More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 24 for Windows => Topic started by: MD on November 06, 2018, 06:54:14 pm

Title: Advanced editing of tags
Post by: MD on November 06, 2018, 06:54:14 pm
Hi, I have a question about editing tags in MC:
I have a lot of tags to edit, and I'm looking for a way to perform bulk actions on some tags, like artist and name. More specific, I would like to do what the RemoveLeft and RemoveRight functions do when renaming files. Is there a way to use those, or similar functions on tags?

Thanks for helping
Title: Re: Advanced editing of tags
Post by: blgentry on November 06, 2018, 07:38:20 pm
If I understand you correctly...

1.  Select some songs or albums you want to change.
2.  Open the tag action window (alt-enter)
3.  Find the tag you want to edit and click in the field.
4.  Now type in an expression starting with =

For example, let's say you wanted to remove the first 3 characters of the [Artist] field.  Click in the Artist field and enter this expression:

Code: [Select]
The Artist field will be left with everything but the first 3 characters that were there.  Across every song and album you have selected at that time.

You can use any function in the Expression Language to alter tags in this way.  Just precede it with an equals sign to tell MC to process the expression.

I hope that helps get you started.

Title: Re: Advanced editing of tags
Post by: MD on November 07, 2018, 03:13:00 am
Thank you, I think this is exactly what I need. I'll give that a try.

Best regards,