Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: YonathanZ on August 01, 2018, 10:04:36 am

Title: madVR auto display mode doesn't work
Post by: YonathanZ on August 01, 2018, 10:04:36 am

I've enabled madVR's auto display mode function and no matter what I play, the TV stays are 60hz. However, JRiver's own display mode feature does work and change the TV to 24hz, however now audio is slightly out of sync.

How can I fix this?

Title: Re: madVR auto display mode doesn't work
Post by: stewart_pk on August 01, 2018, 08:02:56 pm
How about:
Video ---> VideoClock
Video ---> Advanced ---> A/V sync correction milliseconds
Title: Re: madVR auto display mode doesn't work
Post by: YonathanZ on August 02, 2018, 10:00:08 am
I’ve enabled video clock, it doesn’t seem to make a difference. I was hoping for help to get madvr to do it all by itself.
Title: Re: madVR auto display mode doesn't work
Post by: Hendrik on August 02, 2018, 10:01:34 am
We generally don't recommend using madVR for refresh rate switching. It is however common that different refresh rates (in particular 24Hz vs everything else) can have different A/V delays, thats why there are options to set those up.
Title: Re: madVR auto display mode doesn't work
Post by: YonathanZ on August 03, 2018, 09:48:43 am
OK it's working now, I needed to type in 1080p24 and the a/v sync is also fine.

Yesterday I messed with Kodi installations and now madVR exclusive mode results in a black screen. I've uninstalled Kodi and its installation of madVR, maybe I'll also reinstall JRiver itself.
Title: Re: madVR auto display mode doesn't work
Post by: darky on August 25, 2018, 06:55:53 am

I have the black screen also (AMD gfx card).
You can try;
(in general settings of madvr)
uncheck  "use automatic fullscreen exclusive mode.."
check "use direct3D 11 for presentation..."

This solves it for me.
Title: Re: madVR auto display mode doesn't work
Post by: YonathanZ on August 25, 2018, 07:14:03 am
Yes, disabling exclusive mode is what I did and it’s been fine since.