More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 23 for Windows => Topic started by: swiv3d on February 11, 2018, 04:31:12 pm

Title: Player errors using linked tracks
Post by: swiv3d on February 11, 2018, 04:31:12 pm
Recently when linked tracks are sent to the player it duplicates some of the linked sets, but doesn't do this to all of them. I have searched for a reason for this behaviour but cannot find anything which might cause this. The errors were first noted when playing a smartlist which selects a number of linked classical tracks from a range of albums, but it will also do it when sending a whole album containing linked track sets eg my Vivaldi Flute concertos has 20 odd tracks but when sent to the player there are 37 of them. This has only started after one of the recent updates but is still present in the latest update 23.0.100 (64 bit). Hoping that someone has figured out a cause and a fix. Love JRiver MC but this problem is causing me to send to player then click the delete duplicate button, which is a bind when I just want to connect to the server and play some linked classical tracks.
Title: Re: Player errors using linked tracks
Post by: JimH on February 11, 2018, 04:36:30 pm
Are some of them stacked files?  The wiki has a topic on stacks.
Title: Re: Player errors using linked tracks
Post by: swiv3d on February 11, 2018, 04:53:38 pm
They aren't stacked files, I rip a cd and then link the tracks for each symphony, concerto or whatever. I have a field called LinkStart which I set to 1 for the first track in a linked group of files. I note that MC now has a field called Link Start which grabs the original track reference for a linked set. What I can't understand is why it only duplicates some of the linked track sets and not others. This a recent change in player behaviour.
Title: Re: Player errors using linked tracks
Post by: swiv3d on February 11, 2018, 06:53:27 pm
If I unlink all of the tracks on my Vilvadi Flute concertos album and send them to the player everything is correct, but if I relink them and send them to the player certain track sets are duplicated again. So it looks like the player is having trouble with some of the track linkage info. What to do Ooooh! what to do!
Title: Re: Player errors using linked tracks
Post by: Matt on February 11, 2018, 07:33:21 pm
Would you be willing to send a library backup to matt at jriver dot com along with instructions on how to reproduce the strange behavior you're seeing?

Title: Re: Player errors using linked tracks
Post by: marko on February 11, 2018, 07:54:05 pm
What version of MC are you running?

There was a fix for this duplication issue last month, in build 23.0.93...
23.0.93 (1/5/2018)
7. Fixed: Adding linked tracks to Playing Now didn't always work properly.

Unless it's crept back in, or a bit different in your case, you may just need to update.

Title: Re: Player errors using linked tracks
Post by: swiv3d on February 11, 2018, 08:07:47 pm
 have sent the info you asked for Matt, Hoping for a solution to th problem sometime soon.
Title: Re: Player errors using linked tracks
Post by: swiv3d on February 11, 2018, 08:11:50 pm
Hi Marko,
As I said in a previous post I am using the latest version 23.0.100
Title: Re: Player errors using linked tracks
Post by: marko on February 11, 2018, 11:29:26 pm
Yup, I see it now, 64 bit. Bit of a "Paris in the the spring" moment there...

One  factor that cognitive psychology is concerned with is top down and bottom up processing. These are two ways of  interpreting information that we attain from the world; as humans, we do both. read the sentence below:


Now, look again:


Did you skip over the extra “the” or did you read the line for what it is?

If you skipped over the extra “the” (and let’s be honest, we all did) then you were using Top Down processing (realizing a similarity to a past event, creating an expectation and putting it on the stimulus, I do this *a lot* while editing). Now relax; this in no way means you are illerate or dumb; it purely means you were using the information you have acquired about a very famous sentence and used expectations (created by past knowledge) to achieve an assumed result. (If however you are a smart arse and did read the sentence properly, *claps*; good for you. That is bottom up processing [reading from the page to your brain, aka not linking to a past experience but interpreting the stimulus solely for what it is] and you were acknowledging the stimulus and not creating expectations of the sentence). This is a prime example of what cognitive psychologists study; the way the mind processes information, controls mental capacity and creates representations from the real world that enable us to function and make judgments from these experiences.
Title: Re: Player errors using linked tracks
Post by: JimH on February 12, 2018, 06:41:35 am
Good one!
Title: Re: Player errors using linked tracks
Post by: Matt on February 12, 2018, 10:10:57 am
Thanks for the backup.  I think this should be fixed in the next build.

Title: Re: Player errors using linked tracks
Post by: swiv3d on February 12, 2018, 10:23:40 am
Thanks Matt, I was beginning to think it was just a problem on my two servers running MC.
Title: Re: Player errors using linked tracks
Post by: swiv3d on February 16, 2018, 04:05:47 pm
Have just updated to version 102. The duplication problem is still present.
Title: Re: Player errors using linked tracks
Post by: swiv3d on February 27, 2018, 04:57:45 pm
The problem occurs when a number of sets of linked files reaching or exceeding a total of ten are sent to the player. If three sets of three linked files are sent then there is no duplication, but if the magic number ten is reached or exceeded then the last set of linked files is duplicated in the player. Strangely, if a single set of linked files exceeding 10 are sent to the player then no duplication occurs.
Title: Re: Player errors using linked tracks
Post by: Matt on February 27, 2018, 05:11:04 pm
The fix is coming in 103.
Title: Re: Player errors using linked tracks
Post by: swiv3d on February 27, 2018, 05:13:08 pm
Thanks Matt. JRiver is the best!