More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 25 for Windows => Topic started by: JimH on January 25, 2019, 06:09:44 pm

Title: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JimH on January 25, 2019, 06:09:44 pm
We've done several "small change" request threads.  Here's the last one.,112049.msg774281.html#msg774281

The rules are the same and if you don't read them, you will find your post missing.

Long or complex posts will be removed.

In the Too Complex thread, we were told how unintuitive MC could be.

So here's the challenge for those who want intuitive software.

Suggest a change that will make MC easier to use (but NOT a feature request). 

If you can meet the following guidelines, we'll try to make the change.

A change needs to be:

1.  Easy to implement (less than an hour)

2.  Generally useful to most users

3.  Something that doesn't remove existing functionality and that isn't controversial

In other words, it must clearly be an improvement.


4.  Something that can be described in 10 lines or less (not complex to describe)

PLEASE don't post anything else in this thread (no "+1" posts or comments).  Start a new thread if it doesn't fit the requirements.

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: leezer3 on January 25, 2019, 06:17:27 pm
Theatre view backgrounds-
Allow a playlist of images to be set to show as the top level background.

I've got a hacky workaround using a handheld folder, but this would make my life much easier :)
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: DJLegba on January 25, 2019, 07:21:08 pm
Hotkey to randomize the sort of the current view without changing the view's default sort.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: jmone on January 25, 2019, 07:58:16 pm
Zone Switch: "Return to this zone" on media playback stop.  Allow a user to select a particular zone, return to the "Previous Zone", or simply "Do Nothing" (as is currently the case).

Issue: This ensure that you don't get "stuck" in a zone when playback stops.

Use case:  As a default, I want to MC to decode all audio unless it is ATMOS / DTS:X in which case switch to a Bitstreaming Zone on playback then Switch back to the main zone when playback finishes.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: 8139david on January 25, 2019, 11:08:38 pm
For audio files (at least), if one double clicks on a thumbnail, one sees the full size cover art.
Add an option to display lyrics instead (if any). Double clicking again then returns to the normal view.
(It is cumbersome to have to manually move from Covert Art to a given Track Info. Then too Lyrics. Then too full size view.)
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: raldo on January 25, 2019, 11:58:57 pm
I'd like to be able to change the EXIF time in a photo from within MC
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: jmone on January 26, 2019, 12:31:11 am
1) Use MediaInfo instead of ffprobe to determine if a video has ATMOS or DTS:X (who knows when ffprobe will get this ability - it's been years)
2) Add an ATMOS and DTS:X as a Bitstreaming format option in Tools--> Options--> Audio--> Bitstreaming.  Note:  Even if #1 is not doable, this option could still work with "Swag Of Tools" as it adds in the "Compression Field" a "+Atmos" or "+DTS:X" to the end of the string.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: jmone on January 26, 2019, 12:47:59 am
Particles - Create by Chapter option
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: jmone on January 26, 2019, 12:49:08 am
In BD Menu mode show what Playlist is being used
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: jmone on January 26, 2019, 01:01:34 am
Live TV Support in Remotes (the MCWS calls are all there but only EOS uses them)

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: jmone on January 26, 2019, 01:02:01 am
Pushing On Line radio via DSP for DLNA devices (to solve compatibility issues)

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RoderickGI on January 26, 2019, 01:04:26 am
Enable a deleted Dynamic Zone (DLNA Renderer) to be visible to MC again.

At present, if a Dynamic Zone (DLNA Renderer) is deleted rather than hidden, there appears to be no way to make MC see it again. Forever.

My Use Case is that I have at some time deleted the Dynamic Zone for my Sony TV, and now I want to get it back. But there is no method I can find to do so. The TV is advertising itself as a DLNA Renderer and is visible to DLNA Server Apps on my Sony Xperia ZX Premium Android phone, and to AndrewFG's DMRA.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: 8139david on January 26, 2019, 01:43:40 am
Option to apply current column view to a library view and all its descendants (including to a top view like Audio). Currenlty, even when using column presets, one has to manually apply the preset to each single view.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Axilian on January 26, 2019, 08:25:50 am
Internet Radio access - it's possible to do it but it's a pain currently
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Fangio on January 26, 2019, 08:28:28 am
Cover Art > Get from internet: Allow the user to edit the text which will be used for the lookup.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: DMC-A1 on January 26, 2019, 12:15:04 pm
Allow PERIOD field to be used on Videos - Movies and TV so a 1977 movie that takes place in 1800 can be so indicated without a custom field.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: lepa on January 26, 2019, 03:18:49 pm
I sometimes upgrade my video files (DVD -> BD). I rip movie to matroska and replace the old one in the hard drive using same name. Now when I do "update library from tags" to force new resolution, codecs etc to be updated in the MC it will also empty the rating field. It would be acceptable if MC could read/write rating metadata from matroska but AFAIK it can't so why replace the value which is in the database with empty value as it isn't coming from tag anyway.

So my Too Easy is not to update fields which it can't read from tags.
My not so Easy as above would be to read/write matroska header data into MC database. For example stream languages and names.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: lepa on January 26, 2019, 03:26:37 pm
copy / paste DLNA server settings in the "Add or configure DLNA servers". So basically ability to replicate customized views from DLNA server to other

Use case: I want to use same views and most of the configuration when creating another DLNA server. For example make one server to use headphone friendly DSP-settings but otherwise be the same as "main" DLNA server. Currently I need to create all my views manually when doing another DLNA server.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: lepa on January 26, 2019, 03:34:57 pm
TheaterView: When doing "add to playlist" in TheaterView use Playlist Groups to clean up navigating to desired playlist. Currently if you have many playlist created it is hard to find the correct one. Using group nodes would be big help there like they are in standard view tree.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mattkhan on January 26, 2019, 05:02:16 pm
Provide an mcws endpoint that can edit DSP studio entries, start with peq (add/edit/remove individual filters)

NB: I have no idea if this fits the criteria stated because almost nothing is achieveable with one hour dev time so to my mind that excludes pretty much everything. For the "is it useful to people" side of the equation then I refer you to which would be a whole lot easier to do in JRiver if either this feature were present (in which I would add it to the app I wrote for that thread) or the per file DSP worked properly.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: AndrewFG on January 27, 2019, 01:43:56 am
Swipe left/right to browse photos in JRemote
Swipe left/right on now playing music to change tracks in JRemote
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: 8139david on January 27, 2019, 04:24:31 am
Option to apply current thumbnail text to a library view and all its descendants (including to a top view like Audio). Currently, one has to set up thumbnail text for each single view.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: jkauff on January 27, 2019, 04:51:30 am
Move the multiple display configuration to Options/Video and give it a top level sub-heading. Update Help so that it's easier to search for that functionality.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: 8139david on January 27, 2019, 08:10:53 am
When managing library fields, option to show only calculated fields.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: 8139david on January 27, 2019, 08:11:58 am
When managing library fields, option to export the definitions of all calculated fields to a single text file.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mattkhan on January 27, 2019, 08:57:27 am

An indicator to show whether an item will be played directly from disk or whether it will be streamed by the server
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Hendrik on January 27, 2019, 08:59:07 am

An indicator to show whether an item will be played directly from disk or whether it will be streamed by the server

This would require a file system hit for every file in every view, thats far too expensive.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mattkhan on January 27, 2019, 09:06:14 am
This would require a file system hit for every file in every view, thats far too expensive.
Depends how you implement it, e.g. a menu option so you only show this on demand would work or a way to show that this is actually playing from a file once you start playing it.

Since it is a path match then I imagine you could optimise this based on the mounted drives too (so it wasn't a per item lookup)

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mattlauck on January 27, 2019, 02:03:33 pm
Would love to see
Manage Library Fields/Data/User Data/Relational

STORE ONE VALUE PER ALBUM ARTIST as a choice. (Current have 'Store one Value per Artist')

I have some custom fields which will denote Favorite Artist, Essential Artist, Ohio Artist.... to help organize, group and sort my large collection.

Storing one value for Artist kind of sucks because it may only update Artist Tom Petty and NOT Artist Tom Petty & The Heart Breakers which are BOTH under ALBUM ARTIST Tom Petty.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: yooz on January 27, 2019, 02:24:22 pm
Hotkeys to set Start and End Bookmarks !
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RoderickGI on January 27, 2019, 05:08:05 pm
Hotkeys to set Start and End Bookmarks !

Do you mean start and end points of a program in the [Playback Range] field, so that MC always only plays the actual program in a recording and not the padding?

If so that's a good idea.

I don't use [Playback Range] field enough. But then, I don't rewatch recordings that often. Could be handy in a house full of people, who watch programs at different times, or setting up recorded programs for kids.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on January 27, 2019, 06:17:06 pm
Would love to see
Manage Library Fields/Data/User Data/Relational

STORE ONE VALUE PER ALBUM ARTIST as a choice. (Current have 'Store one Value per Artist')

I have some custom fields which will denote Favorite Artist, Essential Artist, Ohio Artist.... to help organize, group and sort my large collection.

Storing one value for Artist kind of sucks because it may only update Artist Tom Petty and NOT Artist Tom Petty & The Heart Breakers which are BOTH under ALBUM ARTIST Tom Petty.

How about one per Album Artist (auto)?  That way it would have a value even if album artist was empty.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: syndromeofadown on January 27, 2019, 06:44:19 pm
In standard view Playing Now, with videos it's very difficult see seek accurately when using a mouse or touch screen. More sensitive seeking is needed so users can get within a few seconds of where they want to be instead of a couple minutes.

Another request for Playing Now is a tiny set arrows to skip chapters in videos. VLC has these and they are quite nice.

I'll also throw in my annual request for an import/export button on tag on import so rules can be be copied between different folders.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: darichman on January 28, 2019, 01:47:52 am
EXIF date editing!

"Library tools > Update EXIF date with [Date] field" or similar
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: raldo on January 28, 2019, 02:56:54 am
EXIF date editing!

"Library tools > Update EXIF date with [Date] field" or similar

Why couldn't MC just update the exif date immediately after it has been edited? This is how it currently works with keywords.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on January 28, 2019, 08:16:28 am
Would love to see
Manage Library Fields/Data/User Data/Relational

STORE ONE VALUE PER ALBUM ARTIST as a choice. (Current have 'Store one Value per Artist')

I have some custom fields which will denote Favorite Artist, Essential Artist, Ohio Artist.... to help organize, group and sort my large collection.

Storing one value for Artist kind of sucks because it may only update Artist Tom Petty and NOT Artist Tom Petty & The Heart Breakers which are BOTH under ALBUM ARTIST Tom Petty.

Coming in MC25, we'll have this:
NEW: Added a new relationship to the database to store one for each album artist (auto).

Thanks for the idea :)
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mark_h on January 28, 2019, 08:29:32 am
Add individual views to Customise Toolbar to compliment the ability to add individual playlists.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Vocalpoint on January 28, 2019, 01:23:34 pm
Consider having MC "remember" the correct startup context for each library managed/accessed by a specific instance of MC.

If I am in Library A and switch to Library B - I would love to see Library B to open with my views and position intact as I left them the last time I was in the library. What I get now is Library B opening to the JRiver website. Cannot see how that is helpful for me.

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Awesome Donkey on January 28, 2019, 02:19:05 pm
I'm not sure how 'easy' it'd be but...

I'd like to see the ability for clients to be able to save the sizes of columns and whatnot in panes views for just the client itself (and not the server). Right now for example it inherits the column width sizes from what's set on the server (which is 1440p) so on devices with smaller resolutions (e.g. 1080p) the columns are wider (which matches the 1440p server) and go outside 'view', so to speak.

If I resize the columns in the panes view (specifically a custom panes view in my case) on the client, then close the client version of MC and reopen it, it resets to the column width sizes of the panes view of the server again. Clients being able to have their own 'customization' in this regard would be much appreciated.

Does this make any sense? :P
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Gedeon on January 28, 2019, 02:47:08 pm
"On the fly" reencode Atmos and DTS-X to E-AC3+ so extra height channels info could be sent by smart TV and other mkv players to receivers. Most premium brands don't send high res audio when playing mkv files. Only from legal streaming services or from optical disks.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Gedeon on January 28, 2019, 02:50:34 pm
I personally still use folder structures for movies so mergerfs does a great job when adding new disks to my pool (over Linux and backed up with snapraid). I'd love to see that "merged view" in JRiver library without needing Linux and mergerfs.

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Moe on January 28, 2019, 04:20:56 pm
Fix video backgrounds in Theater View.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Moe on January 28, 2019, 04:22:53 pm
I've been asking for this for years... 

A way to change sorting in Theater View on the fly.  So if it defaults to Alphabetical, allow us to change to Date Imported/year/etc.

If you implement this I will definitely purchase 25.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mwillems on January 28, 2019, 07:59:03 pm
I would love it if Gizmo and/or JRemote (on android in my case) would accept fully qualified domain names with https/ssl for a server.  Folks using a domain name with ssl can't use Gizmo or JRemote away from home without some workarounds (especially if you don't have a static IP). 
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: biblio on January 28, 2019, 09:17:08 pm
Hotkey to randomize the sort of the current view without changing the view's default sort.

ctrl + click or something similar
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: BryanC on January 28, 2019, 10:18:36 pm
Also include a "details" link (that links to the handheld sync window) in the completed sync action window, as is present in the action window during a sync.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Mike Rubin on January 28, 2019, 11:49:46 pm
Cover Art > Get from internet: Allow the user to edit the text which will be used for the lookup.

