More => Old Versions => Media Center 11 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: JimH on October 31, 2002, 07:45:33 am

Title: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: JimH on October 31, 2002, 07:45:33 am
Hairstyle is a new full screen mode for Media Jukebox.  It is intended for use on a TV and can be controlled with a remote.

Here's a picture:


Larger image here:

To get this screen, run MJ 9.  Go to Playing Now.  Then to Full screen.  Then press the menu key (to the left of the ctrl key on the right side of the keyboard).

Escape or menu key (to right of the spacebar) returns.

F11 toggles between mega-me, full screen, and Hairstyle.

Ctrl-W also toggles windows.

The screen above (J River skin) is based on this file:

C:\Program Files\J River\Media Jukebox\FullSkins\J River\main.xml.  Edit it with Notepad and change this section to use these numbers:

TextColor="000000" Rect="20,2,80,15"  

The four numbers represent percentages from the left and top of the screen (I think).

Navigation is with cursor keys until you get what you want, then enter should work.  It isn't entirely finished, I agree.

To create new fullscreen skins, just copy this directory to a new name of your choice:

C:\Program Files\J River\Media Jukebox\FullSkins\Hairstyle

Then edit the main.xml file and make change to images if you wish.  The xml file has helpful comments.

Change to any new Hairstyle skin from setup on the Hairstyle screen.
Title: Re: Hairstyle Instructions
Post by: Cephlen on November 06, 2002, 02:26:38 pm

This is looking really nice!

A few of suggestions:

Create a way to automatically launch MJ into the hairstyle mode when MJ is executed

Create menu state properties in your TLB so that I can output those using the LCD plugin

Create menu navigation via your TLB so that I can hook external inputs (lcd or serial port) to control the navigation

I will come up with more as I play around with it if your interested :)
Title: Re: Hairstyle Instructions
Post by: JimH on November 09, 2002, 05:49:23 am
Sorry I didn't answer this sooner.

Launch into Hairstyle is planned.

The others are possible.  It wouldn't hurt to post them on the developers page.  Please include a progress report on your LCD work.
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: 511PF on November 13, 2002, 01:01:40 pm
I'm very interested in using Hairstyle as a TV interface for an MP3 jukebox.  I already have a DVD player and TiVo, so I probably wouldn't be interested in using it for those purposes.  I'm guessing the Hairstyle interface is more a mockup than anything else right now, but I thought I'd throw my 2 cents in anyway.  I'd like to see the following user interface changes:

* A 'Music Only' Hairstyle mode that doesn't include the DVD, TV, and Image controls.
* Bigger (tv-readable) fonts
* A visual indication of where you are in the tree.  If you're in 'Now Playing,' the title of the screen should say so.
* In 'Now Playing,' display album art of the song that's playing and small album art of the next song, along with a list of songes that are queued.
* Play controls always available via buttons (and/or their remote control equivalents).
* If we're navigating the MJ tree structure, some visible indication of where in the tree you're currently located.  (If you're three levels deep, there should be an easy way to get back to the top, and/or other parts of the interface).
* As much as possible, flatten the deep tree structure in Hairstyle.
* Put arrows in the interface to indicate where the cursor will go (e.g. on the top level, there would be a right arrow icon to go deeper in the tree, but no left arrow.)  
* 'Now Playing' always available via a single button (one-click access).  
* Basic song search and filtering functionality with a virtual keyboard.  (Ape Jukebox has a good start on this interface.)
* Skins (change through Hairstyle, add through MJ)
* Expose music down to the song (not just album) level throughout Hairstyle.
* Avoid drop down menus and (especially) right-clicks.  These tend not to work on a TV screen.  
* Browse music interface using album art or text.  Hide unnecessary fields (all but album, artist and title).
* An 'Exit' button.

I'm not sure what else offhand.  I don't mean to come off as insulting, but the current Hairstyle interface just doesn't work for me.  It isn't intuitive, I get lost in the tree and seems more like a placeholder than anything.  The MJ interface is outstanding when used with a keyboard and mouse, but is less than desirable on a TV with a remote.

