Windows => Television => Topic started by: jachin99 on July 18, 2019, 10:05:08 am
This might already exist so if it does feel free to ignore. I would like to be able to press record or some button that is mapped to the MCC record TV command when I have a guide grid cell selected and have MC record that show. At the moment I can hit the record button while playing live TV and it records the currently playing program.
Record button on a remote control does just that. It toggles among "Record", "Subscribe", and "Cancel Recording" I believe.
When I'm watching the channel on TV it does record it but I'm asking about when I'm scrolling through the guide, and a particular program is highlighed, I want to be able to hit the record button and record the show that is highlighted on the guide, not the currently playing TV channel. I hope that makes a little more sense because its a little hard to describe I guess. Should JRiver do this already?
Theater View or Standard View? I believe it was implemented for Theater View.
This is in theater view. I'm using a RF gyration MCE remote.
It should work, especially since it works for you when you are in Display view (while playing a live channel). The pressing of MCE remote's Record button is handled in one centralized location, and it branches off according to which view you are in.
....I'm asking about when I'm scrolling through the guide, and a particular program is highlighed, I want to be able to hit the record button and record the show that is highlighted on the guide...
Works for me, always has, as far back as I can remember.
It worked fine for me tonight but I also remapped the button via eventghost. I'm going to try disabling eventghost and seeing what happens tomorrow. I'm not sure why it wasn't working earlier. I think I pressed it and somehow landed on the shows page. Either way thanks for the response.
Nevermind, it works fine.
I am glad this is all sorted.
What is the key shortcut for this so I can also map it in eventghost? I assume this will work on clients.
I don't think there is a keyboard shortcut. If you can map a remote control button to MC Command MCC_RECORD_TV (23023), it should work.
Yes, you can. I did this and it worked with the key mapped, and without it mapped via Eventghost. You should see EVERY MCC command in the Eventghost plugin but if not then ask about it. There is a thread about eventghost in the third party programs forum on these boards, and one on the eventghost forums.
I'm in standard view watching live TV, and I press the record button, JRiver goes into the shows menu in theater view. That's why I originally thought the remote behavior was off.
I'm in standard view watching live TV, and I press the record button, JRiver goes into the shows menu in theater view. That's why I originally thought the remote behavior was off.
That was indeed off. While watching, pressing Record button should not interrupt the video display.