Yes, please. I tag my hi-res files with "[24-xx]" or "[DSD]" to make it easier to find them with a search, but doing so before I look for internet cover art kills the search.  It would be great to delete those characters in the search term without affecting the files themselves.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: franswilco on January 29, 2019, 06:17:19 am
When connecting to a remote server,  the client does not remember column layouts. Whenever I close the client and start it up again, I need to rearrange the columns manually using a preset I made. I'd like the client to remember these settings.

When launching Media Cente, it has a certain default of which 'tree branches' at the left side of the screen are opened or closed. It does not remember any changes I made. For instance, I want Playlist and Audio to be open at startup, and all the others (playing now, drivers & divices) to be closed.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: The Big Labinski on January 30, 2019, 05:30:35 am
Request: A CEC volume control over HDMI would be great as well
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Hendrik on January 30, 2019, 05:45:27 am
Request: A CEC volume control over HDMI would be great as well

Graphics Cards don't support CEC, you would need additional hardware to facilitate that.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: rec head on January 30, 2019, 06:20:28 am
Graphics Cards don't support CEC, you would need additional hardware to facilitate that.

I'm glad they don't. Things are finicky enough the they are now.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: The Big Labinski on January 30, 2019, 06:51:32 am
Graphics Cards don't support CEC, you would need additional hardware to facilitate that.

Thanks for this information - everything is clear now.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: SkGe on January 30, 2019, 07:05:34 am
 So as a user of this program for several years, is the only one after the OS which i use all the time. Mainly as a pc user my use is 99% for audio. Tagging, modify, adding playlists, rename, etc.
My thoughts and wishes for next/upcoming versions are:
1. Audio/Thumbnail View add possibilty to change the position of the text as on detail view, (left, center, right);
2. Audio/Thumbnail View when you use a text to show under thumbnail is always centered, and because different names are longer/shorter the view have a discrepency, so instead make it from top not centered;
3. Audio, ability to have a double line instead of one, and can be able to add 2 layers of text, aka, name and bellow composer;
4. Linkable field make how it works as on internet explorer, clickable names, isteand of as a link before;
5. Default image for artist which they don't have a image;
6. Playlist, posibility to have a automatic image on playlist, a group of albums, or something, you have truncate on thumbnail so you can use this method;
7. Tag window, be able to have one or more buttons for different template, now you have to go customize/manage/edit...;
8. Remove the text bellow of image on tag window, make it like old ways;
9. Forum site, a separate section with expression, where people can gather and have a database of different expression, is helpful and easy this way instead searching on different post;
10. And the last one, keep going because you done a wonderful things with this software. I know i use it like all the people around here.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: kadish on January 30, 2019, 08:05:44 am
Ability to view and set ratings in Mini View. Love rating my music but like having Mini View to save on screen space.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mattlauck on January 30, 2019, 10:53:59 pm
Coming in MC25, we'll have this:
NEW: Added a new relationship to the database to store one for each album artist (auto).

Thanks for the idea :)

Album Artist (auto) will be perfect.

This and the new related (linked) artists is going to make my workflow (and life) so much better in MC 25.

Thank you!
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Moe on January 31, 2019, 11:41:04 am
I'm not sure how easy this would be, doesn't seem like it would be difficult but who knows.

Lock/freeze columns (,116546.msg805552.html#msg805552)
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: biblio on January 31, 2019, 07:34:27 pm
Could the sync action window have a bit more of a description of the current action/process instead of just x%?
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: biblio on February 01, 2019, 03:56:13 am
import more than one m3u at a time!

I was selecting my whole list of playlists to import and it took me a few goes before i realised it wasn't importing all the lists i selected.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: magnust on February 01, 2019, 03:56:27 am
Visual indication if the clip protection activates

(let the settings cog wheel blink?)
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: BryanC on February 01, 2019, 02:00:25 pm
I hesitate to put this in the Too Easy category but it would be very helpful if opening the smartlist editor did not completely block the ability to interact with the rest of MC in standard view.

When I am creating custom smartlists sometimes I like to browse around the current state of the smartlists to see which new rules I would like to add (for instance, excluding specific artists or genres). As it stands now I have to close the smartlist editor window in order to browse the current tracks and then reopen it to add any changes. It would also be nice to be able to use the playback buttons while editing a smartlist.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: zxsix on February 01, 2019, 04:22:47 pm
More details shown about audio and video compression of MKV files.
One example:
MC compression field shows: mkv video (video: hevc, audio: truehd)
Mediainfo.exe shows  video: hevc, 10bits, HDR  audio: TrueHD with Dolby Atmos / AC-3 Dolby Digital

4K logo overlay on corner of movie cover art if dimensions field = 3840x2160
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: tzr916 on February 02, 2019, 09:11:05 am
1. User defined MC Library backup schedule.
2. User ability to remove/move "Watch All" in theater view > video.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: audioriver on February 02, 2019, 11:21:42 am
Ability to disable and further configure the mouse wheel. It remains a problem especially during streaming/video/TV playback.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JimH on February 03, 2019, 01:18:30 am
Split Ability to change fonts (,119385.0.html)
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: lepa on February 03, 2019, 03:30:19 am
Preview panel when editing Thumbnail Text. Currently you have to navigate a lot when testing complex expressions. It would save time if you could see the results immediately where you are editing it.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mattkhan on February 03, 2019, 03:26:15 pm
Provide a view which shows

* which clients are connected
* what is being streamed to them

As far as I know, at present, you can only see zones in playing now so playing something on panel or jremote is not a visible activity on the server.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on February 04, 2019, 07:12:46 pm
Split the unmute discussion:,119414.0.html
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on February 05, 2019, 07:58:57 am
4K logo overlay on corner of movie cover art if dimensions field = 3840x2160

This is a good idea.

Coming in the next build:
NEW: 4k content shows a custom icon in Theater View.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Moe on February 05, 2019, 12:41:12 pm
If this is possible, I think it would be very easy to implement.

I'd love a new field called something like "Number of audio streams".  This would automatically display the number of audio streams contained in a file, such as an MKV.  I am hoping that this information is readily accessible much in the same way that the "Channels" field is.  I have a lot of movies with multiple language tracks, director commentaries, Rifftrax, etc. and it would be nice to quickly be able to see files with multiple audio streams. 

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JimH on February 05, 2019, 02:23:57 pm
If this is possible, I think it would be very easy to implement.

I'd love a new field called something like "Number of audio streams".  This would automatically display the number of audio streams contained in a file, such as an MKV.  I am hoping that this information is readily accessible much in the same way that the "Channels" field is.  I have a lot of movies with multiple language tracks, director commentaries, Rifftrax, etc. and it would be nice to quickly be able to see files with multiple audio streams. 

Just add a custom tag.  The wiki has information.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Moe on February 05, 2019, 03:25:25 pm
Just add a custom tag.  The wiki has information.

I was hoping to have the field automatically filled in, like how channels is filled in automatically.  I realize I can make a custom tag, but that field would have to be filled in manually.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: unreel on February 05, 2019, 05:18:38 pm
Would be great to be able to drag the playback controls / seek bar down the screen so its not covered by the masking system that I use with my projector.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Shalmaneser on February 05, 2019, 08:00:00 pm
I have to admit that the learning curve for the J MC GUI is somewhat steep for me. Partly it's due to the depth and range of features. If I were to approach a revamp, I'd collect some data on the usage frequency of each feature from the installed base of users. Then I'd revamp the GUI to make those features highly accessible. E.G. a single click/keystroke. My pet peeve is how deeply buried the audio settings are. Nothing like trying to set equalizer 2 or output format settings from four or five moves deep. I'm the first to say it's probably just me, but I've never been a fan of highly vertical GUIs, preferring very horizontal design, even at the expense of screen space. Modern monitors are huuuge by comparison to a decade past.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: biblio on February 05, 2019, 08:55:42 pm
I have to admit that the learning curve for the J MC GUI is somewhat steep for me. Partly it's due to the depth and range of features. If I were to approach a revamp, I'd collect some data on the usage frequency of each feature from the installed base of users. Then I'd revamp the GUI to make those features highly accessible. E.G. a single click/keystroke. My pet peeve is how deeply buried the audio settings are. Nothing like trying to set equalizer 2 or output format settings from four or five moves deep. I'm the first to say it's probably just me, but I've never been a fan of highly vertical GUIs, preferring very horizontal design, even at the expense of screen space. Modern monitors are huuuge by comparison to a decade past.

If there was ever a telemetry option i'd tick it. The only features I use are audio based though.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mimizone on February 05, 2019, 09:25:03 pm

In a DLNA server configuration,
Apply DSP/format transcoding not only by file type but also by sample rate.

The request is specifically only for DFF/DSF files.
Some renderer can play native DFF/DSF up to DSD64 but not beyond.

The custom (input->output samplerate) setup is feasible for PCM already via the Output Format screen in the Sample Rate options.

So for instance:

Input   ->  Output
DSD64 -> DSD64 (unmodified)
DSD128 -> to PCM (ex: 192Khz) or DSD64

the option could be a few other lines in the DSP Studio>Output Format>Sample Rate list with entries for DSD Sample Rates? But that is potentially not coherent with the DLNA Servers configuration window and could be confusing maybe?

or the option could be to have dff64/dff128/dsf64 etc... show up as different file types in the "Audio Formats to convert" list? that would make the list a bit longer (10 additional lines if we go up to dsd1024). It's also not really the file types. Which may be confusing and feel more like a hack.

I'll vote for option 1 if I had the choice.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Gedeon on February 06, 2019, 03:01:24 am
In the "Get Info" from internet dialog to scrap, let, not only choose the language but media type too in a drop-down dialog, so users can change from TV Show to Movie ... or the correct mediatype.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Listener on February 06, 2019, 11:19:27 am
A library tools item to combine a list of files (preserving gaps or lack of gaps).  It would be good if tags were transferred in the process.  (I realize that the name tag would be different for each of the input files but other tags might be the same.)

Foobar2000 has such a command and I used it in the past to glue together the movements of classical music works into a single file.  Also useful for movie musical and soundtrack albums.  On a smartphone or portable DAP such glued files are easier to select and play than a series of separate files.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: xpto on February 06, 2019, 03:50:50 pm
Here's a "Too Easy" request:

Make the "Import Details" window that appears when you press "Details" in the "Import Summary" at least twice as big horizontally. Maybe even three time as big.

Currently all is packed into that small window and looks pretty unreadable.

It always needs resizing to look at what was imported and from where.

Another option is too have the window adapt horizontally to the biggest path that was imported -> no more resizing needed  ;)

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: xpto on February 07, 2019, 09:55:54 am
"Too easy" request for the bottom toolbar.

I would like to configure what is displayed at the bottom toolbar similar to what is already possible on the top toolbar.

I'm not referring to "Customize toolbar" - that's already available for the bottom and top toolbars.

I am referring to "Customize Display" - which is available for the top toolbar/display.

Nothing fancy like the top toolbar/display with Play Mode (Main), Play Mode (Alternative) or Stopped Mode.

I just need a single field where I can specify an "Expression Language" expression for what I need to appear at the bottom.

MC is king of customization (and I love it that way!) but it's missing this hopefully "too easy" bit.


Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on February 07, 2019, 10:13:43 am
Here's a "Too Easy" request:

Make the "Import Details" window that appears when you press "Details" in the "Import Summary" at least twice as big horizontally. Maybe even three time as big.

Currently all is packed into that small window and looks pretty unreadable.

It always needs resizing to look at what was imported and from where.

Another option is too have the window adapt horizontally to the biggest path that was imported -> no more resizing needed  ;)


This will be coming soon.  Thanks for the idea.

Changed: Made the "Import Details" dialog bigger.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: xpto on February 07, 2019, 11:01:26 am
Thank Matt for the "Import Details" resizing.

One last "Too easy" request from my side.

When right clicking on the items on the tree add "Open in new tab" as an option.

Currently I need to:

1. identify what I need in a new tab - playlist, smartlist or other.
2. open a new tab by clicking on the "micro-sized tab" that appears right to my currently open tab. BTW, this is invisible in many skins.
3. get back to the playlist, smartlist I wanted to open in step 1.

It would be easier if all is done in one step.


Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Moe on February 07, 2019, 11:04:22 am
Thank Matt for the "Import Details" resizing.

One last "Too easy" request from my side.

When right clicking on the items on the tree add "Open in new tab" as an option.

Currently I need to:

1. identify what I need in a new tab - playlist, smartlist or other.
2. open a new tab by clicking on the "micro-sized tab" that appears right to my currently open tab. BTW, this is invisible in many skins.
3. get back to the playlist, smartlist I wanted to open in step 1.

It would be easier if all is done in one step.