I'd like to see an interface that is controllable by remote, on a TV (no keyboard or mouse) and is usable by the whole family.  Please take a look at TiVo and Apejukebox.  While not perfect, they both have some good examples of effective TV interfaces.  I hadn't really seen any commentary, good or bad, on Hairstyle, so I thought I'd add some.

Edit - if there's a dev plan on Hairstyle that I haven't seen, then please let me know.  I have to believe that a lot of this stuff is already planned.  
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: SBrandsborg aka Mouseman on November 13, 2002, 01:28:29 pm
Here is a picture of mine its only a fast test....
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: JimH on November 13, 2002, 01:45:05 pm
Go, Mr. Mouse!  _Where_ have you been?  I hope you haven't been studying.  
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: SBrandsborg aka Mouseman on November 13, 2002, 01:59:03 pm
HEHE i just dont have anywork to do.... BUT!!! NOW... i have made a new totaly cool hairstyle... not that one i just postet but a new one in about 30 min i will post a animated gif of it :D its very cool you have added hair style thingi :D

Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: phelt on November 13, 2002, 02:08:45 pm
Sweet. Any chance you could post your code in a reply? Don't need the images, just want to check out the structure.

511PF has some good point about interface, specifically state-indication and level navigation. The thing is, if the options are available to Hairstyle skin makers it will fall to them to implement well. Or to others to mod and trick out styles :)

Will Hairstyles be installable as mini/mega-me skins are? Perhaps this has been answered and I should RTFM, but I'm lazy  ;)
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: SBrandsborg aka Mouseman on November 13, 2002, 02:10:10 pm
Phelt take a look here
C:\Program Files\J River\Media Jukebox\FullSkins\

open main.xml in nopepad and you have the code...
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: SBrandsborg aka Mouseman on November 13, 2002, 02:44:24 pm
Or better than a movie here is it:

the files shall be

C:\Program Files\J River\Media Jukebox\FullSkins\MouseHair01\main.xml
C:\Program Files\J River\Media Jukebox\FullSkins\MouseHair01\b.bmp
C:\Program Files\J River\Media Jukebox\FullSkins\MouseHair01\bs.bmp

Here is a screenshot
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: Uwe on November 28, 2002, 10:29:19 am

Hairstyle is also a great stuff for Touch-Screens. Please remember when adding new things in the User-Interface.

Thank you !
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: bennyd on November 28, 2002, 10:36:08 am
Here is my Hairstyle, look what you can do with it  ;)

Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: Soundman on December 03, 2002, 06:08:46 am

Is there any chance you can post your hairstyle's .xml file?  I would like to see how to put the spectrum analyzers and the track time on the page.

Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: bennyd on December 03, 2002, 07:20:40 am
Hi Soundman,

The TrackInfo page and visualisation is not done in the Hairstyle XML. In the settings of Hairstyle you can specify to show TrackInfo, so I did. In the HTML file of the TrackInfo template I included a visualisation.

The TrackInfo and Visualisation have to be selected first before going into hairstyle.

If you want, give me your e-mail and send you the Trackinfo template, visualisation and hairstyle.
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: SBrandsborg aka Mouseman on December 03, 2002, 02:52:14 pm
Very nice work im also working on a new very cool one
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: SBrandsborg aka Mouseman on December 03, 2002, 03:14:48 pm
here is my new one...
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: Xstatic on December 22, 2002, 12:37:16 am
It is intended for use on a TV and can be controlled with a remote.

stupid question coming up:

what kind of remote? The tv-remote, some kind of computer remote?

I am getting a plasma tv for my wall tomorrow, so all of a sudden I am getting interested in this hairstyle thing
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: JimH on December 22, 2002, 03:35:20 am
Cool!  Invite us over.

You might take a look on the "third party plugins" board here at the links to NetRemote and Glissando.  They are the ultimate remotes.  They both use our webremote plugin to control MJ.

You can also teach an ordinary TV remote to run MJ, but you'll need an IR receiver like IRMan and you may need Girder if you get very complex at all.

There is a long thread about NetRemote on AVSForum here:
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: Xstatic on December 22, 2002, 10:59:36 pm
Thx, I'll check the links out.

J River people are always welcome in my home in copenhagen, if you happen to stop by!

Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: SBrandsborg aka Mouseman on January 30, 2003, 01:52:28 am
Booom up to the top...

I have just started to make a very cool looking new hairstyle... i will update it every time there is a hairstyle update...
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: NoCodeUK on January 30, 2003, 05:20:47 am
Go Mouseman!!!

Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: DanB on February 07, 2003, 06:32:01 am
Mouseman, can you update the links to the screenshots and files please? I'm very very interested in using this interface with my Pronto soon and would like to find something good. THanks.
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: SBrandsborg aka Mouseman on February 09, 2003, 03:11:14 pm
Hi Danial
Sorry im a little slow to answer but it all takes time
you know Girlfriend, School, Friends hehe

my old hairstyles is not working anymore but im making a new very cool one but as i sayed i dont have so mutch time right now... but when its done i will post it :)
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: PhatPhreddy on February 11, 2003, 06:54:18 am
What chance is there (probably none) of running a HairStyle client to communicate with a MJ version on a network... Kind of an XML customisable Glissando...

As I am sure you know many of the TV viewing type of people are also the touchscreen use kind of people but having a touchscreen play the sound is not the plan...

I love the fact that I can have multiple glissando clients all simultainiuosly sync'ed to MJ and updated together...

I have mentioned this in other threads also but you could really do with a user submission area for these like the skins...

Lastly are there any developer docs to go with this... I have an XML for dummies around somewhere I may have to start some headscratching :) ...
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: JimH on February 11, 2003, 07:04:43 am
A Hairstyle client is an interesting idea.

No docs yet on it, but address a message to Mouseman.  He's around 19, lives in Denmark, goes to bed at 4:00AM and knows a lot about it.  He's posted a few already here.  He might be a lot of help, but I hear he has a girlfriend now.

Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: Cmagic on February 11, 2003, 07:11:27 am
Hi Jim,

Comment vas tu ?


but I hear he has a girlfriend now.

Does it mean that's the end of nice Track info skins and visu ?

Mouse ?

Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: PhatPhreddy on February 11, 2003, 08:16:58 am
Maybee not but my guess is, if he is 19, and just got a GF, then he will be going to bed a lot earlier than 4AM now :p !!
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: SBrandsborg aka Mouseman on February 11, 2003, 11:51:55 am
Hehe i have not forgot you guys. Right now im working on a MC/MJ fan site...

and there will be alot more stuff from me in the future...

and jimh is right i go to sleep very late :)
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: SBrandsborg aka Mouseman on February 11, 2003, 11:53:17 am
and by the way.. im only 18  ;D still young
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: PhatPhreddy on February 11, 2003, 05:19:59 pm

Depending on how private you feel about any work in progress could you email me any XML skins you have made (posted above) so I can get a glimpse at your XML and start to learn myself.. Anything currently under progress for my education would be really cool too...

I have just realized something... This is providing a pseudo XML socket server to the MC datatabase is it not ?? A whole new tanget of though has popped in my head if this is true as I know someone working on an XML idea currently... This could slot right in... hmmm
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: ErnRenner on February 27, 2003, 05:34:18 pm
So what is the direction of the Hairstyle interface?? Is anyone working on new views/schemes? I am interested in making this customized, but I'm very limited in programming knowledge? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Anyone allready working on this... the topic seems to have died out... or did it move?
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: Soundman on March 01, 2003, 10:13:07 am
So what is the direction of the Hairstyle interface?? Is anyone working on new views/schemes? I am interested in making this customized, but I'm very limited in programming knowledge? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Anyone allready working on this... the topic seems to have died out... or did it move?

Hi, ErnRenner.  I want to make a highly customized Hairstyle interface by embedding scripts and using the Automation SDK.  However, no one has posted instructions or an example of a hairstyle .xml file that contains scripts, so I do not know how to embed my script.  All I know is that it is supposed to be possible.  Has anyone done this yet, or is the ability to script hairstyle a not-yet-implemented feature of MC9?
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: PhatPhreddy on March 03, 2003, 03:03:43 am
Lots of people both here and on AVS that would like to have some clues on how to tackle this interface... the dearth of info is starting to look like a bit of a bald spot in hairstyle :) !!

Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: JimH on March 03, 2003, 04:54:51 am
There isn't much I can tell you about it.  By reading the main.xml file, you can see what MC currently can support.

We could probably support an ActiveX control embedded in the xml code without too much trouble, if that would help.

What do you need?
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: JimH on March 03, 2003, 04:58:08 am

However, no one has posted instructions or an example of a hairstyle .xml file that contains scripts, so I do not know how to embed my script.  

The main.xml files in any of the directories in this directory might help
C:\Program Files\J River\Media Jukebox\FullSkins

But what kind of scripting support do you mean?  
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: Kurt Young on March 03, 2003, 07:04:34 am
Not knowing too much about this whole area, but if folks could use Macromedia Flash somehow to create interfaces/skins for hairstyle, it would have the potential to be VERY sweet.

I've seen some people do some amazing things with flash, and I think that PVR/HTPC interfaces, built in flash, could be just gorgeous.  Again, dunno how to do it, but it'd be rad, fo sho.

That being said, I would like to put in an aside, addressed to our stalwart developers:

My life is changing in some respects, and I'll soon be without a very good TV interface.  So, I will be shifting my whole home entertainment paradigm from my current setup to an HTPC.  I want[/i] to use Windows XP Media Center Edition, but I can't afford to buy a whole new computer.  Besides, I like MC better than WMP anyhow.

So I guess, without digressing too much, what I'm trying to say is this:  please please please please please please please please make Hairstyle comparable to, if not better than, WinXP MCE in the user interface/GUI/user experience area.  I've used MCE, and it has, without a doubt, the BEST interface I've ever seen for HTPC purposes.  If I could build one, I'd build it just like they have.

It's a given that the "back end" of MC is more powerful than MCE and WMP, but if the "front end" isn't up to par, using it on a daily basis, as I will be, will be a bad experience.

Thanks, and cheers,

Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: SBrandsborg aka Mouseman on March 03, 2003, 08:43:25 am
Hi guys  :D
Finally I have some time to install the newest version of Media Center... right now I have a old version.. :(
YEAH the download is now 48% done...
I just can't make to make some new stuff..

By the way.. When can I submit hairstyles to the plug-in section??

And guys I have not forgot you hehe :D
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: JimH on March 03, 2003, 11:04:07 am

I want to use Windows XP Media Center Edition, but I can't afford to buy a whole new computer.  Besides, I like MC better than WMP anyhow.

So I guess, without digressing too much, what I'm trying to say is this:  please  make Hairstyle comparable to, if not better than, WinXP MCE in the user interface/GUI/user experience area.  

OK, Kurt.  How about this one:


A larger image is here:
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: JimH on March 03, 2003, 11:12:51 am
When can I submit hairstyles to the plug-in section??

Hi Mouseman,
If you want to post a link to a small thumbnail of each Hairstyle skin, and then e-mail jimh @ the zipped file, I will put them on our ftp server until we have something more organized.

Thanks for your work on this.

Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: Kurt Young on March 03, 2003, 11:47:37 am

OK, Kurt.  How about this one:


A larger image is here:

Haha!  Cool!  I know you always have my back, Jim!  :D

It's not just the look, though, that I'm worrying (probably for nothing) about... it's how MCE works.  It's hard for a guy like me to quantify exactly what's in my head on this, and I know that Hairstyle's still in progress.  That's likely why I've more or less kept my noodle shut about the whole thing.  

I know y'all will pull it off better than I'm hoping for, and I can't wait till it's done!  I just wanted to give up my input on the subject.

I've got more, but I think there's another Hairstyle thread around here that would suit it better.  Woot!
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: JimH on March 03, 2003, 11:54:07 am

It's not just the look, though, that I'm worrying (probably for nothing) about... it's how MCE works.  

If you can give us more info, we'll take a look.  Animations would be nice, but that is a ton of work and it won't happen soon.
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: SBrandsborg aka Mouseman on March 03, 2003, 11:59:59 am
BTW how many MHz does hairstyle need to run?
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: SBrandsborg aka Mouseman on March 03, 2003, 01:22:44 pm
Take a look at this
please come with some feedback good and bad..

