More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 32 for Windows => Topic started by: LTMH on January 26, 2024, 01:58:07 pm
I have a weird little touchscreen (1920x480) as a secondary display for various things and realized that it would be a good spot to hold mediacenter. however, after hours of messing with various settings and trying to find any sort of wiki or forum post with info, I have a useable layout, but it isn't ideal, and it would be solved easily with one simple change that doesn't seem to be an option: allow the user to choose between a horizontal or vertical split for the playlist and the now playing display...
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I've tried various workarounds. Split view could potentially solve this issue with Player on both views and the list & display panes maximized in their respective views:
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but as soon as the track changes, both views update to have the exact same setting, depending on which view was adjusted last (so both will be the playlist or the cover)
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my workaround it to stick Overview in the second view:
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this lets the cover art update as the song changes, but unfortunately you're stuck with a big ugly "Player (current)" header that doesn't seem to have a way to be hidden (can it?), and you have a tracklist under the cover art that just stays static (it does scroll) so the correct track is never displayed. this can be hidden with a horizontal scrollbar, but then you have a horizontal scrollbar.
so is there any way to arrange the playlist and cover art side by side instead of top & bottom AND have both update with the currently playing track that I've so far been unable to find? either to have images to the side, or have split view allow different views of player simultaneously (one view detail list, one view thumbnail list for example)
Also, it would be cool to have a more touchscreen friendly\tablet mode that's a bit cleaner, hides the tab bar at the tab, hide the spotlight button etc
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The simplest answer is that there are no options, including ones you may not have found, that can reconfigure the MC Window in a way that would satisfy your requirements.
Nor would the MC Team consider implementing what you consider a "simple change" because that "simple change" would require the designing, programming and testing of a brand new skinning engine.
The simplest answer is that there are no options, including ones you may not have found, that can reconfigure the MC Window in a way that would satisfy your requirements.
Nor would the MC Team consider implementing what you consider a "simple change" because that "simple change" would require the designing, programming and testing of a brand new skinning engine.
Like the OP, I too have always desired 2 Playing Now windows that were independent in order to show cover art in one half, and a visualization in the other. But just as the OP described, you can set them to be different while the song is playing, but as soon as the next track begins, MC reverts both playing now tabs to be identical. However, the fact that MC can have different layouts initially in each Split View, indicates to me (admittedly not a programmer) a code adjustment that allows them to continue to remain independent as tracks advance cannot be that difficult to do. Right?
Most media players show the play queue and currently playing item side-by-side (just as the OP desires). If MC provided this familiar layout by making the Split Views independent, it might ease the transition of new users from other players, and thus more likely to convert an MC trial into a paid version. In addition, Split View in general is far underutilized IMO. If JRiver enhanced Split View with the above request and fixed its various glitches, that would put even more distance between MC and all other media players.
Hopefully Matt decides to work on the OP's request, and if he does, I have a couple more ideas that would really supercharge Split View (if Matt is interested).
And to the OP… spectacular post with all the screenshots explicitly illustrating the issue. Nice work.
because that "simple change" would require the designing, programming and testing of a brand new skinning engine.
I'm going to have to disagree here, while I'm not a programmer and have very basic programming knowledge, I do work with programmers daily and know that the play window should be more or less "just" a table, or nested tables, it is already user scalable, users can add and removed columns, and the area that displays the cover art\play doctor\search is a single cell that loads content. it would function exactly the same if it was moved to the left or right or even beneath the playlist and load the exact same background colour or image. I don't see how shifting a cell when it already dynamically scales and adds\removes columns and rows would require an entirely new skinning engine.
Today you can pick if split view should use rows or columns.
Today you can pick if split view should use rows or columns.
i think the op wants to move the 'display screen' which is above the playing now list, to the side of the list (hope he corrects me when im wrong). columns/rows does not do that. it is something i have been trying to accomplish too without success, and i think it would be very nice when possible, because it would make the row setting when using playback so much more useful.
We can give that a try.
