More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 32 for Windows => Topic started by: JimH on November 10, 2023, 10:18:22 am
If you could get one new improvement, what would it be?
I tried to answer this but I think I have too many random little things to ask for that makes it hard to choose
Fwiw they all seemed to fall in the category of "I would use <some MC feature> if <thing it doesn't do>", I can think of a few like that. The most recent thought in this style was "I would use spotlight if it was filtered by the contents of my library" so I will go with that one for today.
Good idea
It does show albums in your library now. Only those?
Little asks are welcome.
I think it was an actor last time I looked, ie what other films do we have with that guy in it?
„Feature Request! I've noticed that every time I load a .Cue file and convert the files contained within it into a different format with mc, I have to manually adjust the corresponding cue file. Would it be possible for the software to automatically modify the file extension in the cue file when I've selected the option to replace the original file, regardless of the format I'm converting to? This feature would greatly enhance the user experience and streamline the conversion process."
- Add an option to create particles by Chapter : Stops recommendations to use other progs -,137337.msg952218.html#msg952218
I think that the things I really want are all in Linux (bd playback on Linux, particularly allowing a Linux via the local file option regardless of server OS)
Aka I would use Linux MC more if I could use it easily for video
Either an integration of sacd_extract ( (or your own implementation that does the same thing). It'd allow the user to be able to extract DSF/DFF files from SACD ISOs without doing any sort of conversion. Could also potentially allow the user to be able to "convert" DFF to DSF or vice versa by unpacking the file and changing only the container (and not the data), to avoid any conversion, especially the PCM conversion in the middle.
Please add video playback Slow Motion controls to the theater view OSD (similar to Subtitles/LipSync/Zoom). More importantly, prevent the "DSP Tempo dialog" from popping up when Slow Motion is enabled/disabled (perhaps add an option to mute or disable audio when slow motion is used).
Good idea
Cloudplay from JRemote for IOS?
Two pennies:
1. Unified/Global views. Standard view, theater view, media network (JRemote/Panel), dlna, it's too many different settings when I typically just want to create a view in Standard View and have it show up everywhere. Or at least an option to add it everywhere after it's created.
Good idea
2. Hybrid smartlists. Drag a track or tracks onto a smartlist and the smartlist should add an OR rule for that specific file (by filename?) so it is added to the smartlist.
HDR JRemote streaming.
Add IPTC/EXIF standard tags... oh wait! ;)
How about geotagging... pulling Country, State etc from GPS tags?
Add IPTC/EXIF standard tags... oh wait! ;)
How about geotagging... pulling Country, State etc from GPS tags?
Along with a Map view like Lightroom has, that shows pins where photos were taken with a number on the pin showing how many photos, and, if you drag/drop a photo onto a map location, GPS tags for the dropped location are applied to the photo(s).
My own wish...
Are you familiar with Apple's "iPhone Memories" (
It basically makes short videos of people or events, set to cheesy music, automatically. It's kind of OK.
Recently, I've been frustrated by wanting to make my own. I can select the mix of videos and photos in MC, but need to go find a third party app to generate the video. This would also need to allow us to add title screens, captioning, credit screens and soundtrack. This is my Christmas wish :)
Either an integration of sacd_extract ( (or your own implementation that does the same thing). It'd allow the user to be able to extract DSF/DFF files from SACD ISOs without doing any sort of conversion. Could also potentially allow the user to be able to "convert" DFF to DSF or vice versa by unpacking the file and changing only the container (and not the data), to avoid any conversion, especially the PCM conversion in the middle.
I've actually thought about this more, and thought of something I actually wish for more, hahaha.
- Panel needs to have a list view.
Panel uses a thumbnails view, which I'm honestly not a fan of, and would prefer having a list view. All the remotes (Gizmo, JRemote, etc.) all have list view as an option in addition to the thumbnail view. Panel is the only one without such an option. If Panel had a list view, it'd make Panel more useful for me.
How about a Theater View overhaul?
The recent thread(s) on this were quite impressive, but getting it all working is largely restricted to the realm of the Advanced/Expert users.
Done -- Theaterview Active Template thread
Gapless playback for Atmos music would be very nice - lots of Atmos discs now but no gapless playback.
Another wish: I'd like to be able to add cover art from a client machine and have it populate to the server.
May not be a quick one but, +1 to the Shoe's post.
Incorporating the home brew Theaterview work into core would be a very good presentation bump. It really does look fantastic but even I'm too lazy to do it myself.
1) Agree with AD and Shoe about their DSD options and would add a little more, namely a) a clear option for doing native mode (not DOP) DSD for DLNA and b) add options to the Output Format DSP for 1x, 2x, 4x and 8x conversion to PCM and make the Output Format column be the actual final PCM sample rate. The latter would take the mystery out of the factor of 8 conversion going from DSD to PCM, which is now hidden and undocumented. Those changes would pretty much complete the DSD implementation.
2) Implement wdm to DLNA output. It would make streaming from music services work in all cases. Other players seem to be able to do it by somehow munging the format.
3) Add Audio Path for DLNA back in to show the DSPs and format conversions that are implemented prior to sending the DLNA stream. People would then know exactly what is actually being sent to the DLNA renderer.
Thanks for listening.
Now that I'm back and have taken up photography, it would be wonderful to have Face Recognition in MC. I understand there is a push on to improve Images and that might just get a lot more people using it.
I saw Jim's list of possibilities and was very happy to see Face Recognition on it. Sandra and I were talking yesterday about how unfortunate it is that MC doesn't have it. We recently stopped using Mylio (which has FR) as a DAM for our finished photos and switched to MC. Thus, having it in MC would be very useful to us.
Cheers, Rod
Done -- and compatible with Lightroom
1) Agree with AD and Shoe about their DSD options and would add a little more, namely a) a clear option for doing native mode (not DOP) DSD for DLNA and b) add options to the Output Format DSP for 1x, 2x, 4x and 8x conversion to PCM and make the Output Format column be the actual final PCM sample rate. The latter would take the mystery out of the factor of 8 conversion going from DSD to PCM, which is now hidden and undocumented. Those changes would pretty much complete the DSD implementation.
If I am understanding you correctly re: native mode for DSD over DLNA, I am doing this. In another room I have a Sony Sound Bar that supports DSD and using DLNA I can play native DSD to it.
It's been a while, but in FileAssociations.XML, I had to add the first two (dff and dsf). I believe the second two were already there but I don't recall at this point.
<Item Name="dff">audio/x-dff;audio/dff</Item>
<Item Name="dsf">audio/x-dsd;audio/dsd</Item>
<Item Name="dsd">audio/x-dsd;audio/dsd</Item>
<Item Name="sacd">audio/x-sacd;audio/sacd</Item>
my DSD rips are to dsf + whole disc backup. anyway, setting the correct mimetype fixed this for me.
If I am understanding you correctly re: native mode for DSD over DLNA, I am doing this. In another room I have a Sony Sound Bar that supports DSD and using DLNA I can play native DSD to it.
Yes, you can stream DSD over DLNA. However, the UI is not clear how to do that. The only check box is to stream DoP over DLNA. There is no way to know that you can stream native over DLNA simply by unchecking the DoP option. There is nothing that explicitly says Bitstream Native DSD. Many people have been confused by this. I simply think there should be a displayed option that lets you choose either DoP or Native. It's a simple change to the UI, but it will provide a direct choice of DoP or native, which will mean fewer confused people. So, for example, 3 options
o Bitstream DSD over DLNA using DoP
o Bitstream DSD over DLNA native sample rate
or Bitstream DSD
o DoP
o Native
or even
0 Bistream DSD (Requires DoP compliant renderer) - Uncheck to Bitstream Native DSD
This is an old suggestion and should be very easy to implement. It is just a point of confusion for many.
Agreed! It took me a fair bit of searching and testing to figure it out. And it gets lost to time if I ever have to do it again, it'll be close to starting from scratch
"Kindly add a new, modern skin with the Windows 11 look and feel.
The existing skins I've come across no longer quite align with the aesthetics of Windows 11."
My wish is to find a way to stop MC going full screen whenever it is too busy to update the user interface.
I still find it frustrating to have to alt tab out of MC to regain control of my PC.
Split Swapping Zones (,137435.0.html)
Small wish, it would be great if when opening the MC video settings during playback (right click / video settings), it wouldn't go full screen, and then when opening the JRVR or madVR settings from these setings, it woulnd't go full screen either, or at least if both screens would at least remember the last size/position for the settings/JRVR settings if we've minimized/moved them in that session. It's really annoying to have the settings windows cover the full screen when you try to adjust a dsetting in real-time to see the effect on the picture, and it's even more annoying to have to do it everytime, twice, because nothing is remembered.
I want to have a functionality for a View to have Artist (e.g. Taylor Swift) and then
- Albums (possible now under Audio)
- Single Tracks (possible now under Audio)
- Music Video's (not possible now - you have to add that under video)
- Concerts (BD, DVD rips) (not possible now - you have to add that under video)
- Extras (not possible now - you have to add that under video)
Also for Classical Music concerts (video), music videos a functionality to have composer etc. like under audio
Allow JRiver to take exclusive control of MCE remote control inputs (Prevent other running apps from recognising MCE remote inputs)
Reasoning: I like to have spotify open on my HTPC as well as JRiver, the HTPC is used for these two applications only. I like to control spotify music through the app on my phone and predominantly use an MCE remote to control JRiver in Theatre mode to watch shows and movies. However, with spotify open in the background it also responds to remote control inputs like play, pause, skip that I use when watching a movie/show in JRiver. SO when I press play in a movie, spotify starts playing music as well.
This process worked fine in Windows Media centre.
MC has an option under Theater View that lets you disable WMC when running MC. Worth a try.
In your liist of possible upgrades for MC32:
>Organized backup to other machines
> on the network. The user just chooses
> a location for the database and a root
> location for the media and we do the rest.
Not sure what this means. I'm an audio only user, and have not found sync from one machine to another easy and error free enough. If over my network I could very easily transfer new music, playlists, and other library changes (art, ratings, ...) from my PC, where I maintain everything, to my notebook, rhe move from MC31 to MC32 woud be worth it to me.
1. A formal approach to getting music on the iPhone. I am still using MCiTunes Synchronizer. I am hoping it may now be okay to relook at some mechanism to do this, especially since I think iTunes itself is headed for the junk bin and then the Synchronizer probably won't work at all.
2. Better volume leveling for an audio playlist. I know MC uses a standard accepted approach, but that approach appears to not handle very well the perceived volume on a playlist that has files that have different combinations of compressed, expanded, or maximized files. Maybe there is inherently no solution to this, but wanted to mention it.
Jim mentioned facial recognition for images. I am thinking that isn't practical for MC. Too much effort and will likely always be behind the dedicated photo programs. I am wondering if it might be better to ensure that facial recognition tags are picked up and can be used with the JRiver, including maybe some specialized sorting routines on the tags.
Done -- and compatible with Lightroom
After editing and saving changes to a view, do not reset to the default state all views open in other tabs.