Click with your mouse wheel and it will open in a new tab.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: xpto on February 07, 2019, 11:20:09 am
Click with your mouse wheel and it will open in a new tab.

Yep, that works Moe.

Thanks for the tip.

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: tyler69 on February 07, 2019, 01:18:23 pm
Volume percentage indicator in Panel. It could be put on the right side of the volume slider.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Plutotype on February 07, 2019, 02:29:44 pm
Too easy:

Global subtitles setting for "shift"...which will be used as default setting for the whole movie library.

Why is this important:

- render subtitles on black bars only ( not messing up the picture )
- size vs shift vs viewing distance vs black bars
- set once and forget
- can be achieved also by moving default 0 shift setting so that this renders subtitles closer to bottom of the screen
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: SpeedD408 on February 07, 2019, 05:38:35 pm
How about picture-in-picture?  I would thing most of us have multiple tuners and thus we can record multiple shows, why can't we watch two shows at once? Primary would get audio and a function key or remote key could flip primary and secondary streams.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: lepa on February 10, 2019, 02:08:22 am
Could the "dots" in the theaterview's playing now be at least optional, please. They just flowing in the air there and I would rather have the textual information which is shown when I select volume or position row as a simple implementation.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RD James on February 11, 2019, 02:23:05 am
When you click "streaming" in the tree, it auto-expands like everything else.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JimH on February 11, 2019, 02:56:57 am
Split Server Extensions (,119500.0.html)
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: drmimosa on February 11, 2019, 10:41:10 am
Folder icons ("view" icons, really) for DLNA browsing (TVs, VLC Apple TV app, etc) are just that, folders. How about using the Panel icons or an option for custom DLNA icons?
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: lepa on February 11, 2019, 02:24:31 pm
Folder icons ("view" icons, really) for DLNA browsing (TVs, VLC Apple TV app, etc) are just that, folders. How about using the Panel icons or an option for custom DLNA icons?
Too Medium solution: User selectable icon for every Item in view. We already have "Set rules for file display" why not add "Set icon for item" which would override the default icon.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: flac.rules on February 11, 2019, 04:59:25 pm
I think these things are easy:

- Being able to rate playlists
- Being able to transcode an external device on a client on a a client-server setup.
- Support stacking in JRemote/Gizmo/Outside the main program.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RD James on February 13, 2019, 12:40:20 am
"Maximize device volume during playback" option for ASIO.
Without this option, ASIO is still prone to breaking on devices which do not bypass the device volume via ASIO automatically.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: kstich on February 13, 2019, 01:07:11 am
Too Easy Request

Add options to minimize to the system tray instead of the taskbar, and minimize to system tray when someone clicks “X” (the close icon) instead of actually closing the software.

Use case, I use the WDM driver and all audio is routed through J River. I would like to prevent the application from closing, as sometimes guests close the software when they really need it for playback. A “prevent application close - send to tray instead” option would prevent that.

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JimH on February 13, 2019, 01:13:41 am
Too Easy Request

Add options to minimize to the system tray instead of the taskbar, and minimize to system tray when someone clicks “X” (the close icon) instead of actually closing the software.

Use case, I use the WDM driver and all audio is routed through J River. I would like to prevent the application from closing, as sometimes guests close the software when they really need it for playback. A “prevent application close - send to tray instead” option would prevent that.

Try running Media Server on system startup (in MC options).  You could read what that does here:

It would keep the server running, if that helps.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RD James on February 13, 2019, 01:18:30 am
Try running Media Server on system startup (in MC options).  You could read what that does here:

It would keep the server running, if that helps.
The issue is that Media Server keeps running but closing the Media Center interface stops playback.
Minimizing to tray on close would keep playback running.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: thorsten on February 13, 2019, 07:42:36 am
Hi there,

As using the built in convolver feature:
Would it be possible in dsp/convolver to show 2 or 3 different files, where one can open easily different configurations so that there is a rather easy on-the-fly comparison possible?

Right now, I have two .txt files with different ending (e.g. _1 and _2) and I always have to use the keyboard for changing from one configuration to another. It works, but is a hassle to use.

Keep up with the great work and eagerly awaiting MC25,

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JimH on February 13, 2019, 07:46:17 am
As using the built in convolver feature:
Would it be possible in dsp/convolver to show 2 or 3 different files, where one can open easily different configurations so that there is a rather easy on-the-fly comparison possible?
I believe you could do that with Zones.  The wiki has a topic.  Ctrl-T toggles between zones.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: thorsten on February 14, 2019, 01:57:23 am

Zones might work, but then I have to run them in sync and have to load the playlist in both zones. In german we say: pest or colera  ;D
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: 4 jumping cats on February 14, 2019, 05:25:16 pm
The ability to show all of the embedded artwork in a flac file is long overdue, mp3tag can do it so why not jriver?
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: chriswatson on February 14, 2019, 07:05:15 pm
When DSP/output settings are wrong and playback halts with a "Invalid DSP/output blah blah, have you considered using these settings?" Have a option that forces MC to "Play without halting" or "Autocorrect output format"and uses the settings that media center suggests might work, rather than halting playback.

I have a many years old library and I am using DSD whenever possible, but I still bump into stuff that halts playback. After a lot of fiddling I got it to generally work, but I'd rather set my DSP to max and have it automatically downscale as required rather than halting on some infrequent bitrate song.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: ferday on February 14, 2019, 09:24:56 pm
currently to move zones you have to right click the remaining tracks in playing now and "send to"

an easy way to do this would be cool, i often shift between headphones and speakers, or room zones and want to continue where i am

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Scobie on February 15, 2019, 12:41:50 am
Give the ability to view all album artwork and not just the cover, sleeve notes etc.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JimH on February 15, 2019, 01:32:44 am
Give the ability to view all album artwork and not just the cover, sleeve notes etc.
Try View Extras (,106819.0.html)
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Scobie on February 15, 2019, 04:50:04 am
Thanks Jim, was aware of that feature but not the functionality outlined in the link. I never knew why other data was not displayed but all I need do is rename the subfolder.

That's what i call service, would also like JRiver to supply a Maserati Quattro and Gibson J200.

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mattlovell on February 15, 2019, 09:42:50 am
That's what i call service, would also like JRiver to supply a Maserati Quattro and Gibson J200.

Here you go, have two of them!  ;D

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JimH on February 15, 2019, 11:33:49 am
Nice house, Matt.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Scobie on February 15, 2019, 04:11:05 pm
bit too far to run inside with the shopping in the rain, but I'll take it.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: David Sydney on February 16, 2019, 05:38:27 pm
How about drag/drop folder of songs into JRiver - then JRiver reads file tags and creates/uses artist folder, Album folder to copy the files into ....Basically like itunes.

I still use itunes to import low def, audio files this way. Then I edit/use the audio in JRiver (ie. Itunes library is largely broken but useful to import songs with). For high def flac files etc. I have to create folder/files manually then copy across because itunes ignores them. I have JRiver is looking at itunes folders plus some others.

It would be nice to ditch Itunes altogether and get it off my computer it's so slow to open/update.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: BryanC on February 16, 2019, 06:00:55 pm
How about drag/drop folder of songs into JRiver - then JRiver reads file tags and creates/uses artist folder, Album folder to copy the files into ....Basically like itunes.

I still use itunes to import low def, audio files this way. Then I edit/use the audio in JRiver (ie. Itunes library is largely broken but useful to import songs with). For high def flac files etc. I have to create folder/files manually then copy across because itunes ignores them. I have JRiver is looking at itunes folders plus some others.

It would be nice to ditch Itunes altogether and get it off my computer it's so slow to open/update.

To rephrase for clarity, you want automatic RM&C functionality upon auto-import or drag-and-drop import.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: fitbrit on February 16, 2019, 06:49:51 pm
Would love to see an option that lets Carnac override existing tags on auto import.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: wer on February 17, 2019, 01:16:48 pm
SIMPLE: The ability to hide something in the tree view (even a top level item, like "Services & Plug-ins") that you don't want to see.  Already possible with Zones.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: wer on February 17, 2019, 01:17:17 pm
SIMPLE: Use an icon other then the international standard "Play" image for linkable columns. Currently confusing.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: wer on February 17, 2019, 01:17:55 pm
SIMPLE: Add a real play button (perhaps in a column) to items in the top area, when that is shown as details list style.  Currently double-clicking a details list item in the top doesn't play, it opens the file view below; you either have to right-click to play, or in thumbnail view you get a Play hover.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: wer on February 17, 2019, 01:18:39 pm
SIMPLE: Option to NOT auto-expand Playing Now in the tree when MC launches.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: wer on February 17, 2019, 01:19:17 pm
SIMPLE: The option to drill down all the way to files in the top pane, instead of opening the lower files pane on the last double-click.  Essentially, the ability to use the right-hand side of standard view as a single unified pane.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: wer on February 17, 2019, 01:20:01 pm
Make Playing Now a separate pane in the tree (sort of like the action window) so that you can switch zones with one click without moving away from your current tree view.  To switch to viewing the play doctor or current playing now, you could always double-click.  Yes you can switch zones via menu, but it requires many clicks and mouse movements to navigate.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: wer on February 17, 2019, 01:20:32 pm
In theater view, the ability to add playlist groups as a library item while still respecting playlist sequence order.  (Matt fixed this years ago, and it's re-broken.)  This is to enable Playlists to be inside a Music view, instead of as a top-level roller.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: wer on February 17, 2019, 01:20:58 pm
Add the ability to put command shortcuts on the toolbar.  (Things like appear on the right-click recent command option, like On Disk-External).
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: wer on February 17, 2019, 01:21:16 pm
In the tree view, allow "manual" sorting, where we can just drag and drop views/view-groups to a particular position and it stays there. (Compared to the current system of position setting + image + name)
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: wer on February 17, 2019, 01:23:40 pm
When JRiver added per file DSP, it was a huge advance, and the customers were very grateful.

But there has always been an issue with the implementation that kept a lot of people from using it....

I propose a small and easy change:

Add an option "Use default DSP setting when DSP field is empty..." with entry to select either "Do Nothing" or to pick an existing DSP preset.

When the DSP tag is read at playback, this option can be honored accordingly.  The Do Nothing setting would preserve current behavior.  Selecting a preset would provide for a global default.

This is such a small change, and would help so many people, without causing any further ripple effect.  Could this please be done?  It's too easy!
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JimH on February 17, 2019, 03:21:09 pm
In the tree view, allow "manual" sorting, where we can just drag and drop something to a particular position and it stays there.
I think you can do that with a playlist.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: wer on February 17, 2019, 04:39:41 pm
I meant with regard to views, which are currently sorted through the extremely non-intuitive combination of position setting, image, and name.  I'll edit the post for clarity.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: wer on February 18, 2019, 02:34:43 am
One more super-easy one:

Provide (optionally) a means for Clip Protection information to display for a few seconds when activated when playing back in theater view or fullscreen.  Currently there is no reasonable way to know if clip protection engages when watching a video fullscreen.  Just a simple text overlay in the corner of the screen.  Please.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RD James on February 19, 2019, 05:27:49 am
SIMPLE: Option to NOT auto-expand Playing Now in the tree when MC launches.
It's the opposite for me: I want Playing Now to always stay expanded by default, since that gives me an overview of what Zones media is playing in.
I always have to switch to another view and then manually expand the Playing Now section for it to stay open.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Dawgincontrol on February 19, 2019, 10:32:08 am
Make "Notes" from Playlists available in Theater and Standard view "Playing Now" as a field.. 
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: tyler69 on February 20, 2019, 12:49:28 pm
Display a Pop-Up when hovering over an album artwork (similar to what happens when the user hovers over a movie artwork). Content may be mapped to tags and ideally the user can specify in MC's options which tags (tag contents) are being displayed and in which order.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RD James on February 25, 2019, 03:55:55 am
Display new/updated TV series thumbnails without having to restart the entire program.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Bro on February 25, 2019, 07:12:57 am
If this feature already exists then please ignore it :) (and please advise me how to do it)


Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on February 25, 2019, 08:55:32 am
If this feature already exists then please ignore it :) (and please advise me how to do it)

Coming next build of MC25:
NEW: Added the menu command "Set Seq From Sort" to right-click on the Playing Now list headers so you can sort and then update the order to match the sorting after.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mojave on February 25, 2019, 09:43:55 am
If this feature already exists then please ignore it :) (and please advise me how to do it)
You can right click the Zone and select "Update Order" although I like the addition that Matt provided.

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: MrBiff on February 26, 2019, 07:43:30 pm
On the macOS version, It takes forever and a day to add a few new columns to the file list of a view.

There is no typeselect here.

There is no scroll arrow at the bottom to start the scrolling.

Mouse / trackpad scrolling is painfully slow and laborious.

Please, please, please at least add typeselect.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: syndromeofadown on February 26, 2019, 10:51:51 pm
For Podcasts:

Feeds that are added are currently not saved in library backups and will need re-added after updating to MC 25. I have over 20 feeds.
Please add them to the library backups.

