Windows => Television => Topic started by: jachin99 on September 24, 2019, 11:01:49 am
With MC setup to show various backdrops as different guide cells come into focus, the color of the backdrop for channel logos gets changed quite a bit. When there is a light backdrop I can see most channel logos pretty clearly but when there is a dark backdrop, black channel logos disappear entirely. This will likely take some experimentation but would it be possible to apply a neutral, or gray colored mask or backdrop to the channel logo grid cells? This seems like the quickest way to make them pop but I don't know how it would look with only that part of the guide being different. Maybe there is another way to make the black channel logos stand out. Either way, is this something MC is willing to put some time and effort into?
You can try finding a logo that is not transparent, or convert a transparent logo to non-transparent one.
Its not a matter of transparency, I think the problem is that the logo, and backdrop are the same color so they blend in together.
EDIT: I am looking into collecting light colored channel logos as well but I'm not sure if the Schedules Direct API will allow downloading only light colored logos.
A logo can not be all dark. It may have a dark background and light lettering, in which case it should be fine. It may also have a light background and dark lettering, then depending on the transparency of that light background, the dark lettering (or shape) may get mixed in with the Theater View background. That is when we have problems. If that light background is opaque, we should be fine.
Alright, I'll see what I can come up with.
The easy way to solve the problem is to go into the theme settings and change the background to a colored background. This doesn't look very good to me as I prefer a black background. EPG123 has the ability to collect local channel logos from SD, and MC picks these up and adds them to the coverart directory but it looks like JRiver just grabs the first one it sees.
When EPG123 grabs the logos, it usually gets a few different versions so I was able to go into my channel logo directory in EPG123, and replace all but one or two black logos with white ones. Its not automated like I would prefer but it does work.