Good idea
Capture card support / reliable way to use JRVR on external sources.
I thought of a third one, sorry: Automatic Genre and Sub-Genre tagging from a reliable and standardized online source.
We are ask the djinn for one wish or more than one?
I will start with one or more depends on your time and the complexity of it. MC is the jack of all trade of all our media files, video, audio, etc.
Is hard to think for one media but then to take in consideration the others and the way they are affected.
Anyway bk to my djinn.
1. Spotlight integrated as the main view of artist in audio;
2. Links like <a ref> instead of links in front of name value. If one value has more names, it will select the first one;
3. Playlist/Smartlist ability to add image on it;
4. Changes on the UI of MC (More on this soon, working on some cn concept);
5. Djinn is gone kill me 😅
6. Tag window to be dockable on standard view. If I want to adjust my tag window to see the names of it, it will mess with the view. Especially on smartlist view or playlist, imagine when you have over 3k of them, and then to adjust it and when you think you finish and u modify the size of tag you go back again...;
7. Change the way of how the skip count work. Not all of them songs have the same duration. A 30 second rule it should apply for this. If you listen for a song of let say 10 minutes, and you push next before the half of the time, is consider a skip. If I stop the song before the half time and then I stop listen for a while, MC will close the playtime and it consider a skip;
8. Dislike and like button accross the MC. Make them visible on UI display;
9. Group smarlist to act as a folder. Instead to look on all your playlist/smartlist, it should summarize them;
10. Enough for now, I do think some things needs to be bring to this age and onwards. If you consider anything a good wish we can debate about them, if not we carry on and keep them as wishes. Maybe one day 😏
Ability to right-click and select "Duplicate" tree views, playlists, etc. just like one can do in Mac's Finder.
Few months ago there was talk of a different method of doing major version upgrades, where MC files/folders no longer carry the version number. Instead there would just be a generic MC folder without a number, same with executables. For example:
C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 31\
C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 31\Media Center 31.exe
C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 32\
C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 32\Media Center 32.exe
Instead would become
C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center\
C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center\Media Center.exe
Is that happening this time around? Next time around?
Probably not.
Resurrect the PlayingNow plugin for MC 64 bit versions.
Revisit VolumeLeveling. I still find myself adjusting the volume way too much between albums. Some albums are just OMG way too loud compared to other albums.
Easier handling of box set cover art. Ability to display front and back cover art.
Good idea
hi, same wanted, that madvr do:) when use dynamic aspect ratio, automatically remove black bars for see biggest frame as possible without lost any pixels and without any over black pixels... just from madvr appearing this as default for any format and codecs use. that's would be cool. auto stretch everything horizon or vertical depend of black bar with right aspect ratio of course:) till frame will max size, so we will see black bars in any way some time, but only vertical or horizon not both. i think this actually not only for my own 21:9 but for 16:9, 32:9 i guess all the time lol
and would be cool if will fixed site engine. after buy on paypal opened page about "paypal page was closed, use the support etc". but everything good, email with code arrive the next second.
If you could get one new improvement, what would it be?
Priority 1: A solution so I can use the Analyze Audio feature for downloaded Cloudplay playlist tracks.
This should work now. We'll check.
If you could get one new improvement, what would it be?
Priority 2: An option to use the specific Volume Level R128 value for each track when playing an album, and not only the average album R128 value.
I think there was an option for this in previous versions of MC.
1) Statistics. Everybody and their dog wants to track everything we do, but if I want to have my own tracking for my own purposes, that is rather... lacking. Playback reports -> 'Most played' artist/genre/etc over various time spans, collection structure/breakdown of music/video/photo collections, playback timeline (i.e. how many minutes a day, what items - music, movies, tv, etc). And have that presented NOT in a spreadsheet style (or smartlist of other half-working attempts). For lack of a better description of what I suggest - think Grafana.
2) Exploratory metadata. Spotlight might be a step in that direction, but it will need a lot more pizza to compete. There is more information that can be shown for each item, there is definitely more style that can be added to the display (just playing with the XSL for the CSS used I can add shadows and other things) aaaand... there's number 3 below.
3) In my opinion there are a number of things that are starting to overlap. There is track info view, Spotlight, customizable OSD, Theater View in whichever direction it will go. Some of these things might be better if they come together, have a more unified look.
Would like ctrl-J to also display fps of source file, not just fps of display.
Good idea
Dinosaur of a request here:
I have always wanted the ability to add custom Video "Media Sub Type" such as Concerts or Kids.
Partly done
Dinosaur of a request here:
I have always wanted the ability to add custom Video "Media Sub Type" such as Concerts or Kids.
Make a short list and we can probably add it.
Thank you for allowing us to provide our wishes.
My wish is related to particles. They have been left behind for a few years now.,133435.msg926294.html#msg926294
I have a second one, which is to bring the following pscriptor script in a JRiver ui: - copy files with flexible folder and file names (including sequence #'s) and create M3U8 playlists
I believe that it would be a good idea to actually bring more of these scripts in JRiver; they are based in JRiver users needs, they have been around for a long time and it would be nice for a change to be able to see them integrated in our beloved JRiver.
It has been years that DLNA renderers are working well with JRiver DSP providing the source is coming from JRiver local music. I would like to use DSP with DLNA renderers when playing URL of Radio or WDM JRiver input. Today you can play to the renderer but DSP is bypassed.
Chromecast terminal as zone ? With DSP of course . Chromecast and Airplay are now more popular than DLNA. Even Qobuz windows application can play directly to Chromecast devices but without DSP of course for that we need to go through JRiver.
A little TLC for JRemote eg add Spotlight maybe
How about a collection feature?
I already opened a topic for 31.,136040.0.html (,136040.0.html)
My primary use: Music
Close second: movies/downloaded tv
Whenever I start MC (displaying an Album-artist view), scrolling noticeably lags.
My machine is powerful enough. It may be the rendering of the album covers (and/or when an artist has multiple albums, you can see a "stack" below the top one).
This is *not* a major annoyance, but it is one that I deal with everyday.
Sounds like the thumbnails aren't all built.
Shifting the subtitle position or fixed position of subtitles
when shifting the movie down, typical -12% (no black bar below wanted), the subtitles are gone
- I know it's been mentioned earlier, but I'd really like to see Particles updated/refreshed/overhauled. They are not intuitive at all and difficult to use. This would make DVD/Blu-Ray audio extraction so much easier. If DVD Audio Extractor can figure it out, JRiver could too.
- Jim's Organized backup to other machines on the network (,137369.0.html). The user just chooses a location for the database and a root location for the media and we do the rest. 1000x yes!!!!
- While not quite MC32, an updated Gizmo/JRemote would be awesome and welcomed!
I wish...
to be able add currently played song to favourites list using single button.
Good idea
Now the explanation and context:
JRiver media is running on PC with Windows 10.
I hear nice song from my playlist.
I open JRemote2 on my Android phone... and would like to add this song to favourites list.
Now this song should be visible on favourites list on my PC when Windows version of JRiver is installed and run.
Wish: To get 4K capture to work so I could process streams within JRiver by a video capture card.,131791.msg947995.html#msg947995
Better layouting options for displaying cover art of mixed aspect ratios.
See this (,136183.msg943741.html#msg943741) post and the accompanying thread for more information.
Copy/paste of custom views for JRemote, so that we don’t have to define all new ones from scratch.
Theater View GUI. We _must_ tune this up. That long thread on using icons ...
I have a related feature request. I recently tried adding unicode characters like a clock🕑, calender 📅🗓 or a photo📷🖼 symbol to a thumbnail text. Despite using an appropriate font (Segoe UI Emoji or Segoe UI Symbol), MC couldn't display them. I assume the reason is that MC doesn't support color fonts yet. Would be a great addition, since these kind of symbols are very useful as they can be displayed next to a duration, date, etc. While the same can probably be done using the img tag, that requires additional resources for sharing. Fonts are already installed everywhere.
Done but only single color
Fun fact: These symbols work in the post editor I'm currently writing in, but are not showing up in the preview.
Edit: But, they do work after posting.
Close (X) to system tray. Nearly universal in most programs now... would like to see this in jriver. Thanks.
Sounds like the thumbnails aren't all built.
Nope. All built. I think it's the loading of the thumbnails? I don't really know.
I've long wished that MC would display all artwork contained in tags, not just the first front cover artwork.
Good idea
Mostly MCWS-y stuff
> Get JRVR profiles (array of profiles, either with basic identifying information or the entire profile including settings)
> Set JRVR profile for session. Set a 'default' profile to use in a zone for all playback until JRiver is closed or the setting is changed.
> Read DSP Profile Config
> Change DSP Profile Setting
Copy/paste of custom views for JRemote, so that we don’t have to define all new ones from scratch.
When defining JRemote Views you can select from any Standard views already defined in the desktop app, when you select Add you get a menu to select from including "Library Items from Standard View" which then displays all menu /view options
Good idea
Is it realistic to hope for WDM JRiver drivers that support more than 192 kHz?
Is it realistic to hope for VDM JRiver drivers that support more than 192 kHz?
WDM you mean?
Out of curiosity, what's the use case?
When defining JRemote Views you can select from any Standard views already defined in the desktop app, when you select Add you get a menu to select from including "Library Items from Standard View" which then displays all menu /view options
Yes but there I can only select from very simple standard views, I silll can’t use one of my own JRemote views to just modify a small part of it. That’s what I want.
I am missing something ,
I added and customized the views for Classical and Rock , then I further added Custom views for Artists (a top 50 List), Artists (all) and so on . All neatly organized in a tree view
When you add a view to JRemote , all these views are available for selection. I stopped using the standard View Set as delivered with MC years ago as I set up my own Customized Views
Create a new view , test it , perfect it import it into JRemote
My JRemote directly mirrors my desktop setup
WDM you mean?
Out of curiosity, what's the use case?
Simply using the quality of JRiver with its powerful studio DSP with audio players that don't support VST plugins, convolution etc, for example.
At this time the JRiver WDM driver (virtual audio driver) is limited to 192kHz. (
Create a new view , test it , perfect it import it into JRemote
My JRemote directly mirrors my desktop setup
That’s the reason for our different experience. I didn’t create JRiver views and mirrored them in JRemote views, I just created JRemote views and now can only use JRiver views as template, but not the previous JRemote views I created.
I just need JRiver as server basis, I don’t work much with views there.
Would be great if also existing JRemote views could be used as template for new JRemote views….or simply be copied/pasted.
This is a list of possible changes in MC32 Nothing is certain yet. I'll start another list later so users can let us know what they want.
Prevent album uploads and artist uploads
Yeah, I've wondered about that.
It is A Good Thing that this guideline is implemented more strictly.
Having a more robust system for handling a lot of stuff happening and the GUI "freezing" is good, so is a theatre view upgrade. Exciting to see.
Having a more robust system for handling a lot of stuff happening and the GUI "freezing" is good, so is a theatre view upgrade. Exciting to see.
The GUI freezing isn't normal. If you have that problem, please start a thread with details.