If the download location doesn't exist (example: because it's a location saved in the library backup from a user with a different name), then all podcasts just fail to download. There's no warning or notification as to why.
Please prompt the user to choose a directory.

Please add the option to select podcasts and mark them as "downloaded", "Ignore", or similar.

Please add option to mark all podcasts before a certain date as "downloaded", "Ignore", or similar.

Thank you
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Bro on February 27, 2019, 06:50:05 am
Coming next build of MC25:
NEW: Added the menu command "Set Seq From Sort" to right-click on the Playing Now list headers so you can sort and then update the order to match the sorting after.

Matt & mojave, thaks for instant feedback, I appreciate it!!

Best regards,
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on February 27, 2019, 09:12:31 am
On the macOS version, It takes forever and a day to add a few new columns to the file list of a view.

There is no typeselect here.

There is no scroll arrow at the bottom to start the scrolling.

Mouse / trackpad scrolling is painfully slow and laborious.

Please, please, please at least add typeselect.

We'll try to add type select to MC25.  Thanks for the suggestion.  It was being handled in the WindowProc, but that doesn't exist on Mac.  Should be easy enough to move.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: audioriver on February 27, 2019, 10:16:17 am
In the Audio Path pop-up window, it'd be nice to also see the Memory playback status (whether it's enabled and if so, the mode used).
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on February 27, 2019, 10:41:05 am
In the Audio Path pop-up window, it'd be nice to also see the Memory playback status (whether it's enabled and if so, the mode used).

We'll add this to MC25.  Here's the history:
Changed: Added the memory playback status to Audio Path.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JimH on February 27, 2019, 11:02:41 am
Before posting a request, please read the first post carefully. 
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: thorsten on February 27, 2019, 03:10:48 pm
Hi there,

I love the feature in the movie section of hoovering the mouse over a movie and reading the description.
However, I hate that I have to use the mouse. I‘m navigating with the cursors of my remote

A switch/checkbox for activating the description just by moving there with the cursors (with 2 seconds start delay, showing the description until the next cursor or mouse movement)

Thanks in advance,

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: fitbrit on March 01, 2019, 10:54:20 pm
When restoring a library, have the ability to change the name of the library right from the get-go in the restore dialog box.
Similarly, have a checkbox that will allow resetting of the Access Key when the library is restored.

Reason: When a restored library is used as a settings template for a new machine. Restoring settings gives the same Access Key to the system as the original machine, thereby causing a conflict.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: ~OHM~ on March 04, 2019, 05:30:06 am
To be able to drag tabs to a specific order.

I use many tabs and like them in a certain order. Now and then I forget and close one, then I have to start them all over to get the order I like.....
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RD James on March 04, 2019, 11:40:25 pm
To be able to drag tabs to a specific order.

I use many tabs and like them in a certain order. Now and then I forget and close one, then I have to start them all over to get the order I like.....
Opening a view with the middle mouse button opens it to the right of the current tab.
You can also save the current layout in the view menu.
A change that I would like to see for tabs is preventing them from being closed in a locked pane.
You can't make new tabs, but it still lets you close them when locked.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: leezer3 on March 07, 2019, 09:40:05 am
Running 'Import' manually produces an import summary in the bottom left (Action Window?)

If this isn't closed, running 'Import' for a second time produces a duplicate import summary, and now both need to be closed.

The second import should probably either close the first summary, or update the window.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: vairulez on March 07, 2019, 11:06:44 am
request : ability to change subtitles' size from the osd
Title: Roll James Dickson's Playing Now into an included plugin
Post by: joshhuggins on March 07, 2019, 11:07:26 am
Roll James Dickson's Playing Now into an included plugin  ;D
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on March 07, 2019, 11:21:58 am
request : ability to change subtitles' size from the osd

Good idea.

Coming next build of MC 25:
NEW: Added subtitle size to the OSD.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Daniel Warner on March 12, 2019, 07:08:40 pm
I would like it if you could have the 'Comment' tag field display as a text area instead of just one line, or maybe provide the choice to have it that way. I use the comment tag to have the allmusic review and would like to see more of it without having to move my mouse.

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: zonka on March 13, 2019, 07:50:44 am
I have a thread going about this, but maybe this is the appropriate place:
I would like to be a to customize what is below the large cover art in theater view playing now. In the first row I would like the option to add album title and year (or options others might like).
I would also like to be able to remove the ratings bar.
Finally, I would like a time count up or down with the moving track progress ball.

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: drmimosa on March 13, 2019, 08:26:38 am
I mentioned this in a separate thread recently, but just in case it falls under "too easy":

Full Authentication isn't possible for MC clients when Password Authentication is enabled and Read-only Authentication is set to "Everyone."

Currently the client defaults to Read-Only Authentication and you can't enter an authentication password.

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: audioriver on March 16, 2019, 11:09:19 am
"Customize Toolbar" window: add a search/filter bar. Would help a lot, instead of scrolling through many entries.

In the same window, perhaps Smartlists should be described as such (instead of Playlist) and use their own icon.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: MrBiff on March 17, 2019, 02:44:55 pm
When Deleting a field in Options > Library & Folders > Manage Library Fields, please don't reset the selection back to the top of the field list after a Delete.

Instead, set the selection to be the very next item in the list, so that you can quickly delete consecutive items.  Otherwise, deleting a sequence of keys is very painful.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on March 19, 2019, 11:59:26 am
When Deleting a field in Options > Library & Folders > Manage Library Fields, please don't reset the selection back to the top of the field list after a Delete.

Instead, set the selection to be the very next item in the list, so that you can quickly delete consecutive items.  Otherwise, deleting a sequence of keys is very painful.

Coming next build of MC 25:
Changed: Deleting a library field will select the next list item instead of the first.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JonnyRedHed on March 22, 2019, 08:20:39 pm
19. NEW: Added a "Quick Search" button to the toolbar customization.

Having added the quick search toolbar button, could you also maybe add 'Analyze Audio' and 'Convert Format' to the tool bar button options please.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RD James on March 25, 2019, 02:47:09 am
When using the "Paste Tags" function, add another column to the view which lists the data that is actually going to be used.
E.g. list the album name that will be pasted. Or list something like (multiple items) for a field like track name where every one is different. And leave a blank field when that tag is empty.

A third column showing the existing tags would also be useful so that you know what is about to be overwritten.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mattkhan on March 25, 2019, 04:15:59 am
Tell the user which file(s) they're about to delete when asking for confirmation
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JonnyRedHed on March 25, 2019, 08:05:11 am
'Analyze Audio' window - How about another little menu and with options in the 'Analyze Audio' window where you can set up some quick rules to start the process automatically from just pressing newly added button to the tool bar, or right click selection and that way. Select your tracks, press the toolbar button and it will open and depending upon rules you've already set it will auto start.

Options could be for overriding all previous Analyzed files so they go again,  or skip previously done files....or other options you cleaver dev peeps know about.    Also, have it auto exit the window, again based on set rules -  have they all successfully been analyzed, if not don't exit the window and maybe even highlight the failed files in soft red overlay ??  but if all files have completed ok, then exit.  Or don't exit, so you can go check them over.

I'm currently converting albums for car playback from usb stick from very high quality flacs/vinyl rips and after doing it for several hours it strikes me time wasting to have to open the window and then move the mouse to press analyze... lazy I know, but still a good little idea I think for quickly working when your on a roll doing this sort of thing for some hours.

Is this a quick thing,  or a longer thing for another time.  I have no idea.  Just thought of it so wanted to type it down and ask before I forget.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RD James on March 25, 2019, 08:29:32 am
The main thing I'd like to see changed for audio analysis is that it only ever processes a single file at once for videos, 1/4 as many files as you have CPU threads for DSD, and as many files as you have threads for other music formats.
Having to change that every time is a nuisance.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: The Big Labinski on March 25, 2019, 08:57:04 am
Lyrics - Songtext
Thanks for adding this feature. I was testing it and got not for all songs the lyrics - Les Claypool; Fungi and Foe.
Would it be possible to get a note when something went wrong or when a lyric was not found?
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: tzr916 on March 25, 2019, 05:02:54 pm
Method for using Panel (and other remotes) as different "User", other than the user that the Server is currently logged in as. Example:

-MC running on the server as View>User>Living Room. I want to open Panel as View>User>Administrator, but it will only open as user "Living Room".
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: madbrain on March 25, 2019, 06:31:49 pm
Keyboard Hotkey to toggle captions / subtitles during video playback .
This should work DVD/Blu-ray and OTA broadcasts as well. It should toggle between off / CC1 / CC2 / etc.

This is to allow easier setting of captions with an IR remote. While the OSD works, it takes time to wade through the OSD menus with a remote just to toggle captions.
The IR receiver - an iMon receiver built in to my HTPC case - isn't supported directly by JRiver. But it has great software that lets me map IR functions to any combination of keystrokes. This would work fine if MediaCenter had a hotkey combo for setting captions.

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: madbrain on March 25, 2019, 06:39:56 pm
Now that close captions/subtitles work for OTA broadcasts, the settings television option for enabling captions by default should enable them. Right now, the checkbox says "works for analog channels only".
Either make a separate checkbox for analog and digital brodcasts, or change it to a single checkbox that work with both.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: 89ZEF on March 25, 2019, 08:27:43 pm
Client options when playing from a Library Server:
OGG Audio Presets

Can be triggered from MCWS/v1/File/GetFile?Conversion=n
==> Applicable to other usage (Android remotes, Panel, ...)

Best lossy codec. Lighter bandwidth. Data plan saver. More music on the road.  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Hendrik on March 25, 2019, 08:55:24 pm
Client options when playing from a Library Server:
OGG Audio Presets

Can be triggered from MCWS/v1/File/GetFile?Conversion=n
==> Applicable to other usage (Android remotes, Panel, ...)

Best lossy codec. Lighter bandwidth. Data plan saver. More music on the road.  ;D ;D ;D

We don't plan on adding Ogg, because its old and outdated. We do plan on adding Opus however, the actual successor to Ogg, and generally superior in every way.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: 89ZEF on March 25, 2019, 09:13:47 pm
We don't plan on adding Ogg, because its old and outdated. We do plan on adding Opus however, the actual successor to Ogg, and generally superior in every way.

Well amen to that!! Where do I sign?  :-*
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: madbrain on March 26, 2019, 12:02:24 am
Hotkey to toggle audio stream for OTA broadcasts. Probably should be the same CTRL-SHIFT-L as for DVD/Blu-ray. This allows mapping a single button on an IR remote to have the same effect for both OTA and movies.

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JonnyRedHed on March 26, 2019, 05:26:30 pm

Having added the quick search toolbar button, could you also maybe add 'Analyze Audio' and 'Convert Format' to the tool bar button options please.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RoderickGI on March 26, 2019, 08:26:15 pm
In the "Navigation Bar > Services & Plug-ins > Media Network", in addition to being able to select the Server I want to view statistics on, could I have a filter so that I can view only information on the devices that I am interested in?

Specifically, I want to be able to filter on the "Source" column, to restrict the view to packets coming from just one device, for debugging reasons. It would also be good to be able to filter on specific parts of the "Resource" column, to identify, for example, which Source is sending "ContentDirectory/Control" and "DeviceDescription" requests.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RD James on March 27, 2019, 02:42:33 am
"Update Tags" is still displaying its status in the bar along the bottom of the screen, and prompting with a modal dialog when it completes.
Displaying its status in the tree would be much better.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on March 27, 2019, 08:04:51 am

Having added the quick search toolbar button, could you also maybe add 'Analyze Audio' and 'Convert Format' to the tool bar button options please.

Convert is already there.

Look for "Convert Format" in the customize dialog.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: audioriver on March 27, 2019, 01:47:11 pm
When an import operation results in "Skipped x files (previously determined to be bad)", add a link to the report that will explain what that means and provide possible solutions.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: oie on March 27, 2019, 02:06:05 pm
Would be possible to have a display text for music and another one for movies, tv shows etc?. I know you can have an alternative display text but I’m thinking more about once JRiver detects audio is playing it changed the display text to the audio setting and when it detects movie or tv shows it changes the display text to the movie/tv shows display text setting?
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JonnyRedHed on March 28, 2019, 05:39:45 pm
Convert is already there.

Look for "Convert Format" in the customize dialog.

Ah, so it is. Blind as a bat I must be. 


And 'Analyze Audio', is that worth adding also.

And what of my 'Analyze Audio' auto idea above.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mattkhan on March 29, 2019, 03:35:57 am
Automatically put the main playlist entry (for a BD) in a tag so a user can easily see which playlist is used for a particular bd
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mattkhan on March 29, 2019, 03:37:37 am
Add a checkbox to output format to allow the user to choose between a 5.1 or 7.1 mix target when using more than 6 channel outputs (or a drop-down that allows choice of stereo, 5.1 and 7.1)

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: tzr916 on March 29, 2019, 09:05:39 am
Method for using Panel (and other remotes) as different "User", other than the user that the Server is currently logged in as. Example:

-MC running on the server as View>User>Living Room. I want to open Panel as View>User>Administrator, but it will only open as user "Living Room".

