
Morning all, here we go then...

I was quite eager to get my hands on this. Finally, I thought, Car Radio on the iPhone... Sadly, not yet...

I tried both SSL and regular, but... nope. My experience using iPhone (tried using Safari and Dolphin, over 4G, both exactly the same results)

It connects (yaay :)) and prompts me for a username and password.
It shows me my Car Radio tiles.
I pick one...
It goes to the list...
The large thumbnail does not build.
The small one below, does.
Nothing plays, but, the interface suggests it should be. The speaker icon shows active waves, and the 'play button' is a 'pause button'.
After an age, after I'd given up, the first track starts playing... ok...
When the second track should start, I'm prompted for username and password again. Sigh (I can't do that if I'm driving). I enter them...
Then nothing. Really, nothing this time. It's dead.

In Firefox on the desktop, as well as the play/pause button, there's next/previous buttons too... These are not there on the iPhone. How can Play Doctor learn what I'm after if I can't skip tracks?
Also, really critically, after that one track played, its 'last played' and 'number plays' values in the library were not incremented.

thoughts... anyone?
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: JimH on June 24, 2017, 05:52:02 am
Is Chrome available on the iPhone?
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: marko on June 24, 2017, 05:59:53 am
I believe so... you think that might fare better? I'll see if I can find some more playtime shortly...
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: JimH on June 24, 2017, 06:02:12 am
The browser must support HTML5.  It's also possible, even likely, that there are compatibility issues from one browser to another. 
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: Awesome Donkey on June 24, 2017, 06:15:43 am
Is Chrome available on the iPhone?

Yes, but like Firefox (and all other third-party browsers) they can't use their own browser engines (Blink, Gecko, etc.). On iOS all browsers have to use WebKit, which is part of Safari.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: john_kane on June 24, 2017, 01:33:25 pm
If its the KISS interface, I'd suggest that it runs right out of the box ( after the upgrade); maybe some default buttons to start with so you aren't required to add radio buttons as a prerequisite.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: marko on July 01, 2017, 02:24:44 am

Why does a track played via Radio Kiss in Firefox sound so very different from the same track played using MC standard view?

I'm pretty sure the answer here is "Audio Engine/Audio Driver"?
Firefox is very LOUD, brash... "not so nice" kind of sound. If I'm right, and the answer is to use the JRiver WDM driver, could someone hit me up with links for learning as despite the "WOW" factor that whole thing generated, I let it all pass me by as I had no use for it. I either play using MC at home, or JRemote in the car...
I'm not convinced this will change here, but, you never know, I'm thinking along the lines of the possibility of launching this from Theater View... The girls might really like it, but not if it sounds like that!! :)
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: JimH on July 01, 2017, 06:56:30 am
If you're playing to the device you're using (phone, tablet, etc.), then there is a conversion setting.  I'm not sure it's yet public, but you can choose uncompressed.

We're still moving a lot of things around, so give it a try in a build or two.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: drmimosa on August 04, 2017, 12:25:33 pm
I had to delay updating to MC23 until today, wow this looks and works fantastic. Thanks for developing this, with the cover art popping up it looks really slick.

Can we set a particular zone that all new KISS pages will default to? Our home use is mostly for one particular zone, the Whole House Airplay. So I'm trying to prevent the following phone call "It's only playing on my phone, how do I make it work in the whole house?"..."Press the gear, then hit the play to button, then scroll down"..."Never mind."

Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: JimH on August 04, 2017, 12:31:37 pm
Thanks.  It should remember what you set it to.  The default is now Player.  We had some problems with it not remembering the last setting, but it should now.

If I got that call, I'd say, "Just push some buttons."  There aren't very many to try.

Having the default set from the server might work, but it's not something we'll probably do soon.