How about one wish per product? ...
For JRemote, persistence of the view type (list, list w/thumbnails, album covers) for at least the top-level of Audio selections. For the modern portion of my collection, I like a full album cover view. For the classical music section (organized by composer currently), I'd like just a list. The view type of lower levels can then inherit that choice (if no persistence is available at lower levels).
Good idea
For MC, the ability to have newlines (and possibly horizontal lines) inserted, for visual separation between groups (described in earlier posts of mine and others).
I would like to see the scrolling up and down in the Albums or Artists view become buttery smooth. I do admit that it has gotten a lot better over the years. Anyway, as for the continuous development over the years, I must give the JRiver team an A+. Thanks for you guys' hard work. :-)
Zone switch for DLNA devices please!
Good idea -- may be possible now?
Ability to create DSP profiles that are associated with an audio zone.
This would provide the ability for a single zone to engage DSP processing via rules based logic.
Yes, you can kind of accomplish this via zones, and various tagging/labeling on individual tracks, but it is kind of a disjointed approach in that you end up with a playlist broken up by each zone.
If an individual zone could engage a set of DSP rules, the processing for the one zone could be unified and would represent the one physical location that the zone truly is meant to represent.
Support for WOL when media shares are offline.
i.e. when trying to play some media in the library and the NAS is offline, send a WOL packet to the offline share and wait until it's online to play the title.
This means that a WOL configuration screen is needed where you provide the MAC address for each server and when we want the WOL packet to be sent for each server (on JRiver start, on playback start, etc).
I've helped the developers of MyMovies and of CMC to test and implement this, I'll be happy to help you test and implement too, it's not very complex.
Good idea
Lyrics that are searched for and displayed in Theater View, like KODI.
Good idea
When selecting, Cover Art => Add From File ... the dialog would pull up the folder that the tracks are in ... so you can pick the cover art from that folder, where it would be located 99.9% of the time.
Option to "move subtitles to the bottom of the screen" (like in madVR)
Kind regards
When selecting, Cover Art => Add From File ... the dialog would pull up the folder that the tracks are in ... so you can pick the cover art from that folder, where it would be located 99.9% of the time.
It uses the last path unless it finds an image file in the folder next to the audio. In that case it will open using the audio file folder.
This seems good to me, but just start a thread if you'd like to discuss.
Two wishes:
#1 - Media Sub-Types: Business, VLOG or Video Blog, Drone, Concert
Good idea
#2 - Ability to Manage External Graphics Editor Files: In my case I use Pixelmator Pro on the Mac ( ( They are graphics package files (file extension is .pxd) but have image previews one can view in Finder. Would love to be able to configure JRiver to include those files in the library, even with limitations. I do tons of graphic creation, video editing, and photography for our business. MC makes my PROFESSIONAL life so much easier because of the digital asset management capabilities. The one big gap is not being able to manage the editor files themselves.
Good idea
improve Dolby vision mkv profile 7.06 to,
ability to inject RPUs from a folder to selected folders, in batch mode.
There are a few scripts for Mac, and Windows, but are written to convert mkvs to MP4.
Improved OSD and chapter navigation in Theatre View ?
I think that the things I really want are all in Linux (bd playback on Linux, particularly allowing a Linux via the local file option regardless of server OS)
Aka I would use Linux MC more if I could use it easily for video
I have to agree; after all the Linux version has been around for quite a few years now. I'd like to see better video stability for all the Debian derivatives. It seems the video stability varies considerably over the life of each major version, and system wide crashes seem to be the norm when it is not working. OTOH TV support has been very good when used with HD Homerun. I use Ubuntu studio because the low latency kernel eliminates 90% of the latency I've encountered when there are video issues in Ubuntu, and I've had to use Debian. Sound has always been excellent on Linux; as has its audio rendering capabilities.Better Video Stability.
Improved flexibility on cover art/artwork for categories in MC.
I refer to a setting that would allow user to chose a specific folder location for artwork assigned to categories.
Example: When a category is defined by an expression, like if(IsEmpty([Artist Sort Name]), [Artist], [Artist Sort Name]), user can specify to look in the folder \Cover Art\Artists to retrieve the artwork for the expression result.
This could work for any categories defined by an expression or a field and be expanded to Genres, Publishers, Countries, etc. (right now the only possibilities are Artist, Album or Composer).
This would help navigation for views based on categories, especially when exported to JRemote :)
Direct audio/subtitle switching in Blu-Ray Menu mode.
For portable installations of MC ...
Provide the option of having auto-import make use of "(Install Drive)" rather than having only paths with a fixed drive letter.
On a work laptop, I've recently had the assigned drive letter for my portable on-to-go music HDD change quite often. Each time, I must go edit the auto-import paths to pull in any new music that I've copied onto the drive.
I wish to share music files from the MC client.
Would love to be able to display more than 1 piece of cover art (front and back cover art). Especially useful for box sets.
Good idea
Please: Integrated support for AAC Audio Codec (Advanced Audio Codec)
My feature request was under a wrong subject.
Matt answered me.
If I have several files, external HDD could go sleep mode.
Quote from: akoos on Today at 07:41:49 am
I would recommend an additional memory playback option. Load full file (decoded) into memory.
Look at "Load decoded file into memory".
With that playing an APE or FLAC or WAV all have identical everything.
1. A better real time analyzer that indicates when digital clipping is occurring.
2. I almost exclusively use Theatre View, so I would like an easier way to customize it without having to learn how to code. Maybe even include a customizable window where you can display said real time analyzer or VST displays (e.g. there are some VU meter VST's that I would love to use).
If playing a multi channel movie on a two channel stereo setup, channel count in DSP settings output format changes from "source number of channels" to "2 channels (stereo)".
Please fix that output format is always "source number of channels" if that is selected.
(As it is now, you have to go into settings and change the setting back to "source number of channels")
Thank you.
Please: Integrated support for AAC Audio Codec (Advanced Audio Codec)
MC plays AAC files. What feature are you asking for?
Probably encoding of AAC integrated in MC. As far as I know it doesn't do that unless you use the external encoder.
I do agree with the idea and it makes sense, as AAC is generally regarded as better than MP3. If I was going to use any lossy files, I'd sure want them to be encoded as AAC, not MP3.
Probably encoding of AAC integrated in MC. As far as I know it doesn't do that unless you use the external encoder.
I do agree with the idea and it makes sense, as AAC is generally regarded as better than MP3. If I was going to use any lossy files, I'd sure want them to be encoded as AAC, not MP3.
AAC encoding is free for a user, but not for a developer. (see the icensing section)
You can add it as an external encoder now.
This is a weird ask but you did say "make a wish!" This might be really tricky to implement, though...
When I play a movie with an external subtitle file on the local Media Center, all works well. I see that MC matches the title of the subtitle file and associates it with the media file and I don't have to browse for it.
But if I play that same movie from a remote Media Center (still on my network or outside the network) then the subtitle file doesn't work at all. It would be great if, somehow, the remote hosting MC would make the subtitle file (or the subtitles) somehow available to the client MC, so I wouldn't have to transfer the subtitle file manually to the client.
Hope that makes sense!
If I could make one more wish, it would be for some kind of wizard or agent to walk you through a typical multi-channel setup, and where things couldn't be automated they could at least be documented *in MC* itself (and kept up-to-date with the major version of MC).
Play DVD-Audio lossless with menu, hardware becoming very scarce. Would be so good to play these from the MC library.
Oh, I got another one!
Regarding theater view: as we already have Spotlight:
I like a sorting function similar to caleidoscape 8)
That means:
If a movie is longer than e.g. 5 seconds selected, all other movies that I own according to spotlight and/or genre are positioned arround the selected movie :o There are plenty of youtube videos there the function can be seen.
I wish that feature for 2 reasons: I‘m kind of bored by the always same A-Z sorting and it would be very cool ;D
Webcam to see your work in your offices.
Integration of Qobuz
Ability to assign channels to VST plugins so we would no longer need to use DDMF Metaplugin and co.
How it could work:
Just add a VST plugin to the chain (like now) and have a menu where we could freely assign a channel to the inputs of the plugin (eg. Left channel to Left input and so on)
Frame blending feature in JRVR (similarly to madVR)
Dolby Atmos decoding (at least up to 16 channels)
- fixing the multiple subtitle issues that I reported (some of them requested repeatedly over years) [1] (,137424.0.html) [2] (,134236.0.html) [3] (,136060.0.html) [4] (,137334.0.html) [5] (,137766.0.html)
- making the Explorer in Theater view really be just a file explorer, that shows file names and doesn't hang on entering a new folder because it waits to retrieve file metadata (also requested several time over the years)
- JRVR settings option to disable sending HDR metadata to the display, to allow the use of TVs calibrated for the default Windows HDR setup
To be honest, I lost hope over years that anything in these "wish lists" on every new release matter at all.
Streaming to Squeezebox or similar devices, such as piCorePlayer's Squeezelite player.
I often have tracks that are personal vinyl rips of mine. Until recently MC worked quite well with Izotope RX (I have 10)now the last few MCs it wont work 30&31 have been unable to work on either pc or mac. I am wondering if Native Instrument who now owns Izotope could be consulted to see how compatability could be fixed. I use the RX plugin to declick my vinyl rips or the rips of others on the fly while playing through media center. Also maybe try supporting AAU as well as VST3 on Mac for plugin file types?
Could support for VST plugins without GUI be added? I like to play with Airwindows VST dithers but I can't change the bit depth. And maybe an improvement in WDM driver performance, most people now use streaming services. :)
Generic Playlist Import feature:
MC reads imported playlist and seeks matches for [Name], [Artist], [Album] and perhaps other basic fields...
Matching tracks are placed in newly created playlist and details can show those tracks not present in Library?
Most grateful for your consideration!
While we are at it, why not add a "like" button to the Interact forum. There are posts that I would like to "second" but it seems overkill to repeat the post when there is not much to add.
I would like to see the scrolling up and down in the Albums or Artists view become buttery smooth. I do admit that it has gotten a lot better over the years. Anyway, as for the continuous development over the years, I must give the JRiver team an A+. Thanks for you guys' hard work. :-)
Yep, this was what I was talking about.
I still miss the support for movie chapters and the ability to store film series as done with TV shows.
While we are at it, why not add a "like" button to the Interact forum. There are posts that I would like to "second" but it seems overkill to repeat the post when there is not much to add.
+1 to the film series in theater view.
Behavior: I am scrolling through movies, single movies show up normally, then I get to Spider-Man and it is a film series folder containing all the Spidey movies. If this is available now it should be easier.
I understand that I may need to manually tag films.
Album Art search - I use an external program to do this when converting CDs to flac as jrmc is just not great
Being able to put a front cover and back covers and being able to flip the view in jrmc would be fantastic ( being able to read canned booklets (boxsets ) would be even better
If I could make one more wish, it would be for some kind of wizard or agent to walk you through a typical multi-channel setup, and where things couldn't be automated they could at least be documented *in MC* itself (and kept up-to-date with the major version of MC).
