More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 32 for Windows => Topic started by: rudyrednose on April 02, 2024, 04:58:19 pm
I would like to create a view of my audio files filtering out duplicates and lower bitrate versions.
I do not want to clean the library, as some songs appear on multiple records and compilations, that I want to keep complete, it is a playback thing.
For a given Artist and Name, if I have multiple flac and mp3 versions of a song, I would like to show only the highest bitrate version.
I would then proceed to modify that view to manually add exceptions, for instance some extended versions that may be interesting.
Wizard stock rule : "Remove Duplicates of Artist;Name"
and Smartlist : "Audio -- Task -- Possible duplicates" are very nice tools, but I would like better control.
If I could have sample code snippets, I would be able to alter them at will.
I am always on the latest stable version.
Thank you.
You can create a Smartlist like this, then use it to filter a View (or just use the Smartlist direcly):
~sort=[Bitrate]-d ~nodup=[Artist],[Name] ~sort=[Album Artist (auto)],[Album],[Date (year)],[Disc #],[Track #]
The last ~sort is optional - you can also sort on the View itself.
This seems fraught with problems, definitely can be worked around though IMO
Lots of track name:artist combos that are legitimately different recordings.
I wonder if there might be some sort of field you could use as a flag like 'preferedVersion' or 'isAlternativeRecording' as a way to help with this more catch all approach?
For example, again I don't know your naming exactly but if an artist has a live album, a 'song' (the same composition) appears on the live album and on the actual album, the 'title' of the track from the live album may not have a discriminator. In this case, you'd be picking the highest bitrate one but that doesn't exactly make sense because they're two fundamentally different recordings. A shortcut may be an extra comparison check between the title of the albums containing possible duplicate tracks? Partial match, you take the first x of the album title, if it's the same, it's likely the same 'album' and thus a track maybe worthy of 'picking the highest bitrate and hiding the others' (edge cases exist but this would catch a decent number of issues outright).
I would highly caution you on believing a higher bitrate equals a better version. Many factors go into that, including Dynamic Range, who mastered it, the source file among others.
Thank you all.
I am aware of the drawbacks, that is my reason to seek more control.
Zybex gave me a missing piece, great!