Windows => Television => Topic started by: JimH on January 02, 2020, 11:04:44 am
This thread is meant for support of using Over the Air data for your EPG.
Please start by reading the EPG topic here:,123575.0.html
This is just a simple reminder... If you have been using mc2xml guide data and then decide to switch to only simple OTA guide data, be sure you don't have the option checked to "use OTA data only if the XMLTV ID is empty".
See Options > Television > Guide > In over-the-air EPG Scan, save programs with empty XMLTV IDs only.
Make sure it's not checked. That's because your old XMLTV ID's will still be in the channel list and will prevent the OTA scan from working completely.
When the MS MC data disappeared last week I switched to OTA only and it took me 2 days to figure out why it was not working.
Thanks. That is a very good tip.
I previously used xml2data for downloading my EPG and everything worked fine.
Now I see that option is no longer available (I also lost all my programming guide data) and I want to switch to OTA.
After making the necessary change in setup, I see the option "Load program guide" has switched to "Stop loading program guide".
However I don't see any data in my program guide.
About how long should I expect to wait before I see any data in the guide?
Roughly, 30 minutes.
I just checked a few minutes ago and I still have no OTA data.
Is there an error log or some additional settings I should check?
In Standard view, there are "TV Logs" and "Show status" which you can check.
Go ahead with stopping the scan, if you have not done so yet, and restart MC. Turn on logging (Help > Logging > check "Output to a log file" checkbox) and run EPG scanning manually. Post or email the log after failing to load EPG.
Are you using MC26? EPG OTA scanning may not work on Windows 10 version 1809.
I am using Windows 10 with MC 25.
The logfile is too large for attachment to the forum.
If the email is a few MB in size after zipping, email will work. yaobing at jriver
If it is larger, you need to upload it to a file server, such as Dropbox or OneDrive, or Google Drive, and share a link with me by PM. Thanks.
Sorry I have been distracted by other matters. I have now read your log file (partially) and found that EPG data were been found during the scan. For example:
0219562: 4876: TV: ATSCDigitalTV::LoadEPGData: Adding program Programa pagado, 58-3 KQCA.3, 2/9/2020 6:59 am,
0219562: 4876: TV: ATSCDigitalTV::LoadEPGData: Adding program Programa pagado, 58-3 KQCA.3, 2/9/2020 7:29 am,
0219562: 4876: TV: ATSCDigitalTV::LoadEPGData: Adding program Programa pagado, 58-3 KQCA.3, 2/9/2020 7:59 am,
0219562: 4876: TV: ATSCDigitalTV::LoadEPGData: Adding program Programa pagado, 58-3 KQCA.3, 2/9/2020 8:29 am,
0219562: 4876: TV: ATSCDigitalTV::LoadEPGData: Adding program Programa pagado, 58-3 KQCA.3, 2/9/2020 8:59 am,
0219562: 4876: TV: ATSCDigitalTV::LoadEPGData: Adding program Programa pagado, 58-3 KQCA.3, 2/9/2020 9:29 am,
If you did not get the programs, take a look of the TV option "In over-the-air EPG scan, save programs for channels with empty XMLTV IDs only". It is in "Guide" section. Uncheck it. I just thought of this option because you mentioned that you used to use online EPG data. This option causes MC to ignore OTA EPG data for channels that already are using online data.
Another thing to check.
Create a "TV Channels" smartlist if you do not already have one. The only rule you need is "Media Type" is "TV". Display the smartlist and show column "TV Channel". What do they look like?
Is it like "ATSC 19 (9-1)3, 0, 1005, 52, 1, 49, 0, eng"? If it is much shorter, like "DTV 19 (9-1)", you should re-scan your channels.
I deleted all channels and did a complete rescan. The schedule data is now visible.
Good to know.
Create a "TV Channels" smartlist if you do not already have one. The only rule you need is "Media Type" is "TV". Display the smartlist and show column "TV Channel". What do they look like?
Is it like "ATSC 19 (9-1)3, 0, 1005, 52, 1, 49, 0, eng"? If it is much shorter, like "DTV 19 (9-1)", you should re-scan your channels.
Once more, but in English!!! What is a smartlist and how do you make one? Is that the same as when you hide the channels that I'll never watch and all that's left is what I do? I'm also not sure where to find Media Type. After reading this, I did try to find these things, but I came up short. Any help would be appreciated! Also, the OP said he deleted all his channels and rescanned and got all his EPG listings. How do you delete all the channels? Believe it or not, I actually know how to scan channels!
Thank you much!
Here is the wiki article on smartlist:
Here is how to create "TV Channels" Smartlist (two pictures are worth two thousand words ;D):
How to delete all channels:
Run "Manage TV Channels" tool. (
Select all channels, and click "Delete" button.
Alternatively, you can run TV Setup. ( On the very first pop up window, check "Clean up existing television channels" checkbox and click OK. Then you can proceed with setting up.
Once more, but in English!!! What is a smartlist and how do you make one?
That's a good example of a question Google could probably answer. Just add "jriver" to the question.