Not really sure what you mean here? If you're already using a multichannel audio device with JRiver, it should be straight forward. I find the "Room Correction" option in DSP studio really useful for troubleshooting channel mapping / levels. Solo & Tone will help you ensure that the right channel is going to the right speaker or amplifier section and that your levels per speaker are matched.
Split Media Subtypes Needed (,137587.0.html)
If you could get one new improvement, what would it be?
I'm always puzzled by what source is "Playing Now" ---- I click on a song and it goes to the wrong place. Love to see a positive feedback indicator that what I choose is better displayed and remains default.
Or maybe a video on You Tube to instruct.
I would love to have cover art banners - the ability to have a banner laid over the cover art would be amazing.
This concept applied to DVDs, Blu-Ray, and 4k UHD discs could feature a banner over the cover art denoting the specific disc format type ("blu-ray", or "4k UHD". This enhancement could be a straightforward checkbox in the cover art editing interface. Standard banners could be provided for common uses, along with a few basic options for customization such as positioning (top or bottom) and transparency levels (semi-transparent or opaque). This would offer a balance between standardization and personalization for the users.
Currently I have to hunt a peck through dozens of cover art images to find one with a 4k UHD banner for example.
This addition could also be used with CDs, particularly for distinguishing multiple discs in a set, such as CDs labeled "Disc 1," "Disc 2," and so forth. A banner displaying the disc number superimposed over the cover art, which could be toggled on or off, would facilitate the quick identification of the disc number currently in use.
My wish would be for TrackInfo Plugins, which run inside the Browser Engine, to be able to obtain the Background and Text Colours from the Current Skin in a way similar to how it was done for the HTML Pages, i.e. Drives & Devices.
MC for Linux running on AppImage or Flatpak.
Make preview mode sticky.
frame grabbing?
Possibility to play DSD512 and DSD1024 would be nice.
Allow full screen without going into theater mode. Get rid of the bar at the top.
Allow full screen without going into theater mode. Get rid of the bar at the top.
Tools > Options > General > Behavior
Please add :
1- Thumbmails image on the seeking bar when looking for a scene in a movie, like on youtube or vlc.
2- support mod xm and olds musics files format
When I first install Media Center, don't give me a timeout period before it starts to scan my drives for media to load up.
Instead, ask me if I want Media Center to scan my drives for media to load up.
When I first install Media Center, it is something new. When something new presents me with a countdown timer to something I do not yet fully understand, well, that does not present a good first impression.
Opt in vs Opt out.
Give me the sense that I am in control of the software I just loaded up.
Spotify Connect
Allow the user to set a specific Volume Leveling "ceiling" that is not necessarily tied to EBU128.
Ideally this could offer a range of industry standards (AES TD1008, BS.1770-1, ATSC 85) in additon to a smattering of "streaming" standards (Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube etc) + a custom option - where a user could dial in to whatever "ceiling" they want.
I want to have a functionality for a View to have Artist (e.g. Taylor Swift) and then
- Albums (possible now under Audio)
- Single Tracks (possible now under Audio)
- Music Video's (not possible now - you have to add that under video)
- Concerts (BD, DVD rips) (not possible now - you have to add that under video)
- Extras (not possible now - you have to add that under video)
Also for Classical Music concerts (video), music videos a functionality to have composer etc. like under audio
Agreed! Additional thoughts under
Improved flexibility on cover art/artwork for categories in MC.
I refer to a setting that would allow user to chose a specific folder location for artwork assigned to categories.
Example: When a category is defined by an expression, like if(IsEmpty([Artist Sort Name]), [Artist], [Artist Sort Name]), user can specify to look in the folder \Cover Art\Artists to retrieve the artwork for the expression result.
This could work for any categories defined by an expression or a field and be expanded to Genres, Publishers, Countries, etc. (right now the only possibilities are Artist, Album or Composer).
This would help navigation for views based on categories, especially when exported to JRemote :)
I have something similar in mind ... but rather expand on what you currently have:
1. ability to have cover art for any tags - look for them in
C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 31\Cover Art\[Tag Name]\[Tag Value].jpg
if none found, just display stacked items as you do now
2. ability to have cover art for any nested tags - look of them in
C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 31\Cover Art\[Lv1 Tag Name] - [Lv2 Tag Name] - [Lv3 Tag Name]\[Lv1 Tag Value] - [Lv2 Tag Value] - [Lv3 Tag Value].jpg
if none found, just display stacked items as you do now
To speed up look-up, one can specify in tag management whether the tag has cover art (or if it is nested tag and then specify nest levels)
3. Ability to stack Albums - name the stack - and have cover art for stack ... and have this in Theatre View ... seems like good idea to created CD sets that include albums (as oppose to CD compilation set where having tracks grouped by Disc is good enough)
I have something similar in mind ... but rather expand on what you currently have:
1. ability to have cover art for any tags - look for them in
C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 31\Cover Art\[Tag Name]\[Tag Value].jpg
if none found, just display stacked items as you do now
2. ability to have cover art for any nested tags - look of them in
C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 31\Cover Art\[Lv1 Tag Name] - [Lv2 Tag Name] - [Lv3 Tag Name]\[Lv1 Tag Value] - [Lv2 Tag Value] - [Lv3 Tag Value].jpg
if none found, just display stacked items as you do now
To speed up look-up, one can specify in tag management whether the tag has cover art (or if it is nested tag and then specify nest levels)
3. Ability to stack Albums - name the stack - and have cover art for stack ... and have this in Theatre View ... seems like good idea to created CD sets that include albums (as oppose to CD compilation set where having tracks grouped by Disc is good enough)
Possibility to play DSD512 and DSD1024 would be nice.
Depending on platform DSD512 may not be possible, macOS for example is limited to DSD256 with DoP (there's no DACs with PCM sample rate large enough to support DSD512 over DoP) as macOS doesn't support native DSD and there's nothing JRiver can do about that. DSD512 via native DSD does work on Windows and Linux though. DSD1024 seems like overkill though, IMO.
How about Dolby Atmos support with a tool like Cavern?
It is a wishing well...:-)
Theaterview list type link support to select individual items from list. Hopefully properly designed to also include images. eg <img src="tooltip:image" linkable="true" linkto="Artist"> or something like that.
There is kind primitive support via Spotlight but it is hard coded, feels separated from main UI, not skinnable and in my subjective view not too good looking.
100% this. It seemed like a popular idea several years ago. (
The big one for me, something I have been asking for for eight years now, the ability to change the sort order in theater view on the fly. From a previous request thread:
I want to be able to change the sorting in Theater View. As an example, lets say I am in the mood to watch a Comedy. I navigate to my view which shows all my genres, I then choose Comedy. All my Comedy movies are displayed in their default sorting, which is alphabetical. Now lets say I want to watch something that's recent, or something that I know that imported into my library recently, or by length, or whatever criteria. I'd like there to be a "Sort" option in the top roller and then customizable sorting options below that. I have done a mock up in Photoshop to show how what I envision.
And finally, the one that I have been asking for for years that I know will most likely never come to fruition an asking is an act of futility, but I am going hope and pray till my dying day. Please bring back video backgrounds in Theater View.
I want to be able to change the sorting in Theater View.
I just created two views.
Albums (by name)
Albums (by date)
You set the sorting in the view creation and it works great. Isn't that a good solution?
I just created two views.
Albums (by name)
Albums (by date)
You set the sorting in the view creation and it works great. Isn't that a good solution?
No, it's really not. Because to get the kind of granularity that I'd like I would end up with dozens of views. In my first post I had this use case example "As an example, lets say I am in the mood to watch a Comedy. I navigate to my view which shows all my genres, I then choose Comedy. All my Comedy movies are displayed in their default sorting, which is alphabetical. Now lets say I want to watch something that's recent, or something that I know that imported into my library recently, or by length, or whatever criteria. I'd like there to be a "Sort" option in the top roller and then customizable sorting options below that. I have done a mock up in Photoshop to show how what I envision."
In order to achieve this using your example I would need at least 4 different views for comedy alone. One for Comedy movies sorted Alphabetical, one sorted by Date Imported, one sorted by year of release, one sorted by duration. And this is just for one Genre of movie, I would need all of these different views for each genre of movie.
I would like a better way to select audio streams when playing movie files (MKV). Right now, if I try and play a movie it will select the first stream. My soundbar does not do DTS so if the first stream is DTS, I get the error message that the stream could not be played and I get taken back to the library view. I get no chance to change the audio stream when it fails. When it fails, I must turn on DSP to a stereo output, select the stream I want, then turn off DSP. It's an onerous procedure to change streams.
I would like an audio stream section added to the right-click menu for playing a video. That way I can select the correct stream for my soundbar and avoid all the confusion. If a right-click option isn't available, perhaps place it under Player at the top of the MC window.
I'm not generally fussy. MC 31 is awesome. I have this minor complaint because I have a Samsung soundbar that doesn't accept DTS in any way. If I get the wrong stream, it's a headache to select a compatible stream.
Thanks and peace to all my fellow MC users and developers.
No, it's really not. Because to get the kind of granularity that I'd like I would end up with dozens of views. In my first post I had this use case example "As an example, lets say I am in the mood to watch a Comedy. I navigate to my view which shows all my genres, I then choose Comedy. All my Comedy movies are displayed in their default sorting, which is alphabetical. Now lets say I want to watch something that's recent, or something that I know that imported into my library recently, or by length, or whatever criteria. I'd like there to be a "Sort" option in the top roller and then customizable sorting options below that. I have done a mock up in Photoshop to show how what I envision."
In order to achieve this using your example I would need at least 4 different views for comedy alone. One for Comedy movies sorted Alphabetical, one sorted by Date Imported, one sorted by year of release, one sorted by duration. And this is just for one Genre of movie, I would need all of these different views for each genre of movie.
100% this. It seemed like a popular idea several years ago. (
The big one for me, something I have been asking for for eight years now, the ability to change the sort order in theater view on the fly. From a previous request thread:
I want to be able to change the sorting in Theater View. As an example, lets say I am in the mood to watch a Comedy. I navigate to my view which shows all my genres, I then choose Comedy. All my Comedy movies are displayed in their default sorting, which is alphabetical. Now lets say I want to watch something that's recent, or something that I know that imported into my library recently, or by length, or whatever criteria. I'd like there to be a "Sort" option in the top roller and then customizable sorting options below that. I have done a mock up in Photoshop to show how what I envision.
And finally, the one that I have been asking for for years that I know will most likely never come to fruition an asking is an act of futility, but I am going hope and pray till my dying day. Please bring back video backgrounds in Theater View.
+2 and more!
I also wish Theater View had a better way of sorting information like the suggested sorting that Moe posted.
...and also as Moe suggested in 2019 and in his last post.
A better way of sorting by actor or other names within a Movie.,121770.0.html
This is really a key element that would raise JRiver to new heights!
