Networks and Remotes => Remotes => Topic started by: mmoraw on August 18, 2017, 04:28:18 am
Hi all,
I've got this problem with JRiver / JRemote which I'm unable to resolve from a long time now.
It got to the point that I've stopped using JRiver all together ...
Generally speaking when I play music within JRiver using usb dac, and using JRemote playback got jerky and starts skipping / pausing for a fraction of second as soon as I scroll the artist or album list on the JRemote.
I have been testing this with few versions of JRiver under Windows / Linux and all behaves exactly the same way, playback is being interrupted for a fraction of second as soon I scroll through library...
I'm running JRiver on rather powerful machine with plenty of cpu and ram and ssd storage.
As far I can tell it looks like some sort of problem with thumbnails or caching, as it does occurs only when JRemote loads new set of album covers thumbnails.
Had anyone else experienced similar problem ?
Sounds network related to me.
Tested on variety of network (ethernet and wifi) cards, switches, routers (Cisco Business series).
I'm rather confident that it not a network problem, I'm running rather decent networking and vmware lab at home, as it's part of what I do...
When I'm scrolling through library of few hundreds albums and dozens of artists, JRemote loads graphics for the thumbnails to the point that when scrolled further it does need to load (cache) more of those and only then JRiver stops playing for like a 1/2 a second, which is very frustrating when listening loud enough.
I don't use predefined playlists as such, I play music as I go and pick the tracks based on what I like to listen at the moment, hence I rather jump across my library, scrolling it through a lot.
Back in the day (JRiver 19 or 20, not sure now) and earlier versions of JRemote were working brilliantly in that regard, I had no problems, what so ever ...
I may test much older version of JRiver tonight to see if that cures it, though ...
Tried on Win7 and Win10, recently also on Archlinux and Ubuntu, exactly same thing.
You probably don't have your thumbnails fully built. Go check:
Help > System Info > Processing > Thumbnails built > (percentage here)
If you show less than 100% built, then have MC build them all. This might take hours depending on the size of your library and the speed of your system. But it only needs to be done once and then it's done.
Tools > Options > Tree & View > Thumbnails > Build missing thumbnails
However, on a "fast machine" just building thumbnails really shouldn't interrupt playback. Is this a real machine or a VM? Where are your media files stored? On a NAS? What about MC's database files? Are they local or also on a NAS or something?
It is a real, physical computer with 4 core cpu, 16gb of ram, MC is installed on the SSD drive, media files are stored on 4TB drive inside of the same machine.
Not sure what you understand by MC's database files, but I would assume they are stored where the main application is installed, withing it's directory on the ssd drive ...
I have wiped the machine and switched from Windows to Linux and now back to Windows for that matter and with the MC installed then media files imported it always behaved same way.
I will check thumbnails build status and report here later tonight.