More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 26 for Windows => Topic started by: Mans on February 23, 2020, 10:56:54 am
Created a new user "Default User" which has less access and no pw.
Added tag info as user Administrator to those files which shouldn't be accessible by other users.
Added pw to the administrator user.
This works perfectly onto the server library.
In order to get access to the complete lib you most be logged in as administrator and give pw.
Every client connected to the Server lib can also switch between both users.
Works also.
Guessing I'm missing something or need to setup some more;
As once a client machine is rebooted or close & reopen MC then it connects to the Server library, as setup, and takes automatically the user profile as active onto the Server.
So even the administrator user where normally a pw should be entered.
This even when another user was used onto the client prior rebooting.
So how to make the user stick to the machine ? This instead of the one active onto the Server.
Thanks in advance,
Made it work.
Maybe not ideal and/or the most fancy way:
In order to 'force' a Client to have a default or preferred user a script (bat file) needs to be started at start-up/reboot with a MCC command line: mc26.exe /MCC 22028,xxxx where the x's are the target userID.
Next challenge, getting TV channels linked to an user.
P.e. Adult channels linked to a higher level user account.
Maybe via the hidden channel checkbox settings ? Hidden to a selected user ?
Or something alternative, as tags aren't an option to TV channels.
Even tags would be great as those are everywhere inside MC.
It would give additional opportunities to TV channels :-)
Any suggestions or hints ?
...In order to 'force' a Client to have a default or preferred user a script (bat file) needs to be started at start-up/reboot with a MCC command line: mc26.exe /MCC 22028,xxxx where the x's are the target userID....,124138.0.html
Thanks! Wondering why after years of asking, no one from JRiver ever replied once on how to accomplish this... Also wondering how the same thing can be done on Panel, mobile, android???
Regarding TV channels, not sure how far you have gone in terms of trying to set it up. I have never tried it myself and have never tried to implement limiting channels to certain users.
However, if you have not tried yet, just try adding user ID to the User field of respective channels and let me know how it goes. To access the "User" field, you need to first create a "TV Channels" smartlist. I posted instructions on creating TV Channels smartlist a few days ago. (,123576.msg860532.html#msg860532)
Great day Yaobing,
Thanks for your feedback and help sir,
I think I've got something working, following your hint :-)
Within the new Smartlist i can see the difference in listed channels once i change the user (level).
But now I'm trying to figure out how to adapt Theater View to the new created Smartlist ?
How do i modify the expression to show the EPG according the Smartlist instead of the 'initial' list of TV channels.
Thanks for your assistance :-)
I was hoping that after adding user id to channels they would be automatically filtered. If they are not, I should add some code internally so TV channels will behave the same way as other media types.
Thanks Yaobing, appreciated and looking forward to test any built on this :-)
Cheers !