More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 25 for Windows => Topic started by: soli on March 29, 2019, 06:29:32 pm
I'm not able to use Theater View....
First I thought it was the fact that MC was rebuilding the thumbnails so i waited for 48hs! until that was over.
Today I tried Theater View again, it hangs and then it closes MC.
I'm running MC25.0.17 on a Win10 64bit machine, JRMark 6094
Attached is the log
Also MC25 seems very slow, right clicking on a file takes at least 30 seconds until it shows the menu...
Any ideas where to start?
An audio file should load in just 3 or 4 seconds. Video would take a little longer to start.
I do not think its antivirus I'm running on the same machine and previous version were ok
Antivirus might be OK with one build of MC and not with another. It happens. Uninstall the antivirus to test.
No antivirus just windows defender....
I added the suggested exclusions in Defender as per:,114101.0.html
The response time for a right click on an audio file (pane view) went from 30s to 6s.
It still feels like a long time, is this normal?
Theater view seems to be working now...
6 seconds is still a long time. I agree. After I said 3 or 4 seconds above, I tested it. It's less than 2 seconds for me.
Are the files on a NAS? Are you using Memory Playback?
Yes the files are in NAS (1GB connection) and I'm using memory playback.
Just to be clear the response time I'm talking about is just for a right click to show the menu not the time it takes to play the file.
As an experiment, try turning off memory playback and see if the response time improves.
Now with and without memory playback the response time is +40s!
The file plays in under 2s but right clicking the menu appears after 40s, strange no?
What exactly are you right clicking? What do you see?
When I right-click on an Audio file, the menu pops up "immediately". Too quick to measure, but I would estimate less than 0.25 seconds.
That is basically the same for a local Library with local files, and for a Client of my Server with remote files. I don't have a NAS, but the response time of the right-click shouldn't depend on the actual file location, as MC is just reading the Library, and not the real file.
I guess the real question is; where have you stored the actual Library files, as shown in the header of the pane when you click on the Library name under Playing Now? Not on the NAS I hope! The actual Library files should be on a fast local hard drive, preferably an SSD.
Here is a picture of what I see after I right click the file (I`m on audio--> panes).
I have to wait 30s until the menu appears.
Yes, the library file are in on the local C SSD drive (picture attached)
I just tried this and, like RoderickGI, the menu pops up almost instantly.
So... possibilities
Some "security" software is getting in the way of reading the disk. Antivirus or pop-up blocker ...
Or your drive is just unavailable, hasn't spun up, or doesn't want to spin up. I notice that the data appears to be on Z:, a NAS? But that would only explain why it happens the first time. Doing it again should be quick.
Try setting up a test library with only local files. You can do this under File > Library Manager. If it works, then the problem is probably related to the drive.
I already "tamed" Windows Defender and have no other security software
All the data is on a Synology NAS, I will try with a test library with local files and let you know
Thanks for all the help!
NAS drives sometimes have bugs. You could try updating its firmware.
Does the problem occur just the first time you access it? Or every time?
You were right!!
If the files are in a local folder the response is immediate so I guess I have some trouble accessing the NAS.
It seems strange though that the problem appears when right clicking the file and not when I play it (2s).
Problem appears every time not just the first time I right click...
Any ideas on how to trouble shoot this (I understand it is probably on the NAS side)
You could try asking Synology. Try updating the firmware. Try a Google Search.
It's possible a setting change on the Synology might work. It may be set to spin down the drives. Look for any "eco" mode settings.
Firmware is up to date
How do you characterize the problem? Because I do not have slow access time for anything else, It is just that right click...
The way MC asks for a file when right clicking or playing is the same? or there are different methods...
Did you explore any power saving settings on the NAS?
Did you try restoring a backup of an older library? MC makes them automatically. Search for *.zip files in Explorer.
Have you customized the view?
Ok I think I know what is happening:
I have all my lossless tracks (35K) in a single flat folder and that is why it's taking so long to respond.
My Audio DTS, Video and MP3 files are in different folders and the response time is immediate even for large files (45GB).
Is there a recommended way to structure libraries?
That is probably a NAS issue. Are you trying to use it as a DLNA server? That could be slow. Just import the files in MC.
The files are imported into MC no DLNA server.
I created a subfolder in my lossless folder with a specific album and the response time on those files is immediate.
I guess it takes a long time to locate a single file a huge flat folder
I wonder if we actually read the folders index, or the NAS is causing this slowdown. I shall investigate briefly.
Here is a picture of what I see after I right click the file (I`m on audio--> panes).
Did you post the correct image? Because that image is showing a Tooltip, not the right-click menu. The Tooltip appears when you hover the mouse over a file, and can take a little while to display, particularly if you have just clicked on the file. Still only one second on my Workstation.
I have all my lossless tracks (35K) in a single flat folder
That will do it. If Windows decides to open the folder when displaying either the Tooltip or right-click menu. But MC shouldn't need to open the folder to do either of those, as the data is coming from the Library, not the folder on the disk. Or at least, I think it should be coming just from the Library. After all, that is the whole idea of having a Library that indexes all your media files.
I wonder if we actually read the folders index
It would be strange if MC did, but it may trigger Windows to "check" the folder.
Is there a recommended way to structure libraries?
The usual recommendation is: \Artist\Album\Tracks
In MC speak, that really means the expression \[Album Artist (auto)]\[Album]\ should be used in the Rename, Move, & Copy Files function, to move all tracks for an Album to one subdirectory, together. You need to use the [Album Artist (auto)] field as the [Artist] field can have more than one value, and tracks within an Album may have different Artists.
Tks for the tips on the library structure.
The tooltip works fine is just the right click that takes a long time...
At least I know there is a solution creating smaller sub folders \Artist\Album\Tracks as per your suggestion