If this is too difficult, then put an option in MC that allows Clients to startup as a different User than the Server. Even a command line option would work.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on March 29, 2019, 10:13:54 am
And 'Analyze Audio', is that worth adding also.

Next build:
NEW: Added "Analyze Audio" to the customize toolbar dialog.

Thanks for the suggestion :)
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JonnyRedHed on March 29, 2019, 04:39:20 pm
Next build:
NEW: Added "Analyze Audio" to the customize toolbar dialog.

Thanks for the suggestion :)


Any thoughts on this idea below,  too big for this too easy thread?


'Analyze Audio' window - How about another little menu and with options in the 'Analyze Audio' window where you can set up some quick rules to start the process automatically from just pressing newly added button to the tool bar, or right click selection and that way. Select your tracks, press the toolbar button and it will open and depending upon rules you've already set it will auto start.

Options could be for overriding all previous Analyzed files so they go again,  or skip previously done files....or other options you cleaver dev peeps know about.    Also, have it auto exit the window, again based on set rules -  have they all successfully been analyzed, if not don't exit the window and maybe even highlight the failed files in soft red overlay ??  but if all files have completed ok, then exit.  Or don't exit, so you can go check them over.

I'm currently converting albums for car playback from my library to usb stick from very high quality flacs/vinyl rips etc, and after doing that for a few hours it strikes me its time wasting to have to open the window and then move the mouse to press analyze... lazy I know, but still a good little idea I think for quickly working when your on a roll doing this sort of thing for some hours.

Once the files are highlighted and one has the 'Analyze Audio' rules set up, all one needs do is press the tool bar 'Analyze Audio' or right click that way and it will auto complete and then close the window if all the rules are met.  If not, then maybe highlight the unprocessed files with a soft red overlay, if using a dark background skin (I use the adobe audition skin from deviant art). And some other highlight color for unprocessed/skipped files if using a lighter or MC default skin.

Might be a good logical step forward to have the the auto 'Analyze Audio' based on rules and then auto exit if all good.

Is this a quick thing,  or a longer thing for another time.  I have no idea.  Just thought of it so wanted to type it down and ask before I forget.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: richard-ec2 on March 29, 2019, 06:15:10 pm
In standard view, make the playback bar (progress bar) thicker. Since the re-design, it has become so thin that it's difficult to see progress at any distance from the screen.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: richard-ec2 on March 29, 2019, 06:20:43 pm
In standard view in the main content panel, make the default size for album thumbnails adjustable. (Instead of having to do a separate adjustment for each individual view scheme.)
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RoderickGI on March 29, 2019, 11:01:22 pm
In standard view, make the playback bar (progress bar) thicker. Since the re-design, it has become so thin that it's difficult to see progress at any distance from the screen.

This would be dependent on the Standard View Skin you are using. You could try other Skins, or learn to edit the Skin and change that one feature. There would be a pixel width setting or similar in the Skin definition. It probably depends a lot on the resolution and DPI of your display, and shouldn't be changed for everyone. Certainly, I haven't noticed a problem on my 4K 65" TV watching from 3.5 metres distance. So, customise to your requirements.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RoderickGI on March 29, 2019, 11:06:32 pm
In standard view in the main content panel, make the default size for album thumbnails adjustable. (Instead of having to do a separate adjustment for each individual view scheme.)

I suggested an alternate solution on your original thread Richard. It still requires some coding changes. It may still be less than an hour's work.,120082.msg830244.html#msg830244
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Negasonic on March 30, 2019, 01:28:41 am
Library Tool: 'Move / Copy Fields...'

Please add option to save and load Presets (similar to what can be found in 'Rename, Move & Copy Files...')
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: lepa on March 30, 2019, 05:30:50 am
Currently user have to close MC and server in order get server changes active which is quite tedious when working with view changes for JRemote for example.

Restart Media Server when configuration has been changed or give dialog to restart (or not)  the server after configuration changes are done.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JonnyRedHed on March 30, 2019, 07:27:38 am
Take/copy/make your own the Adobe Audition looking skin found here:

And fix it up so its your own skin and working in v24/25 and scaling etc (which it does't at present). 

And add it to your default skins installed with MC.  Obviously renaming it.  Improve upon it with smoother transport buttons and other updates for MC25 onwards.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: bwaldron on March 30, 2019, 09:51:54 am
Add Album Artist to the list of fields available in Podcast Tag Properties editing. Some feeds use this field inconsistently, which screws up some of my custom views until I edit the field manually.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JonnyRedHed on March 30, 2019, 10:55:04 am
Buttons to add to top tool bar.

Update Tags (from Library)
Update Library (from Tags)
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Moe on March 30, 2019, 12:37:12 pm
So many people want to add buttons to the toolbar, what I would like is the ability to add a drop down menu to the toolbar with the commands of my choosing.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JonnyRedHed on March 30, 2019, 03:09:00 pm
Not a bad idea that. Maybe limit to 2 to start with to see how things go.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: MusicHawk on March 31, 2019, 04:48:29 pm
Cover Art > Get From Internet needs one more option, seems simple. REMOVE current image. (Remove from current track, and also possibly Delete image file if it is worthless.)

Because, sometimes (fairly often) a cover art image attached to a file is WRONG (even obscene), but MC is not finding/suggesting anything better (sometimes, nothing). Instead of keeping the existing wrong image or assigning a new wrong image, I need to delete the current image. I'll come up with a correct image later.

Please, while in the middle of Get From Internet process, let me REMOVE the current Cover Art image when neither current nor suggested images are appropriate. Having to determine the track name (not displayed) then navigate back to it later to Remove Cover Art is very clumsy when working with a large batch.

This could also help MC. If many users Remove the same image, you could recognize there's a problem with it.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Hendrik on March 31, 2019, 04:51:49 pm
Cover Art > Get From Internet needs one more option, seems simple. REMOVE current image. (Remove from current track, and also possibly Delete image file if it is worthless.)

Cover Art -> Remove Cover Art is what you are looking for.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: MusicHawk on March 31, 2019, 04:56:27 pm
Cover Art -> Remove Cover Art is what you are looking for.

Thanks but that is only available in a different context. My request is for a Remote option while in the midst of a batch Get From Internet. If it is OK for this process to have Keep or Change, surely it needs Remove too.

After a Get From Internet batch (sometimes large batch) has revealed problems, it is very difficult to know which tracks had bad images,then go back and Remove them.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JonnyRedHed on April 01, 2019, 11:44:30 am
Spell checker (and Grammar) in the Tag section as you type. In the fields where words are expected, not numbers or symbols or what ever.   Could maybe partner with tinySpell.   With a settings section to fine tune as per user preference, inc turning it off. 

Could start with the tagging section and expand if the community like it.

But to start with just a basic spell checker if you have one you can plug into the tagging section easy enough.  Although this might be for MC v26 rather than too-easy.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JonnyRedHed on April 01, 2019, 12:09:09 pm
Add to customize top tool bar:

Update Tags (from Library)
Update Library (from Tags)
Locate On Disk (External)
Analyze Audio
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RoderickGI on April 01, 2019, 03:57:55 pm
With all these requests to add functions to the toolbar, why not just add the ability to create a toolbar item that launches an MCC command, and allows the user to select an icon from a list, or supply their own icon image?

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RD James on April 03, 2019, 06:06:13 am
Please add a separate option for dither to file conversion.
I was just doing some test conversions only to find that Media Center was not decoding FLAC to WAV correctly - because it was also applying TPDF dither despite no other DSP being selected (not a conversion that should be dithered).
I had to disable dither for the entire program, perform the conversion, and then remember to enable it again.
Also: there's no option to delete conversion presets.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Hendrik on April 03, 2019, 06:50:08 am
Dithering is global, it cannot be controlled on a per-component basis. Same reason the setting is not zone-specific, and quite simply cannot be.
Its also not quite as simple as turning it off for file conversion. If you accidentally have a 24-bit file in there and convert that to 16-bit without dithering, I don't have to tell you that this would be bad (far worse then replacing the existing dither in file with new dither, which should be overall a neutral process, even if not "bitexact")
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RD James on April 03, 2019, 09:52:52 am
Dithering is global, it cannot be controlled on a per-component basis. Same reason the setting is not zone-specific, and quite simply cannot be.
Its also not quite as simple as turning it off for file conversion. If you accidentally have a 24-bit file in there and convert that to 16-bit without dithering, I don't have to tell you that this would be bad (far worse then replacing the existing dither in file with new dither, which should be overall a neutral process, even if not "bitexact")
Even if it has to be set globally like this, would it not be possible to have a dither option for conversions which would temporarily change the dither setting and restore it once the conversion is complete?
I agree that dither should be applied to most conversions, but it's not necessary for FLAC > WAV decoding, and in this case it corrupted the DTS audio contained within (it was a DTS-WAV which had been encoded to FLAC).
Easy enough to work around if you know what you're doing, but it's not the first time I've had to re-do a conversion because dither was set wrong.
If all it does is duplicate the main setting, its state could at least be set using presets to avoid that problem.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Hendrik on April 03, 2019, 10:30:13 am
and in this case it corrupted the DTS audio contained within (it was a DTS-WAV which had been encoded to FLAC).

Thats why compressed formats have no place in containers for uncompressed audio, and we won't do extra work to accomodate them.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RD James on April 03, 2019, 11:34:57 am
Thats why compressed formats have no place in containers for uncompressed audio, and we won't do extra work to accomodate them.
I agree entirely - this was done to extract the DTS audio track and put it into an MKA container.
But it seems like this would happen with any lossless to lossless/uncompressed conversion - it just wouldn't break those.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: MrBiff on April 03, 2019, 03:40:42 pm
It is impossible to see tag field labels for long labels in the Tag Dump.

Please separate out the the Tag Dump field labels and the values into two columns like the other areas in the Tag window.  And maybe use the same font as other areas of the Tag window.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Yaobing on April 03, 2019, 04:27:45 pm
Now that close captions/subtitles work for OTA broadcasts, the settings television option for enabling captions by default should enable them. Right now, the checkbox says "works for analog channels only".
Either make a separate checkbox for analog and digital brodcasts, or change it to a single checkbox that work with both.

Implemented in build 18.

Keyboard Hotkey to toggle captions / subtitles during video playback .
This should work DVD/Blu-ray and OTA broadcasts as well. It should toggle between off / CC1 / CC2 / etc.

This is to allow easier setting of captions with an IR remote. While the OSD works, it takes time to wade through the OSD menus with a remote just to toggle captions.
The IR receiver - an iMon receiver built in to my HTPC case - isn't supported directly by JRiver. But it has great software that lets me map IR functions to any combination of keystrokes. This would work fine if MediaCenter had a hotkey combo for setting captions.

Next build (build 19 - not available to public yet):
7. NEW: MCCommand MCC_PLAYBACK_ENGINE_SET_SUBTITLES (28032) will now work on TV playback as well.
8. NEW: Keyboard shortcut "Alt C" for toggling Closed Captioning/Subtitling.

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JimH on April 04, 2019, 08:39:46 am
-When the audio output device is set to "exclusive" mode and playback is paused, release the device. This frustrates me at least once a day when I try to play a Youtube video and there's no sound because JRiver has locked the device even though it's not playing anything (it's paused).

Split Exclusive Mode Problems (,120198.0.html)
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JimH on April 04, 2019, 10:52:56 am
Please don't start or continue discussions in this thread.  It's meant to be a list.  Start a new topic for anything requiring discussion.

Split Bookmarks in Long Audio Files (,120199.msg830888.html#msg830888)
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JonnyRedHed on April 04, 2019, 01:55:50 pm
Car radio play list change.  When changing car radio playlist it would be nice to have an option to not play the first top track in the list but to rather scroll down to the last played track.  Default as is now, but with option in settings to make it scroll to last played file. 

I know it would make things smoother for me, maybe others as well.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JonnyRedHed on April 04, 2019, 02:17:06 pm

Option, 'Also store the image in the file's tag'

Maybe a prompt (tip bubble) whilst in the tagging section and hovering over the cover art that you can embed the cover by turning on that option. And a quick link direct to the check box in the options/file location section.

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Moe on April 04, 2019, 03:48:50 pm
Here is a what must be a truly easy request to fill.

On the reporter, add commas to the numbers.  My report currently returns:

    Total files: 199581
    Audio files: 149136
    Image files: 20589
    Video files: 29701

It would be so nice if it returned:

    Total files: 199,581
    Audio files: 149,136
    Image files: 20,589
    Video files: 29,701
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on April 04, 2019, 06:09:06 pm
Here is a what must be a truly easy request to fill.

On the reporter, add commas to the numbers.  My report currently returns:

    Total files: 199581
    Audio files: 149136
    Image files: 20589
    Video files: 29701

It would be so nice if it returned:

    Total files: 199,581
    Audio files: 149,136
    Image files: 20,589
    Video files: 29,701

I think you might get the prize for the easiest!  I'll get this tomorrow.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: madbrain on April 04, 2019, 08:50:10 pm
Implemented in build 18.

Next build:
7. NEW: MCCommand MCC_PLAYBACK_ENGINE_SET_SUBTITLES (28032) will now work on TV playback as well.
8. NEW: Keyboard shortcut "Alt C" for toggling Closed Captioning/Subtitling.

