More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 25 for Windows => Topic started by: MikeO on March 26, 2019, 07:18:22 am

Title: Selecting Distinct Artists
Post by: MikeO on March 26, 2019, 07:18:22 am
I want to set up a view with only Major Artists to save clutter

I can do the "Artist Is Any then the Checkbox list" . However if I Select say Alfred Brendel I get all solo Alfred Brendel but also anywhere Artist is shared eg Alfred Brendel; Heinz Holleger

Is there any way I can set a condition to get JUST Brendel without any co-artists , other than butchering tags ?

Thanks for any help
Title: Re: Selecting Distinct Artists
Post by: swiv3d on March 26, 2019, 04:15:53 pm
Set up a new library field ArtistCount, type integer, calculated data. Set the expression as =listcount([artist]). Then in your smartlists for selecting the artist you select the artist and also select for ArtistCount =1
That should do what you want.
Title: Re: Selecting Distinct Artists
Post by: blgentry on March 26, 2019, 07:41:22 pm
[Album Artist (auto)] is probably a better field to select from.  It should only have the main artist of the album.  See if that does something close to what you want.

Title: Re: Selecting Distinct Artists
Post by: swiv3d on March 26, 2019, 07:45:40 pm
Then you get into the various artists or multiple artists whirlpool.
Title: Re: Selecting Distinct Artists
Post by: MikeO on March 27, 2019, 04:59:30 am
Thanks for the ideas , but wont that give me only albums where "Alfred Brendel" say is the Only Artist

Perhaps my initial description was wanting

What I want (I suspect not possible from this) is to select a set of "major artists" in an Artist Rule ([Artist]> is any > Alfred Brendel) and show any album where they are in the artist Tag (multiple artists included) BUT I don't want to see any of the "Accompanying Artists". At the moment if I select 1 artist say Alfred Brendel, I get about 20 Artists where he is paired in a multi artist semi colon delimited list

I want to cut down the clutter ( I have literally hundreds of artists from Big Sets like the Mozart 255 collection) of all the minor artists who appear in maybe one or 2 albums in a "Major Artist" view and have a second Artists (All) view that has no such rule

I am pretty sure where there are 2 or more Artists , the Major (Alfred Brendel) will appear first, certainly it can be made that way
Title: Re: Selecting Distinct Artists
Post by: MikeO on March 27, 2019, 05:00:43 am
PS I suppose I could set [Album Artist] to a single artist and select that ?
Title: Re: Selecting Distinct Artists
Post by: dtc on March 27, 2019, 07:27:53 am
You could also create a custom tag like Principle Artist and use that in your view.
Title: Re: Selecting Distinct Artists
Post by: MikeO on March 27, 2019, 10:02:18 am
Hi dtc

That’s not a bad idea , I could Move Tags to populate , for a restricted number it wouldn’t be too onerous

I try with a few to start with