We're working on converting more of Panel to the new style.  I hope we will get it all done in August.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: drmimosa on August 04, 2017, 01:38:32 pm
Thanks.  It should remember what you set it to.
Yes, this works. I tried on a few machines and the last zone set on any browser is the initial default zone for new page loads. Thanks, if this is consistent it is a better option than "just push some buttons", that's my method for sure but it's not for everyone.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: drmimosa on August 04, 2017, 06:00:39 pm
I couldn't get the KISS app to load on an iPhone. Tried Safari and Firefox. Both are supposed to support HTML5. Has anyone had any luck with using this on IOS iPhone?
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: marko on August 05, 2017, 01:19:10 pm
I can get it to load on iPhone (6s+) using Safari, and it loads, and plays "There" on the server, but will not play anything on the device, which is where I really need it to play, so that I can finally get Play Doctor on the iPhone over 4G...
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: AlanDistro on August 17, 2017, 09:14:55 pm
This seems like an awesome feature rather than installing JRiver on all of my computers scattered across the house (one for each TV). But I must be doing something wrong, I get a "refused to connect" error on every machine except the one that JRiver is running on.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: JimH on August 17, 2017, 09:36:34 pm
Media Network needs to be turned on at the server.

Ports 52100 to 52199 need to be open for inbound access on the server.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: AlanDistro on August 17, 2017, 09:42:10 pm
Media Network needs to be turned on at the server.

Ports 52100 to 52199 need to be open for inbound access on the server.

Got it working, I was using the wrong IP, apparently googling "what is my IP" isn't as reliable as it used to be.

Now that I got it working I have a question... does the web player respect the DSP settings of the server? Asking because the volume leveling seemed to be a little off. Could be my ears, the gf is already in bed so I'm testing it very quietly. But curious. Thanks!
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: JimH on August 18, 2017, 09:11:07 pm
I don't think so.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: AlanDistro on August 19, 2017, 05:09:46 am
I don't think so.
I can understand not having the full range of options, but I think most would agree that at the very least, sound leveling should be implemented. Especially because this is so strongly shuffle/playlist oriented. I have replay gain differences from -16dB to +23dB in my library and having potential 39dB jumps in shuffle is scary (and annoying).
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: flac.rules on August 19, 2017, 10:21:22 am
Will support for the "Car radio" presets be added in gizmo/jremote and so on? Could be useful.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: JimH on August 19, 2017, 10:39:57 am
I'm not sure where it will lead, but for now you can find Car Radio under Playlists on any of the remotes.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: drmimosa on August 20, 2017, 09:39:00 am
Currently the active zone in Radio KISS takes precedent over ZonePlay settings. Is it possible to request the opposite?

In other words, ZonePlay always kicks in when set up, and if not, then Radio Kiss zone is active?

Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: JimH on August 20, 2017, 10:49:33 am
Currently the active zone in Radio KISS takes precedent over ZonePlay settings. Is it possible to request the opposite?

In other words, ZonePlay always kicks in when set up, and if not, then Radio Kiss zone is active?

You're probably right.  Please remind us if you don't see the change.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: mattkhan on August 20, 2017, 11:36:02 am
IMV you need to be able to target physical devices separately from certain zones so I don't think, unless I use zoneswitch badly, just turning on zoneswitch will do the right thing. This might be a general weakness in zoneswitch though (the conflation of certain dsp configurations with physical output devices).
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: David Sydney on December 02, 2017, 06:12:29 pm
Firstly kudos to the team and JimH for your work and response on this forum. Have just upgraded to MC23 and have just been looking at car radio auto generate and Panel. Have not used these before. Starting to like Panel more so than Gizmo perhaps - although am I correct that panel can only play at the server, or locally on the device running panel? While Gizmo is useful because I can control the server, but then play to my networked Amplifier and other devices on the network?

One suggestion for the layout of panel on html is paging. Looking at recent or artist lists it scrolls to the bottom but then to go to next page I have to touch or click the tiny page numbers. Can these be mad larger for touch devices or have no paging at all just a long continuous scrolling page of all albums that loads as it rolls down?

Cheers, David
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: JimH on December 03, 2017, 01:07:04 am
Thank you.

You can select any network device available and play to it.

I agree on the page numbers.  We'll fix it.

The build available on this board will always be a little ahead of the one on the Download Page.
Title: Re: Radio KISS Problems and Questions
Post by: BradATIMA on December 04, 2017, 03:31:17 pm
One suggestion for the layout of panel on html is paging. Looking at recent or artist lists it scrolls to the bottom but then to go to next page I have to touch or click the tiny page numbers. Can these be mad larger for touch devices or have no paging at all just a long continuous scrolling page of all albums that loads as it rolls down?

With touch devices, you should be able to change pages by swiping left or right. You can also change the number of items Panel displays per page in the settings menu.