I would like a better way to select audio streams when playing movie files (MKV). Right now, if I try and play a movie it will select the first stream. My soundbar does not do DTS so if the first stream is DTS, I get the error message that the stream could not be played and I get taken back to the library view. I get no chance to change the audio stream when it fails. When it fails, I must turn on DSP to a stereo output, select the stream I want, then turn off DSP. It's an onerous procedure to change streams.
I would like an audio stream section added to the right-click menu for playing a video. That way I can select the correct stream for my soundbar and avoid all the confusion. If a right-click option isn't available, perhaps place it under Player at the top of the MC window.
I'm not generally fussy. MC 31 is awesome. I have this minor complaint because I have a Samsung soundbar that doesn't accept DTS in any way. If I get the wrong stream, it's a headache to select a compatible stream.
Thanks and peace to all my fellow MC users and developers.
Able to select audio and subtitle stream before playing movie will make experience more convinient and hance more enjoyable for sure ... +1 to that
For specific DTS problem, you having - one can specify DSP to decode anything to PCM. Surely PCM is supported by the soundbar. And the process is lossless - aka whether soundbar does decoding to PCM or MC does it - the result is the same (unless you apply some DSP setting on top of decoding).
The only time this wont work if its Atmos or DTS-X ... AND you want those height channels - that only works in passthrough ... but if you dont care about those (or your sound sustem does not support it) ... then PCM rout is a good solution.
+2 and more!
I also wish Theater View had a better way of sorting information like the suggested sorting that Moe posted.
...and also as Moe suggested in 2019 and in his last post.
A better way of sorting by actor or other names within a Movie.,121770.0.html
This is really a key element that would raise JRiver to new heights!
We'll get these.
No, it's really not. Because to get the kind of granularity that I'd like I would end up with dozens of views. In my first post I had this use case example "As an example, lets say I am in the mood to watch a Comedy. I navigate to my view which shows all my genres, I then choose Comedy. All my Comedy movies are displayed in their default sorting, which is alphabetical. Now lets say I want to watch something that's recent, or something that I know that imported into my library recently, or by length, or whatever criteria. I'd like there to be a "Sort" option in the top roller and then customizable sorting options below that. I have done a mock up in Photoshop to show how what I envision."
In order to achieve this using your example I would need at least 4 different views for comedy alone. One for Comedy movies sorted Alphabetical, one sorted by Date Imported, one sorted by year of release, one sorted by duration. And this is just for one Genre of movie, I would need all of these different views for each genre of movie.
This !
And please add this capability to JRemote :)
Able to select audio and subtitle stream before playing movie will make experience more convinient and hance more enjoyable for sure ... +1 to that
For specific DTS problem, you having - one can specify DSP to decode anything to PCM. Surely PCM is supported by the soundbar. And the process is lossless - aka whether soundbar does decoding to PCM or MC does it - the result is the same (unless you apply some DSP setting on top of decoding).
The only time this wont work if its Atmos or DTS-X ... AND you want those height channels - that only works in passthrough ... but if you dont care about those (or your sound sustem does not support it) ... then PCM rout is a good solution.
Thank you kindly for the +1. I'd like more info on how to set everything to PCM if you have a moment. Can you expand on how to do it? I'd like to experiment. My soundbar is Atmos but it does just fine doing 5.1. I don't even have rear channels. It's technically a 5.1.2 but there are no rear channels. That's the 7.1.2.
I hope others can see the value of selecting a specific audio stream upon the initial play of a video. Chime in if you think it's a useful function.
Thank you kindly for the +1. I'd like more info on how to set everything to PCM if you have a moment. Can you expand on how to do it? I'd like to experiment. My soundbar is Atmos but it does just fine doing 5.1. I don't even have rear channels. It's technically a 5.1.2 but there are no rear channels. That's the 7.1.2.
I hope others can see the value of selecting a specific audio stream upon the initial play of a video. Chime in if you think it's a useful function.
I havent touch my settings in years ... thats how stable JRiver have been lol
But from what I recall, JRiver by default decodes audio to PCM ... unless you select "bitstreaming" in [Tools]->[Options]->[Audio] (default value is "none" ... aka MC decodes audio to PCM)
In tools [Tools]->[Options]->[Audio] ... you can also add DSP ... there if you leave all boxes unchecked (ie no DSP applied) ... MC decodes audio to PCM as is (no height channels ... that is only available in bitstream over HDMI)
PS. I might be wrong about settings ... in that case somebody surely will correct me :)
Proper implementation of DMS tuner usage across ALL machines and apps. Whether it's Windows JRiver Server and JRiver Clients, or SiliconDust native app on various devices, or MO 4 Media App, etc... And, Bitstreaming audio when using DMS tuner method for LIVE Tv on Windows PC's.
This is going to become extremely important when ATSC 1.0 is shut down and JRiver can't do ATSC 3.0 drm/encryption.
-DMS tuner usage between server and clients is not properly implemented. Meaning, MC cannot "see" if a tuner is busy (doing live tv or recording) between machines. Example: If the Server is recording on a tuner and then a Client tries to access that tuner (for live tv), you will get an error message about no tuner available (even if there are other tuners available).
-DMS live tv cannot Bitstream audio.
If I had one wish, it would be to have the display view optionally use high resolution images from the cover art file but also maintain small images in the tags for the audio files. Presently the display view and the library/image column both use the image stored in the audio file's tag.
Prompted by,137595.msg954520.html#msg954520
It would be handy to add a button that just puts some message into the log which you can then use as a marker to demarcate certain operations
Ie click the button, do some stuff, click it again
Now it's easy to find the relevant snippet of logs without having to reset or anything
Ideally include a counter that increments on each click and is resettable by the user which then means one can demarcate multi step operations easily
For extra bonus points make the same functions available via mcws so scripted operations can be investigated in the same way
Dear JRiver Development Team,
I am reaching out as a enthusiasts in the audio field with a feature request that I believe would significantly enhance the capabilities and user experience of the JRiver Media Center.
Feature Request Overview:
I propose the integration of a feature that allows the direct import of parametric equalizer (PEQ) settings from text files, specifically formatted as per the standard output of AutoEQ ( and the Autoeq feature available on Squiglink sites ( This addition would streamline the process for IEM and headphone users who rely on these tools for precise audio tuning.
Example of the Text File Format (Standard Output of AutoEQ and Squiglink):
Preamp: -4.4 dB
Filter 1: ON PK Fc 20 Hz Gain -5.8 dB Q 0.500
Filter 2: ON PK Fc 51 Hz Gain -1.0 dB Q 1.800
Filter 3: ON PK Fc 230 Hz Gain 0.8 dB Q 0.500
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 1400 Hz Gain 1.0 dB Q 1.500
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 2200 Hz Gain -2.3 dB Q 2.000
Filter 6: ON PK Fc 6600 Hz Gain 7.6 dB Q 2.000
Filter 7: ON PK Fc 8000 Hz Gain -10.3 dB Q 2.000
Filter 8: ON PK Fc 8200 Hz Gain -7.4 dB Q 2.000
Filter 9: ON PK Fc 9300 Hz Gain 5.6 dB Q 2.000
Filter 10: ON PK Fc 10000 Hz Gain 6.0 dB Q 2.000
Why This Feature is Important:
Standardized EQ Profile Integration: Many enthusiasts, including myself, frequently use AutoEQ and Squiglink for generating EQ profiles. A direct import feature in JRiver that recognizes this standard format would greatly enhance efficiency and workflow.
Improved User Experience for Advanced Users: This feature would be particularly beneficial for advanced users who are looking for a more integrated and seamless approach to audio customization within their preferred media center.
Moving Beyond System-Wide EQ Software: Currently, alternatives like the APO/Peace EQ stack, while functional, apply adjustments system-wide and can be cumbersome in usability. An in-built feature in JRiver would offer a more refined, application-specific solution.
Attracting a Wider User Base: Implementing this feature could make JRiver more appealing to a broader audience, particularly those seeking sophisticated audio customization tools. It would position JRiver as a more versatile and professional-friendly platform.
Facilitating Easy Transition: For users considering a switch from other platforms or software, this feature would provide an easy and straightforward way to bring their existing parametric EQ settings into JRiver, encouraging them to make JRiver their primary media solution.
The integration of this feature would not only streamline the user experience but also emphasize JRiver's commitment to catering to the needs of audio professionals and enthusiasts. It would enhance the flexibility and power of the JRiver Media Center, potentially setting a new standard in media management software.
Thank you for considering this request. Many in the audio community, including myself, eagerly anticipate the potential implementation of this feature, which would undoubtedly reinforce JRiver's position as a leader in media management solutions.
Kind Regards,
Option to Change Window Stack Behavior?
The current behavior of the window stack, via the back/forward buttons, is to cycle through every navigated window including any navigation you may have done in a different zone.
Would it be possible to have option for each zone to have its own navigation stack, so that I see only the windows I've used navigating the current zone?
As side request / question. Maybe I'm missing it, but is there a way to clear the stack? If not, how about an option to clear all windows from navigation stack?
If you could get one new improvement, what would it be?
Although I don't use MC for video anymore, there's one thing that always felt sub-optimal to me. My playback client always had read-only access to the library. But that meant that the "watched" flag couldn't be set in the database. I'd say that having certain fields being editable to the unprivileged user (i.e. a playback client) would be a good thing. Why would I have to grant full access privileges to such a client? Any user expecting a "safe" client without possibilities to delete half of the database could really mess up things here. Currently, I use emby (server running on TrueNAS SCALE, client running on Dune HD Pro Vision 4K Solo), and it can do that. The playback client has read-only privileges for the database and the "watched" can be maintained. It would be great if MC could do that too.
Another thing that sort of felt sub-optimal is the Spotlight button. That certainly is a nice feature for many users. But I don't use it. I'd like to see an option to disable it or remove it from the GUI. Almost everything is configurable and customizable with MC. Why not this? Or is it already? I haven't checked in a long time as I basically only use the IdPi nowadays. MC on Windows is "just" for maintaining my database.
Just a few thoughts... I have bought MC 32 the minute I read the announcement E-Mail :)
In order to have changes made on the server, you have to use authentication on the server.
In order to have changes made on the server, you have to use authentication on the server.
That's right. But, unless it has changed since then, there's only full or read-only access privileges which is not granular enough. This is about read-only but still track "watched" status etc.
I don't want a regular user to have full database access privileges (for obvious reasons). But I do want a regular user being able to see what the user has watched already. Basically, a media user, being able to access content (which is tracked, e.g. "watched" status), but nothing else. Ideally, one could even limit read access to certain database parts.
In emby, I can grant access to specific libraries (e.g. movies, tv shows etc.), and also what actions the user can do or cannot do (and also limit this to certain devices). My media user has read-only access to all these libraries, but cannot change anything in them (incl. metadata). However, whatever this users watches, is being tracked. Perfect! That's what I meant. Would be great if MC could do that!
Multiple client accounts, each with their own Filter expression so that we can have a PC for the kids and another for the adults, connected to the same server. A guest account is also useful.
A login panel similar to Netflix, where you can specify if you're the Kid1, Kid2, the adult account (pin/password required), or a guest (optional pass). Passwords to be defined server-side, of course.