Download here:

Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: NoCodeUK on March 03, 2003, 01:29:45 pm
Taking a look now Mr are things going??? Haven't seen you around here lately...

Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: SBrandsborg aka Mouseman on March 03, 2003, 01:31:33 pm
Hehe its going fine...
but im busy finding a job and my girl takes a lot of time..
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: dragyn on March 03, 2003, 01:36:12 pm
looks great!

Not dissin' you're hairstyle but the overall usage needs improving yet...hairsyle in general.
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: Ingo on March 03, 2003, 02:43:32 pm
any chance (or at least votes ;-)) to get the 'My Computer' view in Hairstyle?

Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: SBrandsborg aka Mouseman on March 03, 2003, 03:47:09 pm
WOW i must say alot of new info in MJFS version="1.4" you say An XML viewer is recommended... what viewer is you useing? im sitting here and useing Notepad hehe

.right now im updating Mouse - Sunrise to 1.4
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: NoCodeUK on March 03, 2003, 03:49:30 pm
Nice One Mouse Man...I tried to use it after I upgraded and no joy!!!  I will try once you have upgraded

Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: SBrandsborg aka Mouseman on March 03, 2003, 04:08:46 pm
Here is the new version


Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: NoCodeUK on March 03, 2003, 04:18:06 pm
Looking very good Mouse!! Best Hairstyle so far...however by default it is not showing all the buttons...playing now is off screen by default...confused me at first so would defo confuse a newbie user...

Otherwise fantastic!!

Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: PhatPhreddy on March 03, 2003, 10:28:46 pm
Great this thread has got busy again !!

I've seen some people do some amazing things with flash, and I think that PVR/HTPC interfaces, built in flash, could be just gorgeous.  Again, dunno how to do it, but it'd be rad, fo sho.
I am guessing that you may not know about MainLobby from Cinemar ( this tool uses flash to allow you to make GUI's and front ends really easily... In the last 3 months development via AVS has made some games (casino lobby) an EPG (TVLobby) and very soon a music player that will be using MJ and the web remote plug in (MusicLobby) there is a DVD launcher as well and as it can launch any external programs it can launch TV apps / DVD apps etc... It can support animations and all kinds of eye candy...

It really is hot competition to the windows MCE system that I am not such a fan of given it locked and closed architechture... With MainLobby my HTPC is all menu driven... I would love to make a glissando like Hairstyle and launch MJ or MC as my audio app in an attractive unified way.

I also was hopeful that flash could be used in the hairstyle side as animations and eye candy are much more intuative in flash...

Mouseman.  Those are looking really good...

Can anyone give me a clue as to how I embed Cover art of the paying now track into a Hairstyle theme... From the XML I can only see button image and placement and background... In a perfect world I would be looking to build something like Glissando or the 4AM Music console

I suspect Music Lobby will give me the abilities I am after by using flash and the web remote plug in... I hope I can start beta testing it soon.
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: SBrandsborg aka Mouseman on March 04, 2003, 11:57:38 am
Sorry guys my web server will be offline today and tomorrow...
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: SBrandsborg aka Mouseman on March 07, 2003, 06:30:02 am
First i want to say... my web server is running again...
and is there any word on when hairstyle will be updated to 1.5 or higher???

and last... what resolution is best to make hairstyls to?? right now im running hairstyle on 1600x1200
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: Doof on March 07, 2003, 11:02:51 am
Well considering that most TV's out there run at 640x480... :P

I can't wait to get HDTV.
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: SBrandsborg aka Mouseman on March 07, 2003, 12:28:06 pm
hmmm :( so... it will be best to make hairstyles in 640x480 or 800x600?

By The Way... Doof... That pictures you have.. thats invader zim right?
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: PhatPhreddy on March 07, 2003, 07:02:35 pm
Well SVideo users can usually see 800x600 OK and XGA but blurry for PC text... I would think that HairStyle text may be clearer...

1280x720p is a common HD rez and suits all thenew breed of HD2 projectors...  For HD CRT TV's 1080i translates to 540p so a common rez is 960x540 and now with Sony announcing the 1920x1080p SXRD chip for front projectors we will probably have this within this year for consumer use...