Thank you very much ! I will give it a try tonight.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on April 05, 2019, 09:59:55 am
Option, 'Also store the image in the file's tag'

Maybe a prompt (tip bubble) whilst in the tagging section and hovering over the cover art that you can embed the cover by turning on that option. And a quick link direct to the check box in the options/file location section.

Next build:
Changed: The tooltip for an image in the Tag Action Window will explain that the image can be saved internally by enabling the option if the art is saved externally.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JonnyRedHed on April 05, 2019, 11:21:32 am
Next build:
Changed: The tooltip for an image in the Tag Action Window will explain that the image can be saved internally by enabling the option if the art is saved externally.

Great, thanks.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JonnyRedHed on April 06, 2019, 09:38:29 am
Whilst listening to one album/track etc, adding other new albums/files to the same playlist and editing the tags in the tag section.

I notice it does not return to the current playing track when I deselect the new albums I'd just been tagging.  Maybe MC could revert to currently playing track tags automatically once the new albums/tracks/files have been deselected.  Or/also at the top of the tagging section a button 'Revert to current playing track/file'.

It could also scroll the play list (car radio for me) back to the currently playing track when one presses this button ^
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Moe on April 06, 2019, 04:39:38 pm
This may already be possible but I've been searching and coming up empty.  Maybe there is a technical limitation as to why we don't already have this.

I'd like a url field for standard view that gives you a clickable link (Ideally with the option of where to open it, external browser or internal browser).  This would be great for linking to artists home pages, linking to movie home pages, linking the artists page, linking to a films trailer, TV shows discussion board, reddit page, etc.

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RoderickGI on April 06, 2019, 05:35:34 pm
This may already be possible but I've been searching and coming up empty.  Maybe there is a technical limitation as to why we don't already have this.

I'd like a url field for standard view that gives you a clickable link (Ideally with the option of where to open it, external browser or internal browser).  This would be great for linking to artists home pages, linking to movie home pages, linking the artists page, linking to a films trailer, TV shows discussion board, reddit page, etc.

It exists. Manage Links. Start a new thread and ask. No discussion here.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: rossp on April 08, 2019, 04:59:08 am
I'm sure there was some discussion that if there was an image in the buffer then MC would offer it as an option in the 'get from internet' section for TV shows and Video. Quite a few new TV shows don't have season art but do have series art.

Much quicker and simpler for users. Less chance of something getting broken, or files being named incorrectly, etc. Clipboard art could be shown below the "Your Library" art for easy selection.

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: audioriver on April 09, 2019, 10:35:37 am
Audio path window: when Equalizer is enabled you could also display the Preset in use.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mattkhan on April 16, 2019, 04:18:02 pm
I know this takes under an hour because I just did it myself :)

I notice that Panel a) uses react, b) can be relatively slow to load because certain views cause it to hit the server for a large number of requests (e.g. 5.5s over the LAN for my audio > artists view)

In comparison, over the same network and against the same library, the same view in my own app (which also uses react) takes <100ms to load because I wrapped that component in an InfiniteLoader from

v little code to write + much faster loading times has to be a good thing

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: tunetyme on April 22, 2019, 05:56:06 pm
I have an extensive media collection of 14+ TB. It is essential to carefully maintain all your files. It is set up in a simple tree of Genre (Jazz, Rock,etc) Artist, Album. These are a few suggestions to help with file management.

1. Importing:  I know what I have imported with the recently imported list. What would be helpful is the list (separate from successful imports) of files that were not imported. There have been times when a file name was incorrectly formatted or some junk files from ripping that I really don't need to store. That way I can clean it up at the outset.

2. For the album folders that are many, many years old there are numerous JPEG (gif, png, etc) files with all kinds of different names. It appears that MC has standardized on "Folder" for the album cover file name when stored in the album folder.  Folder works great for me. The problem is cleaning up all the historical files.

Suggestion one: After importing, a list is produced of all the files imported and at the end those that were not. You create a "recently imported list as well where you can do a lot of initial editing on the tags. It would also be helpful to have the exceptions list in a similar format. That would give me edit capability in the case of an error in the file name or the ability to delete junk files.

Suggestion two: It appears the MC has standardized on "Folder" for cover art that is stored within the album folder. When MC takes an non "Folder" named JPEG from within the album folder it would be helpful if it used the rename function instead of copy. I have many, many cover art files files that are not named Folder. A "smartlist" that provides a list of all non music files (or video) where the user has access to delete, rename, copy or any other appropriate editing tool would allow for cleaning up the mess. (Sorted by album name)

Another benefit besides freeing up space is for backups. I have physical backups for all my drives and a quick way to check if your backup is current, is to check the number files and folders. If they are the same you are good to go. (with a very high probability that they are exact duplicates)

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mark_h on April 23, 2019, 03:06:43 am
Could we get a Delete option on the Conversion presets?  I've started accumulating stale entries that I'd like to remove...
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on April 23, 2019, 07:47:28 am
Could we get a Delete option on the Conversion presets?  I've started accumulating stale entries that I'd like to remove...

Good idea.

Coming next build:
NEW: Added the option to delete individual conversion presets.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JonnyRedHed on May 15, 2019, 01:06:54 pm
Car radio play list change.  When changing car radio playlist it would be nice to have an option to not play the first top track in the list but to rather scroll down to the last played track.  Default as is now, but with option in settings to make it scroll to last played file. 

Could have it in right click over each car radio button, option to remember last played track on list change, and or globally remember last played track of each list and scroll down to and play that track from the start.  Default, keep it as is now with playing first track on list change.

I know it would make things smoother for me, maybe others as well.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JonnyRedHed on May 15, 2019, 01:17:29 pm
Standard view cover art slide show based from current playing tracks sub folders, artwork, art, images, covers.

Set up from right clicking over the cover art showing for the playing file.

Cover art style, plain and rotated.  Rotated option with the reflection effect included in the slide show effect.

I've been suggesting this for years,  surely some clever dev here have at least mentally mapped it out by now how it would work. So it might  only take an hour or so :)  I have no idea tho how easy or not it is.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Moe on May 21, 2019, 11:19:16 am
Support regular expressions in the find and replace tool.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Moe on May 21, 2019, 01:35:55 pm
When adding a new field the name of the field is auto populated with "My Field", can you make it so that we don't have to manually delete that every time?  When we start typing in that field it should just delete My Field
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on May 21, 2019, 01:53:33 pm
When adding a new field the name of the field is auto populated with "My Field", can you make it so that we don't have to manually delete that every time?  When we start typing in that field it should just delete My Field

Good one.

Coming next build:
Changed: When adding a library field, the name will be fully selected so typing anything will replace it (instead of requiring manual delete).
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Mike Foran on May 22, 2019, 09:44:59 pm
I would like to have a wildcard option in Find+Replace. So I could select a group of files and do
Replace:* (Live)

And it would append (Live) to the contents of the selected fields. Currently I would have to manually add it for each file, or do a RMCF to and then 'Fill Properties From Filename" which is a PITA and easily introduces errors.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Mike Foran on May 22, 2019, 10:04:06 pm
I would like the "Listening Test" expanded to enable me to select two tracks and A/B them while they play so I can compare the differences between them at the same point in time.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Moe on May 22, 2019, 10:33:18 pm
I would like to have a wildcard option in Find+Replace. So I could select a group of files and do
Replace:* (Live)

And it would append (Live) to the contents of the selected fields. Currently I would have to manually add it for each file, or do a RMCF to and then 'Fill Properties From Filename" which is a PITA and easily introduces errors.

You can do this now.  Say you want to add (Live) to the end of the track name.  Select all the tracks you want to change.  Then in the Tag menu for name enter this =[Name] (Live)

If you have questions start a new thread or PM me.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Mike Foran on May 23, 2019, 08:08:15 am
You can do this now.  Say you want to add (Live) to the end of the track name.  Select all the tracks you want to change.  Then in the Tag menu for name enter this =[Name] (Live)

You just blew my hillbilly mind.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Awesome Donkey on May 24, 2019, 04:42:44 pm
Here goes...

As spurred on by this excellent idea in this thread (,120822.0.html) I've got a related idea.

- Have a setting to set/define the behavior of the double click on thumbnail action; a) always launch it in Display View (the current default) or b) always launch it in Detach Display.

This would go along pretty well with that idea if I say so myself! That, and iTunes itself when double clicking on thumbnails opens them in a "Detach Display" type of view.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Dennis in FL on May 25, 2019, 04:42:00 am
Drag & drop customized views to different locations in the tree
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: AlanDistro on May 25, 2019, 10:22:43 am
I'd really love an optional checkbox to calculate volume leveling on a per disc basis, not a per title basis.

Case use scenario: with the rise of super deluxe box sets that contain many, many discs dedicated to one title, you may have the studio album on disc one, mastered to an appropriate (or usually, brickwalled) level, and then disc two might be 4-track demos, which are mastered nowhere near as loud, and then disc three might be a concert from the album's tour, and concerts are always compressed and limited. This results in a very uneven listening experience as I don't want to break these box sets up into multiple titles just to get the volume right. An optional check box to calculate volume leveling on a per disc, not a per title, basis would solve this very easily.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Mike Foran on May 25, 2019, 10:37:09 am
Here's a thing I've wished for for a while: When using Copy --> Shift+Paste to copy all the metadata from one set of files to another, I would like it if Album Art and Extras were also available to be copied over as well.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Conrad on June 02, 2019, 03:03:34 pm
In the Windows version it'd be nice if the tab key moved you between fields (and shift tab moved you back) when entering values in the PEQ screens of the DSP studio. It works on Mac.

It might behave the same on other screens, but I've been using the PEQ screens a lot recently so it's the one i've noticed.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Moe on June 02, 2019, 06:32:50 pm
An option to left align the text at the top of the screen.  This is becoming more and more necessary with super wide monitors and multi monitor setups. 

Here is how it looks now


Left justified

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: sram16 on June 03, 2019, 09:43:55 am
It could be really useful if there was an ability to pin/lock tree views to the tabs, that way they don't change/disappear if you misclick. Right clicking on the tab only gives the option of 'Execute <Tree view name here>, but I feel like there should be another for pinning

For example I like having one tab for a Panes view, and another for the playback device
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on June 03, 2019, 10:12:12 am
An option to left align the text at the top of the screen.  This is becoming more and more necessary with super wide monitors and multi monitor setups. 

Here is how it looks now


Left justified


Sure thing!

Coming next build:
NEW: Added the right-click option to "Left Align Text" to the player bar.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Awesome Donkey on June 03, 2019, 11:04:42 am
How about an option to align the player artwork next to the player text, ala iTunes style?
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on June 03, 2019, 11:07:28 am
How about an option to align the player artwork next to the player text, ala iTunes style?

The artwork is moving next build so we could make it taller.  Stay tuned.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Sauzee on June 08, 2019, 09:18:12 am
The ability to use a link on multiple files, eg. select 3 movies in Media Center and click link to lookup on iMDB or wherever the link points to. At the moment if you select 3 files and click the link only 1 of the files is looked up.

Currently if you want information on more than one film/album etc. it involves way more work than it should.

I open the links with an external browser, and presumably, Media Center could open a tab for each of the files selected.

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Negasonic on June 09, 2019, 09:36:50 pm
Please kindly add 'Volume Leveling' on/off toggle button to the toolbar options.

I turn this on or off depending on whether I play through speakers or headphones. And I swap between these several times per day. With 'Volume Leveling' ON the volume gets a bit too low for my headphone setup, that's why I need to switch that setting to OFF during headphone listening.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: AlanDistro on June 10, 2019, 12:29:32 am
Please kindly add 'Volume Leveling' on/off toggle button to the toolbar options.

I turn this on or off depending on whether I play through speakers or headphones. And I swap between these several times per day. With 'Volume Leveling' ON the volume gets a bit too low for my headphone setup, that's why I need to switch that setting to OFF during headphone listening.

I get around this by turning on the EQ in DSP and only using the volume slider up 3-6dB because yeah, the volume in the headphones on my main PC is a bit low. Maybe something that'll help while you're waiting for an update. :)
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RoderickGI on June 10, 2019, 01:06:17 am
This thread isn't supposed to be used for discussions, but...

Please kindly add 'Volume Leveling' on/off toggle button to the toolbar options.

The actual permanent solution to this is simple. Volume Leveling just changes the volume. It doesn't do anything else, such as Dynamic Range Compression. So all you need to do is use the EQ in DSP as AlanDistro suggests, but on the Speaker Zone, not the Headphone Zone, and reduce the speaker volume by the amount required so that the headphones and speakers match. You need to do this reduction, rather than increasing the volume against the Headphone EQ, so that you don't overpower the headphones or cause clipping. As RD James often says, always use the EQ to reduce volume, not increase it.

Once that is done, just increase the volume control you use (Internal, System, volume knob on your amp) to adjust the volume to the listening level desired. Of course, you need to be using Zones, but if you are switching from Headphones to speakers you should be using Zones anyway.