Per-account stuff like Watch history, Watched flag, preserve last view, view preferences, etc.
Allow write-back of certain items even in Read-only mode, such as the "watched" flag and history.
Allow admin account to see it all.
I'm aware of that. It needs a lot of improvements. The login panel would help a lot, instead of defaulting to the current server-side user.
I think the "watch/listen history" is something that can add a lot of benefit for many users, even those using a single account (the majority). Just record all items started and the respective timestamp and user account/client that started it. Optionally record stop times as well, and add a corresponding View for this. Note that this goes beyond a simple "last played" timestamp. There are workarounds using SetField() on the Play Expression, but that's hacky, limited, and doesn't perform well.
I agree and would have wished also this if the thread would have been for multiple wishes ;D
Proper user management with play history, ratings and such like zybex said would be a very useful feature and have been wanting that a long time
Dear JRiver Development Team,
I am reaching out as a enthusiasts in the audio field with a feature request that I believe would significantly enhance the capabilities and user experience of the JRiver Media Center.
Feature Request Overview:
I propose the integration of a feature that allows the direct import of parametric equalizer (PEQ) settings from text files, specifically formatted as per the standard output of AutoEQ ( and the Autoeq feature available on Squiglink sites ( This addition would streamline the process for IEM and headphone users who rely on these tools for precise audio tuning.
Example of the Text File Format (Standard Output of AutoEQ and Squiglink):
Preamp: -4.4 dB
Filter 1: ON PK Fc 20 Hz Gain -5.8 dB Q 0.500
Filter 2: ON PK Fc 51 Hz Gain -1.0 dB Q 1.800
Filter 3: ON PK Fc 230 Hz Gain 0.8 dB Q 0.500
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 1400 Hz Gain 1.0 dB Q 1.500
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 2200 Hz Gain -2.3 dB Q 2.000
Filter 6: ON PK Fc 6600 Hz Gain 7.6 dB Q 2.000
Filter 7: ON PK Fc 8000 Hz Gain -10.3 dB Q 2.000
Filter 8: ON PK Fc 8200 Hz Gain -7.4 dB Q 2.000
Filter 9: ON PK Fc 9300 Hz Gain 5.6 dB Q 2.000
Filter 10: ON PK Fc 10000 Hz Gain 6.0 dB Q 2.000
Why This Feature is Important:
Standardized EQ Profile Integration: Many enthusiasts, including myself, frequently use AutoEQ and Squiglink for generating EQ profiles. A direct import feature in JRiver that recognizes this standard format would greatly enhance efficiency and workflow.
Improved User Experience for Advanced Users: This feature would be particularly beneficial for advanced users who are looking for a more integrated and seamless approach to audio customization within their preferred media center.
Moving Beyond System-Wide EQ Software: Currently, alternatives like the APO/Peace EQ stack, while functional, apply adjustments system-wide and can be cumbersome in usability. An in-built feature in JRiver would offer a more refined, application-specific solution.
Attracting a Wider User Base: Implementing this feature could make JRiver more appealing to a broader audience, particularly those seeking sophisticated audio customization tools. It would position JRiver as a more versatile and professional-friendly platform.
Facilitating Easy Transition: For users considering a switch from other platforms or software, this feature would provide an easy and straightforward way to bring their existing parametric EQ settings into JRiver, encouraging them to make JRiver their primary media solution.
The integration of this feature would not only streamline the user experience but also emphasize JRiver's commitment to catering to the needs of audio professionals and enthusiasts. It would enhance the flexibility and power of the JRiver Media Center, potentially setting a new standard in media management software.
Thank you for considering this request. Many in the audio community, including myself, eagerly anticipate the potential implementation of this feature, which would undoubtedly reinforce JRiver's position as a leader in media management solutions.
Kind Regards,
This would make headphone curves so much easier to apply.
Is frame-by-frame playback possible?
All videos are played frame by frame ;D
Shift-Right/Left to move 1 frame
CTRL-Shift-Right/Left to move 1 keyframe
Improved flexibility on cover art/artwork for categories in MC.
I refer to a setting that would allow user to chose a specific folder location for artwork assigned to categories.
Example: When a category is defined by an expression, like if(IsEmpty([Artist Sort Name]), [Artist], [Artist Sort Name]), user can specify to look in the folder \Cover Art\Artists to retrieve the artwork for the expression result.
This could work for any categories defined by an expression or a field and be expanded to Genres, Publishers, Countries, etc. (right now the only possibilities are Artist, Album or Composer).
This would help navigation for views based on categories, especially when exported to JRemote :)
I like this idea. I have "bastardized" the current layers of TV coverart (Series > Season) for other uses, but it has some big drawbacks. I have series coverart showing in sections where I don't want it to because of how I've had to use it in a way it wasn't intended. Being able to define my own coverart hierarchy would be nice.
My example is that I have a lot of live music. So my hierarchy is Artist > Tour > Show Date. I've used the Series layer to store the Tour, but if I have a 2023 tour for two bands (which is obviously true), that coverart shows for both bands, but it should only be applicable to one.
I like this idea. I have "bastardized" the current layers of TV coverart (Series > Season) for other uses, but it has some big drawbacks. I have series coverart showing in sections where I don't want it to because of how I've had to use it in a way it wasn't intended. Being able to define my own coverart hierarchy would be nice.
My example is that I have a lot of live music. So my hierarchy is Artist > Tour > Show Date. I've used the Series layer to store the Tour, but if I have a 2023 tour for two bands (which is obviously true), that coverart shows for both bands, but it should only be applicable to one.
I already put my 2 cents into this somewhere in this tread.
Meanwhile ... try this
Series (Artist) -> Season (Tour) -> Album (Show Date)
Series/ArtistSeason is nested structure ... so for each Series (thats where you store Artist) there will be separate cover for Season (thats where you store Tour)
Drawback for this ... you will have 2 copies for artist image ... one stored in Artists folder ... another stored in Series folder ... there is plus side to this - those images can be different to add some variety
Shuffle feature for all settings. From what I can determine, shuffle is currently only available in playlist mode!
Shuffle feature for all settings. From what I can determine, shuffle is currently only available in playlist mode!
You can shuffle anything by clicking the second button to the right of the playback progress bar.
My wish:
To be able to use JRiver's renderer to process HDR 4k signals from a capture card, like the Black Magic 4k HDMI. This has been requested and explored some below:,131791.msg947995.html#msg947995
Support for more HTML formatting tags for tooltips, such as <right> and <center>. <Table> support would be great for alignment.
Ideally, use chromium or edge as the tooltip rendering engine, thus adding support for a lot of modern layout tags. <script> would need to be disabled of course.
This is related to the Theatre View stuff:
Please allow an image playlist to be used for the background images on the root view.
The Van Gough stuff is nothing interesting.
It's the sort of thing that should be *dead* simple, as it's only hooking in data that's already in the system.
And it would also be nice to not have to change the images from the default every time we update. I used to do this on MC 18 or 19 but gave up and haven't looked into it since.
A wishlist item that would keep me and others from having to use foobar along with JRiver is to output a nice text report as a file in the music directory when doing Analyze Audio. This is what foobar outputs, and I see people using these text reports all the time. Most of this info is available in the Analyze Audio dialog box. But having it as a txt file in the music folder is very convenient.
foobar2000 2.0 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2023-09-19 20:05:13
Analyzed: Bob Dylan / Dylan (A Fool Such As I) Columbia COL CD 32286 (NL) 1991
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR14 -0.80 dB -17.41 dB 3:48 01-Lily of the West
DR12 -1.97 dB -17.45 dB 4:20 02-Can’t Help Falling in Love
DR12 -0.57 dB -14.03 dB 2:51 03-Sarah Jane
DR11 -0.38 dB -16.26 dB 5:10 04-The Ballad of Ira Hayes
DR11 -0.66 dB -14.98 dB 5:35 05-Mr. Bojangles
DR12 -0.46 dB -15.15 dB 2:44 06-Mary Ann
DR11 -1.90 dB -15.65 dB 2:16 07-Big Yellow Taxi
DR13 -0.32 dB -15.67 dB 2:45 08-A Fool Such as I
DR14 -0.25 dB -18.01 dB 4:13 09-Spanish Is the Loving Tongue
Number of tracks: 9
Official DR value: DR12
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 714 kbps
Codec: FLAC
Subtitle Shift:
Allow to change Subtitle Shift during video playback - mouse free. I would like to be able to shift subtitles in the same manner as it possible for subtitle size and lip sync, which can be found in the menu during video playback ( down arrow ). Many BD/UHD BD embedded subtitles (pgs) are positioned too high and the user should be able to change it mouse-free, realtime - to match his display and viewing ergonomics in a convenient way.
Subtitle Brightness:
Allow the user to set different subtitle color for HDR and SDR video ( Options - Video ). This is necessary to compensate for various HDR content displayed on displays with different peak brightness. Also allow the user to change subtitle brightness in the video playback menu in the same way I have suggested above for Subtitle Shift - mouse free.
+1 to the film series in theater view.
Behavior: I am scrolling through movies, single movies show up normally, then I get to Spider-Man and it is a film series folder containing all the Spidey movies. If this is available now it should be easier.
I understand that I may need to manually tag films.
I second this request.
Today, I have to put all movies intentionally under a "series" tag. Its a workaround, I dont think it was intended to be used this way. This puts different version ( VHD rip, DVD, BD, UHD ) of the same movie, parts ( some movies were released on multiple discs - Ben Hur as an example ), sequels, franchise...into one series folder.
Pros: Theater View is much cleaner and navigation is better
Cons: Manual tagging of each movie with series - either same name as the movie or one general name of the series folder such as "Spiderman". Also additional click is needed in Theater View to go "into" the series folder - even if there is only one movie inside.
I hope the jriver team could find a better solution for this.
1. Ability to go directly to full screen playback of video .iso instead of detach, then full screen
2. Support of dsf, dff, mka files in cloudplay
3. Simultaneously output dsd and internal pcm when playing dsd so that pcm only features such as dsp studio analyzer can be used with dsd files (foobar2k does this)
How about 32 bit FLAC Playback support? I make vinyl rips I'd like to compress better and FLAC1.4.2 has support for 32 bit audio. Foobar2000 and Audirvana have pulled this off as well as newer winamp releases and it would be nice to be able to play these types of files on this software
I would like to make a wish.
Improve thumbnail generation for videos. Add some intelligence to it. Say, grab a thumbnail after x seconds, like it is now, but also ignore (almost) entirely black or white frames. If I look at a folder of videos in Windows File Explorer, the thumbnails all look perfect. If I look at the thumbnails generated by the application, it's hit and miss. For example, many black thumbnails with a couple of lines of text (opening credits). I can change the seconds value, but that impacts the entirely library. It may work for some videos, but create problems for others. If I could skip ahead (+5 or +10 seconds) a thumbnail on a file per file basis (new right-click action similar to rebuild thumbnail), that would already be a big improvement. But really, the thumbnail generator should ignore frames without any discernable content. AI anyone.