Next build:
NEW: Added Options > General > Advanced > Split Playing Now vertically.
We can give that a try.
Next build:
NEW: Added Options > General > Advanced > Split Playing Now vertically.
oh that sounds great for me.
Next build:
NEW: Added Options > General > Advanced > Split Playing Now vertically.
Excellent Matt! While you're modifying for this feature, is it possible to assign a hotkey to the function as well? It would be nice to be able to go in and out of it quickly without having to launch options and drill down to the checkbox to turn it on and off
How about holding
shift ctrl down while opening will do the opposite of the setting?
Just to be completely sure I understand:
- Split Playing Now View checkbox enabled: shift+left click on a zone overrides the setting and shows Playing Now normal or "not split"
- Split Playing Now View checkbox disabled: shift+left click on a zone overrides the setting and shows Playing Now with a vertical split
Is that correct? If so, that is a pretty slick way to handle it Matt.
That said, if it were a hotkey, I could assign that to a strokes+ gesture where a "mouse flick" toggles between view modes. I try and do as much as possible with the mouse so I don't have to have the keyboard in my lap - my mouse is my remote. That said, I can definitely live with a solution you suggest. Thanks so much Matt!
We can give that a try.
Next build:
NEW: Added Options > General > Advanced > Split Playing Now vertically.
awesome, that sounds like it'll do exactly what I'm looking for, I'll check it out when the next build is available and update. cheers!
I guess final post on this, now that vertical split is available, it's pretty much exactly what I'm looking for and is much cleaner than my previous configuration. It would be nice to choose if the playing now was above\below\left\right of the playlist, but beggars can't be choosers, this is great. cheers!
How about holding shift down while opening will do the opposite of the setting?
For clarity in this thread, it's the CTRL button, not SHIFT...
2. NEW: Holding CTRL while picking Playing Now opens the view split in the other direction than the setting.
For clarity in this thread, it's the CTRL button, not SHIFT...
Yes, and it seems to work intermittently.
Yes, and it seems to work intermittently.
Weird that you are having issues - it has worked flawlessly for me. I wonder what could be causing it?
For clarity in this thread, it's the CTRL button, not SHIFT...
Good catch Marko - Matt did specify the shift key originally. I would prefer the shift key myself, as it is larger than the control key and harder to fat finger. Maybe Matt could assign both? It's not likely shift+click on the Playing Now Tree node would be used for anything else.
All that said, adding a vertically split Playing Now layout is the single best MC GUI enhancement in the seventeen years I've been using it. Being able to show all my high-res cover art at the biggest size possible, AND the play queue as thumbnails simultaneously makes me extremely happy - more cover art/less text... yes please! Plus you can easily toggle back to a horizontal split if needed... fantastic.
I would prefer the shift key myself, as it is larger than the control key and harder to fat finger. Maybe Matt could assign both? It's not likely shift+click on the Playing Now Tree node would be used for anything else.
I think ctrl+click (or shift+click) to switch between horizontal\vertical split and having a shift+ctrl+click to swap above\below or left\right of the playlist, depending on which split mode it is in, would be killer.
I think ctrl+click (or shift+click) to switch between horizontal\vertical split and having a shift+ctrl+click to swap above\below or left\right of the playlist, depending on which split mode it is in, would be killer.
That is an interesting idea, and I am all for maximum configurability.
That said, a vertical split with the playlist on the right is perfection for me. I also think having a vertical split is important for users coming from other players, where that is typical, and will make the transition easier.
Weird that you are having issues - it has worked flawlessly for me. I wonder what could be causing it?
My mistake. I thought Ctrl was a toggle. Ctrl is vertical split. No-Ctrl is horizontal split.
My mistake. I thought Ctrl was a toggle. Ctrl is vertical split. No-Ctrl is horizontal split.
No. CTRL is the opposite of whatever the setting is set to.
No. CTRL is the opposite of whatever the setting is set to.
LOL!! Now I know why it looks intermittent.
Absolutely brilliant modification, thank you. I have now more screen estate on my 43" TV available for other programs.