You do the above once, then never have to think about it again. No new feature required. No reason to turn Volume Leveling on and off when changing from the speakers to headphones or vice versa.

If this requires further discussion, please start a new thread.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Negasonic on June 10, 2019, 02:04:43 am
Good points, guys. Thanks!
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: AlanDistro on June 10, 2019, 09:02:37 am
For the Thumbnail Text Lines... can we have the option to 'top align' the shorter titles so they aren't centered in the big open space next to longer album titles? I *love* being able to see the longer titles, but shorter titles seem to float off into space. Photoshop example attached, I think the top align looks much cleaner.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on June 10, 2019, 11:53:07 am
For the Thumbnail Text Lines... can we have the option to 'top align' the shorter titles so they aren't centered in the big open space next to longer album titles? I *love* being able to see the longer titles, but shorter titles seem to float off into space. Photoshop example attached, I think the top align looks much cleaner.

We tried it and kind of liked it.  So next build:
Changed: Thumbnail text is top aligned instead of vertically centered.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: aproc on June 10, 2019, 02:18:06 pm
Requesting to add support for External Audio Tracks for video files/Blu Rays/ UHD Blu Rays, just as External Subtitle Tracks are supported.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: DJLegba on June 11, 2019, 06:14:17 am
Apply output device buffer setting to DSP Studio Analyzer so the graph syncs with the music.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Conrad on June 14, 2019, 02:31:44 pm
In the Windows version it'd be nice if the tab key moved you between fields (and shift tab moved you back) when entering values in the PEQ screens of the DSP studio. It works on Mac.

It might behave the same on other screens, but I've been using the PEQ screens a lot recently so it's the one i've noticed.

Any reason why this wasn't picked up? Is it more than an hour's work, just my installation that it doesn't work on, or not worth "fixing", or something else?
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: bob on June 14, 2019, 03:01:50 pm
Any reason why this wasn't picked up? Is it more than an hour's work, just my installation that it doesn't work on, or not worth "fixing", or something else?
A bit weird. It works on linux too.
Sound like a job for Matt!
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: OfotViking on June 14, 2019, 06:16:51 pm
- A "Lookup lyrics" toolbar button
- An "Edit lyrics" toolbar button that opens the lyrics tag in the "edit in popup" window
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: -E- on June 14, 2019, 07:32:25 pm
1) Add hotkey/shortcut key for DVD MENU.

2) When switching AUDIO TRACK - and make it display the specific audio format (PCM2CH, DTS, DD, HDMA, THD, ATMOS, etc.) on screen.

3) Allow DSD-to-DSD transcoding (for example, DSD256->DSD128.  Right now any transcode goes back to PCM).
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Awesome Donkey on June 14, 2019, 07:40:26 pm
The third one regarding DSD-to-DSD transcoding probably would take way more than an hour. In fact, it's probably not easy to do at all or else it probably would've been done by now.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: arcspin on June 15, 2019, 02:20:44 am
Add an Alphabet bar in theater view like the one in display view.

As I described here:,121028.0.html
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: SkGe on June 15, 2019, 07:59:11 am
A new implementation if it is possible, or an ideea of it...
Now on the tag window you can resize the length of the field on left or right, so i wonder if it possible to minimize the left name of the field or double clicking and hide all the field name and have only the information of that field there.
Here is an example.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Dawgincontrol on June 15, 2019, 12:28:31 pm
When editing in a tag field previous entries are available in a pull-down (i.e. Soloists).  This is great.  But if putting a semi-colon in to space multiple entries the pull-down is no longer available.  Would love it if the pull-down would reset after each semi-colon to make entries faster.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RD James on June 16, 2019, 08:48:15 am
When using "Add (artist)" do not include tracks currently in the playlist.
Or perhaps excluding the album of the selected track would be better.
Typically how I use the feature is that I'm already listening to an album, and want to hear more from that artist. I don't want to hear the same album again.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on June 17, 2019, 08:01:38 am
A bit weird. It works on linux too.
Sound like a job for Matt!

Got it working.  The history:
Fixed: Tab navigation works in the Parametric Equalizer pages.

If anything is weird (once the build ships), just let me know.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: BryanC on June 17, 2019, 02:04:13 pm
When syncing playlists to a handheld, when a playlist directory is selected it should automatically include all playlists added to that playlist directory in the future.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Conrad on June 18, 2019, 02:07:54 pm
Got it working.  The history:
Fixed: Tab navigation works in the Parametric Equalizer pages.

If anything is weird (once the build ships), just let me know.

Thanks! I'll let you know.

Edit: Seems to be working fine and has made my life much simpler, thanks!
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: joshhuggins on June 19, 2019, 02:48:44 pm
Any chance an option to disable the Album Art Bevel in the navigation fields could be added? It slows me down all the time while I am navigating around because I can't tell if I have a bad cover art in a file that needs to be replaced or cropped or not until I manually increase the thumbnail size large enough to see that it is the bevel or not.  Seems like it could speed up things a bit too since it would not have to apply that bevel to every thumbnail that gets displayed. I also think it looks a little dated and would prefer that my painstakingly curated album images be displayed without looking altered but that's just a secondary personal preference. ;D

Here is a link to my original post about it. Thanks for the consideration! :),118525.msg819979.html#msg819979

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mattkhan on June 19, 2019, 02:51:54 pm
If deleting a single library item, add the name of the item to the "are you sure" dialog so you know you're actually deleting the thing you meant to delete

I say "deleting a single item" because the UI could get clunky if it reports back when you're deleting a whole chunk of things and, for me, there is more risk of doing something wrong when it is deleting a single thing
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on June 20, 2019, 08:15:10 am
Any chance an option to disable the Album Art Bevel in the navigation fields could be added? It slows me down all the time while I am navigating around because I can't tell if I have a bad cover art in a file that needs to be replaced or cropped or not until I manually increase the thumbnail size large enough to see that it is the bevel or not.  Seems like it could speed up things a bit too since it would not have to apply that bevel to every thumbnail that gets displayed. I also think it looks a little dated and would prefer that my painstakingly curated album images be displayed without looking altered but that's just a secondary personal preference. ;D

There's already the option Options > Tree & View > Thumbnails > Draw frames on image thumbnails

I'll switch next build to just "Draw frames on thumbnails" and turning that off will disable all border drawing.

Thanks for the suggestion.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: joshhuggins on June 20, 2019, 12:53:49 pm
There's already the option Options > Tree & View > Thumbnails > Draw frames on image thumbnails

I'll switch next build to just "Draw frames on thumbnails" and turning that off will disable all border drawing.

Thanks for the suggestion.
Most excellent! The OCD monster in my head and myself Thank you Matt!  ;D
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on June 20, 2019, 03:41:10 pm
If deleting a single library item, add the name of the item to the "are you sure" dialog so you know you're actually deleting the thing you meant to delete

I say "deleting a single item" because the UI could get clunky if it reports back when you're deleting a whole chunk of things and, for me, there is more risk of doing something wrong when it is deleting a single thing

Coming next build:
Changed: When deleting a single audio file from the library, the program will list the name, artist, and album on the delete dialog.

Thanks for the suggestion.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: SkGe on June 22, 2019, 07:16:34 am
Right Now we have 2 options. One to hover over the thumbnail in the tag window and we have a pop up with the information about the cover, and one information bellow where you got the same information as on the pop up. It is possible to hide or remove that information bellow the artcover?
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RoderickGI on June 22, 2019, 07:48:25 pm
I quite regularly look at the Tag Dump area of the MC Tag Window. It is the only section of the Tag Window that doesn't expand to show all the contents, so I have to scroll down to see what I wish to check.

Could the Tag Dump section be made to expand to fit the contents, or made expandable by dragging the bottom edge?
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: thorsten on June 23, 2019, 10:47:17 am
Right Now we have 2 options. One to hover over the thumbnail in the tag window and we have a pop up with the information about the cover, and one information bellow where you got the same information as on the pop up. It is possible to hide or remove that information bellow the artcover?
Why no leaving the information below? I find it easier to read if I don't have to hoover with the mouse.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: SkGe on July 06, 2019, 04:20:06 pm
Right now im trying to workaround some things with lyrics but because i'm not able to find a way i was thinking if it is possible to hide a character within a text.
Per example if i use replace() or removecharacters() to change some characters in a the text is filled with empty space which double the space between the text. So maybe a hidecharacter() to be implemented or something similar.
Code: [Select]
[Verse 1]
Someone's walking over my grave
Sudden shiver, taking a dip in a river in winter
Cold breeze caressing frozen cheeks
You're heartless
Someone's walking over her grave
Sudden shivers, moving the pieces with her
Boldly pretending you're wrong

Jump into the Atlantic
When you've taken all the pain of it all
Jump into the Atlantic
When you fall
Jump into the Atlantic
When you wanna heal it all
Jump into the Atlantic
To the sounds of silence

[Verse 2]
Someone's falling out of old ways
Love drifter, caught in the winds of desire
Smooth shifter
You've even forgotten all about your heartbreak
Something's getting washed off with waves
Sun center, reflecting light off the water, it glimmers
See a breeze, you've gone and moved on

Jump into the Atlantic
When you've taken all the pain of it all
Jump into the Atlantic
When you fall
Jump into the Atlantic
When you wanna heal it all
Jump into the Atlantic
To the sounds of silence

Jump into the Atlantic
When you've taken all the pain of it all
Jump into the Atlantic
When you fall
Jump into the Atlantic
When you wanna heal it all
Jump into the Atlantic
To the sounds of silence

The result is this:
Code: [Select]
Someone's walking over my grave
Sudden shiver, taking a dip in a river in winter
Cold breeze caressing frozen cheeks
You're heartless
Someone's walking over her grave
Sudden shivers, moving the pieces with her
Boldly pretending you're wrong

Jump into the Atlantic
When you've taken all the pain of it all
Jump into the Atlantic
When you fall
Jump into the Atlantic
When you wanna heal it all
Jump into the Atlantic
To the sounds of silence

Someone's falling out of old ways
Love drifter, caught in the winds of desire
Smooth shifter
You've even forgotten all about your heartbreak
Something's getting washed off with waves
Sun center, reflecting light off the water, it glimmers
See a breeze, you've gone and moved on

Jump into the Atlantic
When you've taken all the pain of it all
Jump into the Atlantic
When you fall
Jump into the Atlantic
When you wanna heal it all
Jump into the Atlantic
To the sounds of silence

Jump into the Atlantic
When you've taken all the pain of it all
Jump into the Atlantic
When you fall
Jump into the Atlantic
When you wanna heal it all
Jump into the Atlantic
To the sounds of silence

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: danfl75 on July 07, 2019, 10:49:44 pm
With Volume Protection on you can only increase internal volume in small increments. I'm using Mac versions, and when I click on a higher volume, the first click only highlights the volume control, and the second click makes the allowed incremental change. Was that a bug or feature? I'd expect the incremental change to be allowed on the first click.

It would also be nice to be able to adjust the rate of increase limit, I think your default is 5% but I think I'd prefer 10% per click.

It would also be great to slow down the volume increase when using the mouse or track pad. I use apple wireless track pad and 2 finger drag will adjust volume, but a careless brush could cause full volume very quickly. But be careful with adding too much restriction or we'll just turn it all off! More options should help, for example, allow us to decouple Volume Protection and make limiting Volume Changes a separate submenu. Maybe have a slider to show how fast or slow the volume can change.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: fitbrit on July 08, 2019, 09:54:21 pm
The error message in the attachment can show up if your screen or projector doesn't change refresh rates fast enough, among many other more legit audio-related reasons. This will only happen in WASAPI exclusive mode or even bitstreaming (with a modified message, of course).
Notice how the message says NOTHING about that being the potential cause, but instead focuses the attention on audio settings only. Countless hours can be (and have been) wasted tweaking audio settings, changing HDMI cables, buying EDID devices, which could all be feasible solutions to the problem described in the error. There is no clue there that it could be because you have not added a delay to support a slowly switching display in the Video options. My request is to add that wording, so it is at least on the trouble-shooter's radar to check this option.
I would suggest that before the last line, this or similar appears:

If you think your audio settings are correct, adding a delay (Wait after change) under Video in Options may help.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on July 09, 2019, 10:54:04 am
The error message in the attachment can show up if your screen or projector doesn't change refresh rates fast enough, among many other more legit audio-related reasons. This will only happen in WASAPI exclusive mode or even bitstreaming (with a modified message, of course).
Notice how the message says NOTHING about that being the potential cause, but instead focuses the attention on audio settings only. Countless hours can be (and have been) wasted tweaking audio settings, changing HDMI cables, buying EDID devices, which could all be feasible solutions to the problem described in the error. There is no clue there that it could be because you have not added a delay to support a slowly switching display in the Video options. My request is to add that wording, so it is at least on the trouble-shooter's radar to check this option.
I would suggest that before the last line, this or similar appears:

If you think your audio settings are correct, adding a delay (Wait after change) under Video in Options may help.

