More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 32 for Windows => Topic started by: Bill_Gaw2 on April 09, 2024, 01:51:21 pm

Title: Mc 32 problem
Post by: Bill_Gaw2 on April 09, 2024, 01:51:21 pm
In addition to mc32, have Vic, power dvd, and foobar on computer. All work perfectly except 32. 31 worked fine.
When I try to play back any audio file I get a pop up that my processor doesn't support that bit rate. It doesn't matter what is loading, anything from 16/44 to 24/96, either two or multichannel. Have tried removing and reloading 32, changing all of the sound card and mc32 playback  parameters from stereo up to 7.1, 16/44 to 24/96, and outputting to spdif and hdmi without success. As I said, all of the other programs work fine with all files including dsd and 4K Blu-ray files.
Any help appreciated.
Bill Gaw
Title: Re: Mc 32 problem
Post by: JimH on April 09, 2024, 02:13:02 pm
What is the full version of MC?

Did you reboot?

Did you try Direct Sound?  What are you playing to?

Title: Re: Mc 32 problem
Post by: terrym@tassie on April 09, 2024, 06:33:55 pm
You say MC31 worked fine, so try this quick check.
Restore a library backup created by MC31 but only select 'Restore settings' in the Restore dialogue.
This will give you the same settings that worked in MC31.
MC31 and MC32 really aren't very different as regards playback.
Title: Re: Mc 32 problem
Post by: markf2748 on April 09, 2024, 10:05:05 pm
When I try to play back any audio file I get a pop up that my processor doesn't support that bit rate.
When I get this message, it is always misleading.  What I find is the problem has nothing to do with bit rate as such.  What it really means is that MC cannot find my playback device, either because it is turned off, disconnected, or mismatched in MC's settings.  I've mentioned this to JRiver recently, but they still have not improved the message.

So my guess is that your setting in Options > Audio > Audio Device is incorrect.  Try changing it to use your specific output device's ASIO driver, or similar, if available.  @terrym@tassie's suggestion may fix it, but if does my bet is the driver choice is the root cause, especially since other players and MC31 have no problem.  Jim's suggestion of specifying Direct Sound may also provide a fix, for the same reason.
Title: Re: Mc 32 problem
Post by: Bill_Gaw2 on April 11, 2024, 07:06:17 pm
Thanks for the vcreplies. Tried downloading newest update. No change. Still says cannot connect to my Trinnov Altitude 16 through hdmi evewn though the video side of hdmi is working.
Trtied using Diirect Sound. That worked.
Tried uysing my main output, HDMI PREPRO aLTITUDE 16 WASAPI. tHAT DOESN'T WORK.
Tried using my main output, HDMI PREPpRO output Altitude 16 direct Sound. That worked
Tried turning off and restareting computer. Altitude 16 wasapi stiil doesn't work.
So can anybody tell me how to have MC32 recognize that output as all of my other vprograms recognize it and the soundcard is normally set to trhat as i get the best sound out to my prepro.