I wanted the audio spectrum visualization style to be more modern, like foobar2000. In addition, I hope to optimize the small stuttering when audio playback stops. Hopefully it will be adopted. thanks.
My wish would be an up-to-date transponder list for Satelit Astra 19° East. Some HD channels are not found with the current list.
Ability to stream the audio to a (single or multiple) audio DLNA device when playing Videos. Eg use the DLNA device as an Audio Only renderer.
Current Capabilities and Issues:
- Under Audio Device: You only see the physically connected Audio Renderers (no DLNA)
- DLNA Devices show as Zones: You can link these zones, but a video will then fail to play if any of the DLNA devices in the Group are Audio only (as MC is also trying to send the Video which is not supported).
Current Workarounds:
- 3rd Party Tools: Using 3rd party apps like Tuneblade etc to capture the local audio and then use it to stream the Audio to the dlna devices. Cons are it's another app and adds a level of complexity.
- In the DLNA Server config or on the DLNA Device's Profile, add an option that can specify it as "[ ] Audio Only" so that MC would then only try to stream the Audio component to these devices. This way you can group together a bunch of zones and it should work regardless of their video support.
I wish that if a multi channel movie is played on a two channel setup that the source number of channel would revert back from two channel to source number of channels.
See my earlier post for more info:,133924.0.html (,133924.0.html)
Happy New Year !!!
Support for movie chapter support. A long overdue feature.
The possibility of creating series and episodes in the “Movies” category and not just in TV shows. “Movies” can also contain seasons / episodes.
Automatically convert paths and platform.jmd when restoring a backup into a different OS.,137720.0.html
Sidecar files should not use full paths 🙏
Like cue and m3u files, sidecar files should not use full paths.
Simply the reference to the file, i.e. Filename.extension
New here but would love to have capture card ability to tone map external devices. Would be great to ditch videoprocessor and have a program that is actually updated from time to time. Thanks
Really like Audio only mode as I can completely disable/hide anything to do with video.
There are other functions that I should like to disable such as Spotlight. I like a minimal interface, which only shows my preferred view of my music collection. I have mostly achieved this, but there are a few areas I seem to be unable to hide.
Really like Audio only mode as I can completely disable/hide anything to do with video.
There are other functions that I should like to disable such as Spotlight. I like a minimal interface, which only shows my preferred view of my music collection. I have mostly achieved this, but there are a few areas I seem to be unable to hide.
If I could disable Spotlight, I would also do so.
An app for Samsung TV OS, without investing in more hardware I have to use Plex and duplicate everything.
Make JRemote features closer to the main Windows app, many of us are armchair listeners who miss the main UI features
Would be cool with a home assistant plugin.
Perhaps a 'Frequency Response/File Validation' pane like what Audirvana has in their mini-player? Just wishing! ;)
Either an integration of sacd_extract ( (or your own implementation that does the same thing). It'd allow the user to be able to extract DSF/DFF files from SACD ISOs without doing any sort of conversion. Could also potentially allow the user to be able to "convert" DFF to DSF or vice versa by unpacking the file and changing only the container (and not the data), to avoid any conversion, especially the PCM conversion in the middle.
If you could get one new improvement, what would it be?
could you extend the connection time to a remote serveur with wake on lan in order to allow the serveur to wake up properly. For instance allow to choose the retry instance number.
Added the fifth MC subtitles and audio language bug (this one is a regression from previous MC versions) to the list I already posted in here:
[1] (,137424.0.html) [2] (,134236.0.html) [3] (,136060.0.html) [4] (,137334.0.html) [5] (,137766.0.html)
I wish subtitle bugs would be addressed, as movies don't come only in one's mother tongue.
It would be useful to add a way to start MC in some kind of safe-mode - eg, if CTRL is pressed during startup, then start in safe mode. This would allow to recover from situations where MC is crashing on startup due to some bad configuration or database issue.
Safe mode for me means showing a startup dialog with some options:
- Select/Connect to a library, or to create a new one
- create/restore a backup
- reset the current View
- disable auto-import on startup
- disable some hardware detection/scan on startup (like TV tuners, DLNA, etc)
- other reset/cleanup options that make sense to you (clear caches, default settings, etc)
- default option: start normally
Please allow us to set a program default for list column alignment, or let it be set in field manager?
I get that people who code or spend days at a time in excel like their numbers right aligned, but my brain hates it. I initially think the column is empty, then realise it's right aligned, so set the alignment to left... for every affected column. It really irks me :)
Theater View overhaul ;D
How about a Theater View overhaul?
The recent thread(s) on this were quite impressive, but getting it all working is largely restricted to the realm of the Advanced/Expert users.
Gapless playback for Atmos music would be very nice - lots of Atmos discs now but no gapless playback.
Either an integration of sacd_extract ( (or your own implementation that does the same thing). It'd allow the user to be able to extract DSF/DFF files from SACD ISOs without doing any sort of conversion. Could also potentially allow the user to be able to "convert" DFF to DSF or vice versa by unpacking the file and changing only the container (and not the data), to avoid any conversion, especially the PCM conversion in the middle.
Please show some love for SACD/DSD/DFF/DSF. The current approach of putting PCM in the middle is really not the way to go.
As someone who use JRiver as a video player only (for JRVR), I'd love the ability to ditch/hide all the media center / audio / TV stuff I never use (and don't intend to), and have a clean and simple "video player" view, akin to MPC-HC/BE or VLC, with a few basic controls like play/pause, next/previous, audio and subtitle tracks, you know the type.
Doc, see Simplified Interface on the Wiki.
Spotify Connect
I would second this, but i don't know how it is with licensing and so on. I have several zones, and getting spotify to play to a given zone in MC is not that smooth the way things works today unless i have missed something).
Doc, see Simplified Interface on the Wiki.
Thx! You already pointed that wiki page to me in another forum IIRC. I've already tried to streamline the interface using some of these tips but, IMO, it's not simplified enough, with lots of different tabs and sections and menus and options and subsections I simply don't use.
I can easily live with that, mind you, but hey, the thread is called "make a wish", isn't it? ;D
As someone who use JRiver as a video player only (for JRVR), I'd love the ability to ditch/hide all the media center / audio / TV stuff I never use ...
All possible. You can also modify Theater View to suit your needs.
All possible. You can also modify Theater View to suit your needs.
I appreciate the effort. But Theater View is a Kodi-like interface and none of the other current tips and tricks I saw and tried will make JRiver look like what I'd love to see: a basic video player akin to VLC or MPC-HC/BE ;)
Again, that's OK, I get that JRiver's entire point to be a kind of media swiss army knife with 45 tools and I might be the weirdo who just needs one of them and would love to keep all the others folded ;)
I can live with that.
DocCharky, you get one vote for me too, I also wish for a slimmed down mode of operation that resembles that of simple media players (e.g. MPC or VLC).
The ability to set volume level independently for each track in a playlist. I have a portable player that allows me to do this, and it is a fantastic, game changing feature. I'm not talking about an accross-the-board "normalize" type setting - which I've never found to work very well - but the ability to pre-set the volume at which each track in the playlist will play back. Just like manually turning up/down the volume, but pre-set in advance so that you can adjust each track to play at a consistent volume. I'm sure we have all had the experience of turning up the volume on that softer track, only to have the next track come on and blow our eardrums. Because of the convenience of this feature on my portable device, I often plug it into whatever device/system I am listening to (even where I am possibly sacrificing optimal sound quality). I see MC32 is already set to come out - hope maybe this feature was already part of the upgrade. :o
I'd be interested to hear if the developers are considering adding capture card support so JRiver can process external video devices. I know at least four (4) different members have requested this. How likely is it that this will be implemented in version 32?
I'd be interested to hear if the developers are considering adding capture card support so JRiver can process external video devices. I know at least four (4) different members have requested this. How likely is it that this will be implemented in version 32?
It already can via the television feature, it's just not very good at handling some cards
The panel needs some love. Ability to move entries up/down in the playlist and remove tracks.
Full integration with last fm to get play count last played etc,
Have asked many times before, as other people have but so far nothing,
maybe one version, but then its a wish isn't it.
I have a very large library and have put in extensive efforts to gather metadata for all of my audio and video files which have 100's of customized fields. I mainly use MCUtils, ZRatings, SWOT and Media Human Lyric Finder.
I have many customizations to Tooltips, Theater View and a complete custom interface in Trackinfo which displays 12 separate pages of external metadata representing about 140 custom fields. For me (and I know many others) this type of customization is where I find the true value in JRiver. It's taken a ton of time but it's unique and provides the highest value add in my opinion and is a strong direction in which I think JRiver is attempting to expand (Custom Tooltip/TheaterView Screens)
I would like to see the following changes to assist this direction (if supported by JRiver mgmt. and users)
Better DB mgmt. of fields. Many of my fields (approximately 60) are relational (ex. AMG Artist Biography, AMG Artist Born Date, etc.) It would be nice to show relational field under the pull down (Tool, Options, Library Folders, Manage Library Fields) by artist, album, series,genre and composer. Also, all relational fields just by itself. It would be nice to export all of the fields structures to a csv format (that showd all of the options in manage fields ex. descriptions, flags,save in file tags, etc.) to better manage them. When you literally have 100's of custom fields, these enhancements would become a big-time saver.
Background for Media Sub-Types customizable in Theater View. Currently unable to show Artist backgrounds for Videos (ex. music concert video's) in theater view if media subtype is not Movie.,136857.msg949568.html#msg949568
In theater view if you have a customized field that has a variety of expressions in it, it will not create a "large box" that allows you to scroll through all of the data. Example one expression field that might have multiple expressions with AMG Artist Born, AMG Artist Died, AMG Artist Style, AMG Artist Biography, etc. and would you not be able to see of this data at once.
Potential to scroll in Tooltip display. Some data such as AMG Album Review, AMG Artist Biography, AMG Track Review can be very long and it would be great to review this data using Tooltip.,135912.msg942526.html#msg942526
Ability to show Tooltip information on a display with video content. It would be nice to see the description, budget, rating, producer, etc. of a movie or concert video while the video is actually playing without having to stop the play of the video. An icon could be added to the center top display (when cursor is used) to show the tooltip.
Consistency between ToolTips, THV and TrackInfo customization. Example I can use Listitem in TT and THV to display band members or actors but unable to use that syntax in Trackinfo programs. This is probably a bigger issue that I understand.
A special shoutout to all of the folks that have provided value in my project (and many other people’s projects in JRiver) - MR.C, Zybex, Lepa, English Tiger, JMone and others. Your efforts have paid huge dividends for us and we all truly appreciate your work.
New tool to read longitude, lattitude tags and auto fill in the Country, Area, City tags for photos. Likewise, some intelligence to either auto facetag, or at least be able to auto tag which photos have people in them.
Windows share integration to be able to share photos out to any installed app.
Two pennies:
1. Unified/Global views. Standard view, theater view, media network (JRemote/Panel), dlna, it's too many different settings when I typically just want to create a view in Standard View and have it show up everywhere. Or at least an option to add it everywhere after it's created.