Me I use PC monitors and a 1365x1024 projector...
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: Soundman on March 09, 2003, 05:31:19 pm
JimH Wrote:
We could probably support an ActiveX control embedded in the xml code without too much trouble, if that would help.

What do you need?

Yes!  An ActiveX control in the XML would be terrific.  Here is what I want to be able to do:

1. Programmatically move to a given node in the tree by giving it the tree path name.

2. When a node is selected, my script gets control via a method call. The value I return from my method determines whether Hairstyle will process the selection event or not.  Thus, I can either intercept the event and do something different, or do some pre-action and let the event go ahead.

3. Add arbitrary choices to the current node.  When the user selects one of these, I simply get notified and can do whatever.  This allows non-tree-related features to be added by the script author. Example: Reshuffle using My Super-sophisticated Shuffling Algorithm (TM) ;D or Toggle display of the current weather on the screen.

4. Modify text labels on a button, preferably via DHTML.

5. Ability to totally rearrange the screen via DHTML.

In summary, I think what I am asking for is an SDK that offers similar flexibility as Metamorphasis does for mini-mi skins.

Is this in line with what JRiver is thinking, or am I way off base?  Thank, JimH, for asking!
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: Doof on March 10, 2003, 04:35:06 am
Well, I'm not sure if it's Invader Zim or not. It's from a Quake 2 skin I was using called Invader (so it could be). Actually, the player model is called Invader, and this particular skin is called Haywire.

But to me, and my gaming friends, that is Doof. I started using that skin and the name Doof at the same time. :P
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: formix on March 11, 2003, 04:51:10 am
Okay, a little intro, then (hopefully) a quick question.  I've been using MJ for about a year, and now I'm trying to get my brain around MC9.  Whenever I play a media file, or show a picture, at the end of the file, I pop back into hairstyle and have to esc out.  Now when I have my HTPC up and running, this will be great, but for now I can't seem to disable the hairstyle.  HELP!
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: Matt on March 11, 2003, 05:03:50 am
Okay, a little intro, then (hopefully) a quick question.  I've been using MJ for about a year, and now I'm trying to get my brain around MC9.  Whenever I play a media file, or show a picture, at the end of the file, I pop back into hairstyle and have to esc out.  Now when I have my HTPC up and running, this will be great, but for now I can't seem to disable the hairstyle.  HELP!

This is how full-screen works now.  Instead of an emtpy black screen, you'll see Hairstyle if nothing is playing.

A few thoughts:

Would turning on on "Continuous" so stuff doesn't stop playing unless you tell it to help?

You can always hit [Esc] or double-click to get back to MEGA-ME.

Is there any reason you'd rather see a black screen instead of Hairstyle if nothing is playing?

Thanks Formix.
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: formix on March 11, 2003, 05:12:33 am
Actually, to be more specific, I guess I was asking if there was a way to choose whether it popped up in Hairstyle when the file was done, or the "regular" file tree view?  It used to, and with the new version, I can't seem to be able to get Hairstyle to go away....
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: SBrandsborg aka Mouseman on March 11, 2003, 05:15:25 am
What is the plan with hairstyle now??
when will it be updated again??
i know you have a lot of work to do with the menus and bug fixing...
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: LisaRCT on March 14, 2003, 11:22:37 am
I have tried modifying a copy of the hairstyle folder, renaming it, and adding it as an additional Hairstyle as well as adding the ones from Mouseman (thanks).
So far only one will load, another two are shown as menu choices but do not respond.

Also the menu buttons or bars in Hairstyle do not react properly regardless of which Hairstyle I am using
. . . I must 'click and hold' or click repeatedly . .  and then not all will work.  Is this a bug or something unfinished?

Have Hairstyles become available for download yet with the plugins, skins, and visualizations or is that yet to happen?
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: PhatPhreddy on March 14, 2003, 04:25:07 pm
Also perhaps its just me not working this out but once you step down a tree... Should there not be a back button ?? How do I go back to the root or a point in the tree ?
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: Mastiff on March 16, 2003, 05:30:53 am
I'm totally new to hairstyle, since I have had no use for it before now. But my multi-zone system became multi-computer as well, with one computer that will only serve the living room visually, instead of doing double duty as HTPC and playback to the living room. So now I can have MC running in full screen all the time. But: Is there some way to jump to playing now in hairstyle when something starts? Also can I see track time and such as well? I would prefer if all this was possible with few remote buttons as this will be used by my wife and kids as well.  8)
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: JimH on March 17, 2003, 02:12:10 pm
There will be a back button soon.