Good idea.  Next build:
Changed: If Media Center fails to start video playback, it will message about the audio but now add a string about adjusting the video delay.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: fitbrit on July 09, 2019, 11:06:15 am
Good idea.  Next build:
Changed: If Media Center fails to start video playback, it will message about the audio but now add a string about adjusting the video delay.

Thanks, Matt!
This would be great. I've had systems work fine when I build them, but then give this error when shipped to customers. And we never managed to fix the situation. Creating a new HDMI zone from scratch would fix the issue (because as a default custom refresh rate changes are off). Creating a new HDMI zone that copied the settings from the old one would yield the same issue, yet the audio settings were identical in all the HDMI zones. Very puzzling, until we stumbled across the actual cause being the lack of sufficient delay.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: ferday on July 12, 2019, 09:42:58 pm
here's a too easy: allow a right click of a playlist group (in this case, Imported Playlists) to remove all in list.  i just had to hand delete hundreds as select all and delete doesn't work
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: vairulez on July 13, 2019, 01:44:17 am
could we have presets for jrss downmixing (voice boost, music, etc...) that would be available in the OSD ?
In many french movies the voice is mixed way too low !!!!
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: BryanC on July 13, 2019, 06:59:59 am
here's a too easy: allow a right click of a playlist group (in this case, Imported Playlists) to remove all in list.  i just had to hand delete hundreds as select all and delete doesn't work

Couldn't you just delete the playlist group and re-create it?
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: leezer3 on July 13, 2019, 07:05:41 am
Been doing some importing and maintenance today, and come across a small and irritating little something:
The Real Media format rm is set to 'data'

99% of the time, this will be video. Very occasionally, it'll be audio, but this was usually ra.
The only video datatype for Real Media we seem to have at the minute is rmvb
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: tyler69 on July 20, 2019, 05:52:51 am
Add a percentage (%) value next to the volume control/indicator in Panel.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mattkhan on July 20, 2019, 06:42:44 am
Remove the confirmation dialog when you remove a single entry from the pew window

Add keyboard shortcuts for add/remove in the same window
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Moe on September 03, 2019, 02:13:14 pm
When creating a new File Info Template, can you either give us an option to "Move Template to the top", allow us to drag and drop the order of the templates or create it below the currently selected template?  It gets tiresome clicking Manage/Move Template Up/Manage/Move Template Up/etc. etc.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Absinthe on September 03, 2019, 02:23:32 pm
When creating a new File Info Template, can you either give us an option to "Move Template to the top", allow us to drag and drop the order of the templates or create it below the currently selected template?  It gets tiresome clicking Manage/Move Template Up/Manage/Move Template Up/etc. etc.

I second this.  Having spent the last two weeks editing (and re-editing) templates it would be nice if the newly added template would populate at the top of the list or if there was a move to top button.  Drag and drop would be stellar too!
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on September 04, 2019, 07:13:52 am
Next build:
NEW: Added a "Move to Top" and "Move to Bottom" selection for the Tag window templates.

Thanks for the idea.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mlefebvre on September 04, 2019, 12:08:25 pm

Many years ago I discovered that when tagging music I could select more than one genre. This wonderful feature allows my smartlists to include songs that are somewhat in between genres such as a "Rock" song that is also "Blues". Just tag it as "Rock; Blues".

When I type the first genre ("Rock"), MC opens a drop down box with all the possible genres that match what I'm typing. So, after typing "RO", I can just select "Rock" from the drop down list.

Would it be possible to also have the drop down box be presented as I'm typing the second genre (i.e "Blues") so I could select it from the drop down? This also has the advantage of minimizing the chances of misspelled genres since I would just select it from the drop down.  (I've been there: I once took a look at my genres in the database and found dozens of misspelled ones... :))


Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: The Big Labinski on September 04, 2019, 03:18:24 pm
Hi, I want like to ask if it would be possible to change the colour under “playing now” where the focus is set on the device.
I add a pic to make it easier to understand what I mean.
The overview is blue - excellent.
Which device is playing is green - excellent.
Everything else is grey.
When I click once on "CX-A5000…" it is still grey - but the focus is set to this device. So when I double click on a song it´s send to "CX-A500..."
But when I have much more devices maybe I cannot remember anymore where the focus is set.
So would be great to get a different colour for the device where the focus is on.
What do you think?
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RoderickGI on September 04, 2019, 06:33:59 pm
The selected device (the MC Zone) is shown up in the header of MC below the "JRiver Media Center" heading, so you don't have to remember it. At least it is with the default display settings.

If it isn't there, right-click on the header and select "Customise Display" and add in [Zone] somewhere so that it is in future.

The colour highlighting would be part of the skin. If you are using a modified or third party skin, you may want to ask the author to change that.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Matt on September 05, 2019, 01:59:27 pm

Many years ago I discovered that when tagging music I could select more than one genre. This wonderful feature allows my smartlists to include songs that are somewhat in between genres such as a "Rock" song that is also "Blues". Just tag it as "Rock; Blues".

When I type the first genre ("Rock"), MC opens a drop down box with all the possible genres that match what I'm typing. So, after typing "RO", I can just select "Rock" from the drop down list.

Would it be possible to also have the drop down box be presented as I'm typing the second genre (i.e "Blues") so I could select it from the drop down? This also has the advantage of minimizing the chances of misspelled genres since I would just select it from the drop down.  (I've been there: I once took a look at my genres in the database and found dozens of misspelled ones... :))



That's a good idea!

Coming next build:
Changed: When typing a part after a semi-colon in an edit box, a suggestion will appear for the second, third, etc. string.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mlefebvre on September 05, 2019, 02:06:03 pm

That's a good idea!

Coming next build:
Changed: When typing a part after a semi-colon in an edit box, a suggestion will appear for the second, third, etc. string.

Thanks Matt!
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: glynor on September 05, 2019, 10:33:44 pm

That's a good idea!

Coming next build:
Changed: When typing a part after a semi-colon in an edit box, a suggestion will appear for the second, third, etc. string.

I know I'm not supposed to say thanks in this thread, but that's awesome. Thanks!!
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: wer on September 06, 2019, 05:35:07 pm
GroupSummary is a cool part of the expression language, but it's not widely known or talked about often.

It would be easier for people to use with the following simple and easy enhancements:

1. Add an optional MODE to GroupSummary, ex: GroupSummary(Rating, 1)
Mode 0 would be the default if the option is omitted, and would function as GroupSummary does now.
When mode 1 is specified, GroupSummary would provide "clean" output.  For example, it would output "3.4" instead of "3.4 avg" or "12" instead of "12 total".  This would make it easier to integrate in expressions.

2. Eliminate the issue/inconsistency where GroupSummary produces truncated output when used as Thumbnail Text.  Currently GroupSummary will return "3.6 avg" in Theater View or expression columns, but will return "3" as Thumbnail text against the same data.  GroupSummary should return both the integer and fractional portion ("3.6") in Thumbnail Text, so it behaves the same there as it does elsewhere.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: syndromeofadown on September 29, 2019, 03:23:24 pm
This is about the tree selection and playing now.

Lets say I want to play some music. I have six zones and I'm not sure what one my music will go to when I play it. So I have to expand Playing Now and click on a zone. This exits my audio view and enters the Playing Now screen. Now I have to go back to my to audio to re-select what I want to play.

A solution is to have a check box beside each zone. That way you could check a zone to be played to without leaving your current view. Maybe you could check multiple zones so media could be sent to different zones at the same time.

Also it would be nice to be able to lock the Playing Now so it's always expanded in the Tree.

Also it would be useful if zones that were currently playing were highlighted in some way. Perhaps instead of a grey triangle they showed green music symbol for audio, cyan camera symbol for images, etc.

I understand there's a Playing Now Overview, back button, and keyboard shortcuts. I use touchscreen a lot and these requests would be extra nice for that, but also very good for regular mouse/keyboard use.

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: arcspin on October 05, 2019, 03:00:40 pm
In theater view for movies there is a "Add to playlist" option.
Add a "Remove from playlist" option as well.

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: jachin99 on October 05, 2019, 09:48:43 pm
I know it's been brought up before and I hope it's easy.  Can you give us the ability to play intro videos before a movie plays? 
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: SkGe on October 08, 2019, 10:08:17 am
Maybe a simple addition is to make date modification per field, because right now the date modified is per album. We got [date first opened]/[date first rated] which they are per file but the [date modified] is not. Why i ask for this addition is, when you modify something on one field that is apply for all files (on that album/artist).
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: audioriver on October 24, 2019, 04:02:25 am
Standard View/Customize Display... about the Bitrate field:

Give us the option to add:

Bitrate (Audio)
Bitrate (Video)
Bitrate (Combined)
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: joshhuggins on October 31, 2019, 07:48:36 pm
You know how MC keeps the last used command Context Menu command at the top of the context menu, which is super duper handy? Could we get an option to tell MC to keep the last number of commands used at the top of the context menu? Maybe something in the Options Dialog with a simple drop down of 1-5 to keep the last 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 commands at the top of the context menu?  (Maybe up to 10 if advanced users think they might be able to really use it?) Often I find myself doing batches of the same few commands over and over on groups of files and usually they are 2-5 different commands in a row on a group of files, and then I move on to the next group of files and do those same 2-5 commands again on that group. The single remembered command is super handy now for some things, but often I have to re-dive into the multiple levels of commands as I introduce new content into my library or as I curate my items. This would allow me to change my workflow and help me save steps not only in having less menus to dive into, but would save time in not having to jump between groups of files to apply the same command I just did on another group of files to not have to repeat commands as much.

One common workflow is
- Library Tools > Look Up Track Info
- Library Tools > Rename, Move Copy Files
- Cover Art > Get From Internet
(if not satisfied with Cover Art selections)
- Cover Art > Paste (after I manually hunt something down online)

Thanks for the consideration!  ;D
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RoderickGI on October 31, 2019, 09:37:15 pm
You know how MC keeps the last used command...
Options > Tree & View > Advanced > Right click recent command count

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: joshhuggins on November 01, 2019, 12:54:11 am
Options > Tree & View > Advanced > Right click recent command count
Ha, boy that was "Too Easy"! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

Ohhh man this is sooo nice. ... Oh my gosh this has been in since v11! Man I feel dumb  ::)
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: RoderickGI on November 01, 2019, 01:17:57 am
 ;D ;D ;D    8)
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: DJLegba on November 01, 2019, 08:26:59 am
Ha, boy that was "Too Easy"! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

Ohhh man this is sooo nice. ... Oh my gosh this has been in since v11! Man I feel dumb  ::)

Earlier in this thread you can find my request for the same thing (and Matt's reply that it was already possible).
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: mattlovell on November 15, 2019, 11:19:00 am
In the Details List Style view when no image "columns" are selected to display, remove the vertical spacing that I think is reserved for those images.  Example attached.

Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: thorsten on November 16, 2019, 03:16:13 am
I know it's been brought up before and I hope it's easy.  Can you give us the ability to play intro videos before a movie plays?
I do this with a playlist, there the trailer and main movie are entered. So I don‘t get your idea right, what do you want aside from this?
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Ashfall on November 19, 2019, 12:52:14 pm
I'd like to be able to configure the "Import Summary" window (after a manual import) to go away after x hours/days, without having to restart the software.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: willmcd on November 19, 2019, 05:04:03 pm
I would like the system that automatically puts photos of the artist or band up during playback, screens out tribute or impersonator artists. Good examples are ABBA and the mamas and papas where you get lots.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: S. Pupp on November 19, 2019, 05:43:01 pm
"I would like the system that automatically puts photos of the artist or band up during playback, screens out tribute or impersonator artists. Good examples are ABBA and the mamas and papas where you get lots."

Perhaps the database the photos are taken from could be changed.  I occasionally get some ghastly images when playing anything by the band "After the Fire."
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: kensn on November 19, 2019, 10:05:03 pm
Go to Tools -> Options -> Theater View -> Appearance -> Theme -> Online media slideshow. Uncheck Google Images.

This will filter out most irrelevant images presented.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Dmytro on December 07, 2019, 07:30:30 am
I will give this one a try: I think it would be nice to be able to drag and move around JRiver's video window by dragging the video window itself, not only via the window's head bar. In my case, this would be particularly useful for the 'detached window' mode, as I would often keep a small video window running a tv show while I am doing something else, but may also be good for the main video too, when not fullscreen. Thanks!
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: biblio on December 18, 2019, 10:49:51 pm
I will give this one a try: I think it would be nice to be able to drag and move around JRiver's video window by dragging the video window itself, not only via the window's head bar. In my case, this would be particularly useful for the 'detached window' mode, as I would often keep a small video window running a tv show while I am doing something else, but may also be good for the main video too, when not fullscreen. Thanks!

It's a linux thing to super drag but you'll wonder why windows doesn't include this by default.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: Dmytro on January 01, 2020, 10:30:58 pm
It's a linux thing to super drag but you'll wonder why windows doesn't include this by default.
Thanks, Biblio! Some Windows video players do allow this (with no 'alt' though), but not all. Would be a nice option to have it in MC, but I'll check out the app.
Title: Re: Too Easy V -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
Post by: JimH on January 02, 2020, 08:29:46 am
Split Classical Movements