2. Hybrid smartlists. Drag a track or tracks onto a smartlist and the smartlist should add an OR rule for that specific file (by filename?) so it is added to the smartlist.
+1 for request 1 here
A command to delete the current lyrics and force another lyric search (potentially from a different source)
It already can via the television feature, it's just not very good at handling some cards
It can apply processing of the capture from the JRiver Renderer, like the dynamic tone mapping for 4K sources?
It can apply processing of the capture from the JRiver Renderer, like the dynamic tone mapping for 4K sources?
You can render with jrvr
No capture card I have heard of passes such metadata through, if it did or MC adds support for manually overriding it, then it should work
The new cover art Add From File functionality works perfectly, it is no longer a source of frustration like it was pulling up the wrong folders if the artwork folder wasn't named just right. Thank you to the devs for this feature. It is so appreciated. Happy upgrader to 32 here.
If you could get one new improvement, what would it be?
1. User configurable subtitle defaults.
2. If a second wish is allowed, then it would be to have user configurable refresh rate defaults.
If we must be limited to ONE wish, then I suppose I would describe it as "make all defaults user configurable".
...and some day in the future....Atmos decoding.
Expose available system midi ports to vst plugins to allow hardware control of plugins.
It would greatly expand the possibilities in a pro usage context.
I'd love some help restoring licence lol! Made another post yesterday to try and get some help, I bought a licence in 2020 via PayPal but can't find the original licence key- I've tried reading FAQs but can't work out how to restore/can't seem to find an email to request help- any suggestions greatly appreciated
I'd love some help restoring licence lol! Made another post yesterday to try and get some help, I bought a licence in 2020 via PayPal but can't find the original licence key- I've tried reading FAQs but can't work out how to restore/can't seem to find an email to request help- any suggestions greatly appreciated
It almost always works to ask Google, adding "JRiver" to your search.
Start at the wiki and the topic called Restoring a License.
I'll split this post to a new thread.
Forum thread announcing stable build releases
Forum thread announcing stable build releases
MC32 is on the Download Page now and seems fine.
MC32 is on the Download Page now and seems fine.
I have the latest stable build, 32.0.6. Build 32.0.8 has been announced on the forum, but when I check for updates MC tells me I still have the latest stable version. I'm running it on a headless computer so I have to go back and check every now and then to see when a new stable build has been released. It would be nice to see that announced on the forum so I don't have to check manually.
I would like to be able to toggle audio streams embedded in a dvb-t video when I'm on a JRiver client (not the machine with the DVB-T card).
So far I'm unable to access alternate audio streams in these conditions.
Antoine !
A way to control the info displayed in the Playing Now views of JRemote, CarPlay and network media players.
For example, JRemote's Playing Now view displays:
[Album] - [Artist]
I wouid like to modify this info to display something like:
[Album] - [Artist] with [Guest Artist] feat. [Featured Artist]
Same idea with CarPlay or any network media players (I use old Squeezeboxes and Chromecasts :))
Split Upates on a Server (,138110.0.html)
Split HDR (,138139.0.html)
Currently, Spotlight lookup won't recognize a title if there are brackets after the title.
e.g. "Citizen Kane" - no problem. "Citizen Kane (Blu-Ray)" - not recognized.
I'd love it if Spotlight lookup could be set (user option?) to ignore anything following the video title in brackets, or if not, allowing user editing of the title in Spotlight search.
I can make Spotlight work on such titles by temporarily editing the tag title to remove the bracket, but it's not very convenient.
Come to think of it, it would also be much appreciated if "Get Movie and TV" Info lookup could also be set in the same way to ignore brackets after the title, i.e., it would look up "Citizen Kane (Blu-Ray)" as "Citizen Kane"".
I would strongly advise to not use the [Name] field to store auxiliary information, like the edition or version, but use a separate field for that. You can adjust views to just show both together if desired, but it keeps the data clean and metadata lookups working.
I would strongly advise to not use the [Name] field to store auxiliary information, like the edition or version, but use a separate field for that. You can adjust views to just show both together if desired, but it keeps the data clean and metadata lookups working.
Thanks, Hendrik. It's good advice. I wish I had done that way from the beginning, but I'm now a long, long, way from the beginning.
Separate framerate matching settings for 25 and 50fps content.
I watched a 25fps movie in JRVR yesterday (that's uncommon) and something was off. After a bit of investigation (well, after a Ctrl+J :D ) I noticed JRVR triggered the 50Hz mode. Except if I do that, my LGC2 (light) motion interpolation algo does not kick in, hence judder.
Digging in video settings I noticed that there's only one framerate matching setting for "PAL 25/50 fps".
Obviously I could work around by manually choosing 25Hz for any PAL content, but that's a bit of a hack and that I guess that will halve the framerate of 50fps content (not that I watch any, but still).
So why not just use the display capabilities and trigger 25Hz on 25fps content and 50Hz on 50fps? And only if that's not possible find a working multiple refresh rate, i.e. 50Hz for 25fps (x2)?
Separate framerate matching settings for 25 and 50fps content.
I watched a 25fps movie in JRVR yesterday (that's rare) and something was off. After a bit of investigation (well, after a Ctrl+J :D ) I noticed JRVR triggered the 50Hz mode. Except if I do that, my LGC2 (light) motion interpolation algo does not kick in, hence judder.
Digging in video settings I noticed that there's only one framerate matching setting for "PAL 25/50 fps".
Obviously I could work around by manually choosing 25Hz for any PAL content, but that's a bit of a hack and that I guess that will halve the framerate of 50fps content (not that I watch any, but still).
So why not just use the display capabilities and trigger 25Hz on 25fps content and 50Hz on 50fps? And only if that's not possible find a working multiple refresh rate, i.e. 50Hz for 25fps (x2)?
The same applies to NTSC 30/60hz...I made this request a a few times now, so hopefully it will get done soon someday... :(
Force reconnection of WASAPI exclusive mode when resuming from pause (like when stopping/restarting but not requiring that).
More functionality in Panel. For example Link, unlink, divert.
Integration of Qobuz
I've started commenting on some of these. Not finished yet.
My wish is to find a way to stop MC going full screen whenever it is too busy to update the user interface.
I still find it frustrating to have to alt tab out of MC to regain control of my PC.
I don't think we're doing that.
When selecting, Cover Art => Add From File ... the dialog would pull up the folder that the tracks are in ... so you can pick the cover art from that folder, where it would be located 99.9% of the time.
MC should use it if it's there now.
When a Cloudplay playlist is downloaded prepend the contributor's name to the playlist name. e.g. Cloudplay_User: 70s Pt1
This would make Cloudplay playlist names more unique and enable me to go back and browse more content from a Cloudplay contributor, I frequently forget where a playlist came from ('cos my memory is like Emmental cheese these days).
You can render with jrvr
No capture card I have heard of passes such metadata through, if it did or MC adds support for manually overriding it, then it should work
Support for BlackMagic DeckLink Mini Recorder and all JRVR tone mapping capabilities. As discussed in other threads, it would require the injection of the HDR flags as the card doesn't forward them. That's what VideoProcessor + MadVR uses, but it's limited to an old release of MadVR for non-technical reasons.
Is there a way to use all JRVR tone mapping functionality coupled with this capture card, then we have a strong benefit over the VideoProcessor+MadVR solution.
Hi Jim-
I would love to be able to tell a smartlist that if there is higher bitrate version of a title, use that one.
A related idea is to allow some if, then, else logic for smartlists. If [title exists] FLAC [don't include] M4A, MP3.
Thanks, Brian
More granular control of the handheld settings. Ability to view and modify the path of an existing handheld without diving into the database. MCC command for initiating a sync to a handheld id and/or automatic handheld sync. Ability to select a playlist group (installer selection checkbox) for sync such that future playlists added to the playlist group are automatically added to the sync. Confluence of the convert format and handheld sync options and dialogs. Possibly rename handheld sync since it is more powerful than that.
Use case: I use the handheld sync to create various subsets of my lossless collection at various paths in various lossy formats for various devices that I sync wirelessly with syncthing or locally with an inotifywait script. Sometimes I forget which path is assigned to a device (perhaps I could use the path for the handheld name, but I'd rather use the target device's name) and sometimes I'd like to edit the paths. I'd also like to add playlists to a group and have that be sufficient to sync to the device (my playlist groups are per device and named by device) without having to also select the playlist for one (or more, if it's going to more than one target device) device, which is tedious and I often forget to do.
The other thing I've been doing that's been effective but could maybe use some official support are linked smartlists. I create multiple copies of playlists in various per-device playlist groups from a main/source playlist group by using a single playlistid== smartlist rule to create a linked duplicate that updates whenever the source playlist changes. It could be nice to have a "Create linked smartlist" right-click option that provided this functionality to create a smartlist with a single playlistid== rule and the same name as the target (with a nice link icon to boot).
I can see that there are some updates in relation to particles.
Particles is a great feature which can be used to create searchable scene video libraries (footage / video clip / Movie clip libraries, or sound libraries) but is actually difficult to work with because it takes too much time for each particle to be created.
The following feature ("Video Editor-like") can tackle this problem.
I suggest an advanced menu (for example, buttons appearing close to the video playing buttons) that will have the following buttons and text fields "Particle Start", "End", "(re)name, , "Keywords/Tags"(customizable field or optional Library fields), "Add" (to add it to database), and maybe -+ for adding; so that we can do it while playing the file. By pressing "Add" the particle can be added to library, or/and to a "new particles" playlist).
- Ability to export them together with their playlist to portable devices/
(Also jmone suggested in another discussion that MC "convert" functions, on a particle(s) can be used to get new files that can be used from portable devices)
By the way if you need support in testing such feature, I can assist there :)
Please add support for vinyl sides A, B, C, D, etc., and the corresponding A1, B1, etc., for tracks originating from vinyl.
Hello! If it’s not difficult for you, please make authorization for media network (login, password) for more than one user. Thanks
History of media played or watched.
I think it was an actor last time I looked, ie what other films do we have with that guy in it?
It does indicate in the movie credits which films you have in your library. Should we display these grouped at the front of the list?
Selecting more than one playlist on the left-hand side of the tree should display the content of both playlists in the right-hand window, and not just the content of the first selected playlist.
It should be possible to combine 2 or more selected playlists simply by right-clicking on them.
This would be very practical for albums with more than one CD, for example
Currently, Spotlight lookup won't recognize a title if there are brackets after the title.
e.g. "Citizen Kane" - no problem. "Citizen Kane (Blu-Ray)" - not recognized.
I'd love it if Spotlight lookup could be set (user option?) to ignore anything following the video title in brackets, or if not, allowing user editing of the title in Spotlight search.
Spotlight already ignores things in normal brackets (not parentheses). For example, Citizen Kane [Blu-ray] will look for just Citizen Kane. You can select all your videos and do Library Tools > Find & Replace. Check just the Name field and find ( and replace with [. Repeat with ) and ].