Each version has behaved a little differently recently.  We're still trying to get it right.  Try F11, Ctrl-W, esc.


Is there some way to jump to playing now in hairstyle when something starts?

Sorry, but I don't know.  I think you know where all the buttons and options are by now.  Maybe if you describe exactly what you want, it would help.  Are you starting from Hairstyle and you want to go to the Playing Now window on startup, or do you want to go to fullscreen?
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: PhatPhreddy on March 17, 2003, 04:35:20 pm
So is there any way we can work with cover art more in Hairstyle ?

I am thinking browse by cover art... Have a large one in the playing now... Etc etc etc...

MJ is the perfect back end tool but I am trying to get a look similar to this... for my playing solution...

If A) that is in any way possible and B) you allowed a remote XML viewer that could connect to MC over the network, I will bow down and worship at your almighty feet !!!
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: Mastiff on March 17, 2003, 09:51:45 pm
Jim, I meant the Playing now part of Hairstyle. But I'll just wait and see what it all ends up with.  ;D
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: loraan on April 17, 2003, 10:43:06 pm
IMHO, Hairstyle has a lot of potential that hasn't been fully realized yet. One suggestion:

All navigation should be possible with the mouse (or, equivalently, via touchscreen, which just emulates a mouse usually). Currently, for example, I can't go back in the menus without pressing left-arrow. What if I'm working on a touchscreen or have my wireless mouse in my hand but my keyboard's all the way across the room? Granted, this is a nit-pick, but given Hairstyle's intended purpose, it seems important.
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: JimH on April 18, 2003, 04:33:28 am
Though the art will change there is now a row of arrows above the PIP.  Try those.  Build 154 is what you need.
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: GregY on May 06, 2003, 01:01:23 pm
* A 'Music Only' Hairstyle mode that doesn't include the DVD, TV, and Image controls.
* Bigger (tv-readable) fonts
* A visual indication of where you are in the tree.  If you're in 'Now Playing,' the title of the screen should say so.
* In 'Now Playing,' display album art of the song that's playing and small album art of the next song, along with a list of songes that are queued.
* Play controls always available via buttons (and/or their remote control equivalents).
* If we're navigating the MJ tree structure, some visible indication of where in the tree you're currently located.  (If you're three levels deep, there should be an easy way to get back to the top, and/or other parts of the interface).
* As much as possible, flatten the deep tree structure in Hairstyle.
* Put arrows in the interface to indicate where the cursor will go (e.g. on the top level, there would be a right arrow icon to go deeper in the tree, but no left arrow.)  
* 'Now Playing' always available via a single button (one-click access).  
* Basic song search and filtering functionality with a virtual keyboard.  (Ape Jukebox has a good start on this interface.)
* Skins (change through Hairstyle, add through MJ)
* Expose music down to the song (not just album) level throughout Hairstyle.
* Avoid drop down menus and (especially) right-clicks.  These tend not to work on a TV screen.  
* Browse music interface using album art or text.  Hide unnecessary fields (all but album, artist and title).
* An 'Exit' button.

Was this ever answered?  I'd like to have Media Center just act as a music server.  Where the TV and remote would act as an interface to the PC.  I would ideally disconnect the keyboard and mouse to get them out of the way.  Only a remote would do!

That way when i want to listen to music I just switch over my stereo to the appropiate function and I get picture and sound from the PC all driven by the remote.

I don't want the other options (DVD, TV, etc...) just audio files.  Will Hairstyle let me remove these options?
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: JimH on May 06, 2003, 01:54:13 pm
There isn't any way to remove TV, DVD, etc.  They are the same items that show in the tree in the mega view.

When we do a Media Jukebox update, it may come closer to what you want.

We expect to focus on remotes in the next version of MC and provide more polish and a simpler interface.

The release version works better with mouse-only now.
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: dkan24 on May 06, 2003, 01:54:52 pm
Is there any way to shut off the sounds hairstyle makes when navigating through it?

I get terrible buzzing noises instead of sounds on my ASIO PC.  
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: JimH on May 06, 2003, 01:57:12 pm
Find the skin in the MC fullskins directory and rename the sound files.  I think they are wav files.
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: dkan24 on May 06, 2003, 02:28:51 pm
I do not want any sound at all, so I deleted all the sound files.  Now there is just a generic beep for all actions.

I need to eliminate sound because my ASIO sound card (Delta 410) makes a terrible buzzing sound when anything other than music is played.  It also buzzes when there is buffering.  

Any other suggestions?  Thanks!
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: Chris Shaw on May 06, 2003, 02:53:29 pm
Just turn off Sounds under Setup. Or delete the SOUNDS section in main.xml
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: dkan24 on May 06, 2003, 03:41:00 pm
I could not find where the setup was, so I just edited out the sounds section in the xml file.  It works very well now- thank you!

Another question- after I choose a song, it goes to full screen mode where it shows my track info (dirt simple).  I do not see a way to easily get back to hairstyle mode.  I have to use my mouse to get back to mega-me, where I then could go back to hairstyle.  Is there any way to use a remote to back to hairstyle from the full screen track info page?
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: JimH on May 06, 2003, 03:49:28 pm
F11 or CTRL-W go there.
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: dkan24 on May 06, 2003, 04:39:01 pm
okay, CTRL-W worked, although F11 did not.  

Is there an official skin area now for Hairstyle?  I downloaded Mouse's Sunrise skin, but could not get it to work.  
Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: sraymond on May 06, 2003, 05:49:23 pm
F11 or CTRL-W go there.

I'd think the MENU key is a better choice...

Is there any way to use a remote to back to hairstyle from the full screen track info page?

Although I haven't been able to get Girder to talk to MC (sending keystrokes vice lparam) when it's in Hairstyle.

JimH:  I've asked about this a few times...  is it a lot of work to add an MCC_COMMAND or fix MC's Girder Plugin?  I (and others, I'm sure) would like to get the most out of the remote control.

Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: NoCodeUK on May 07, 2003, 12:12:47 am
If F11 doesn't work trying holding down the winkey and pressing F11.  I had this bug for ages and for some reason I needed to press Win F11.  Couldn't work out why for the life of me but worth a try...

Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: Soundman on May 13, 2003, 08:47:03 am
Hello.  Were any of the below included in Hairstyle for MC9, specifically the ability to embed scripts that react to button presses?  Or, will we need to wait for MC10.


Yes!  An ActiveX control in the XML for Hairstyle would be terrific.  Here is what I want to be able to do:

1. Programmatically move to a given node in the tree by giving it the tree path name.

2. When a node is selected, my script gets control via a method call. The value I return from my method determines whether Hairstyle will process the selection event or not.  Thus, I can either intercept the event and do something different, or do some pre-action and let the event go ahead.

3. Add arbitrary choices to the current node.  When the user selects one of these, I simply get notified and can do whatever.  This allows non-tree-related features to be added by the script author. Example: Reshuffle using My Super-sophisticated Shuffling Algorithm (TM) ;D or Toggle display of the current weather on the screen.

4. Modify text labels on a button, preferably via DHTML.

5. Ability to totally rearrange the screen via DHTML.

In summary, I think what I am asking for is an SDK that offers similar flexibility as Metamorphasis does for mini-mi skins.

Is this in line with what JRiver is thinking, or am I way off base?  Thank, JimH, for asking!

Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: sraymond on May 13, 2003, 09:17:28 am
JimH:  I've asked about this a few times...  is it a lot of work to add an MCC_COMMAND or fix MC's Girder Plugin?  I (and others, I'm sure) would like to get the most out of the remote control.


Title: Re: Hairstyle Interface Instructions
Post by: Soundman on May 14, 2003, 03:45:00 am
Hello.  Several have asked here for an MCC_COMMAND. Pardon my ignorance, but what is an MCC_COMMAND?  It sounds useful.