Mac => JRiver Media Center 32 for Mac => Topic started by: baldo on June 08, 2024, 07:10:01 am
Problem is in the title. I have MC 28 on all of my machines (and yes I have a licence for all of them!)
Where can I download JRMC28 for mac from. I need to do an uninstall and then a reinstall. I have issues with my Apogee spundcard and re-installing the drivers for that fixed that issue but still get the beachball spinning for ages and MC just not doing anything. Just freezing.
Many thanks
"Old Versions" on the wiki.
I have issues with my Apogee spundcard and re-installing the drivers for that fixed that issue but still get the beachball spinning for ages and MC just not doing anything. Just freezing.
If you're using a more recent version of macOS, make sure you go through the system permissions (accessibility, screen recording, input monitoring, disk access, etc.) and make sure MC28 is allowed otherwise issues like this can happen.
I have High Sierra as the OS. the hardware can't update any more.
I am still having issues with this. System constantly crashing and being non responsive. Do i need to send or post the error log file here next time it happens?
Ok, so the crash seems to occur every time I try to access MC running on my Mac, from my Lenovo tablet via JRemote.
If I use the Mac to play and only select files from there its fine, but the moment i try to do anything via the remote using my tablet, i get the spinning beachball. This is a bit of a pain because the whole point pf buying the tablet was to view and control MC from my armchair and not have to go to the screen everytime I wanted to do anything.
Any ideas on how I fix this?
I'll see if the issue occurs with MC on my other devices and report back.
Try using Panel on the tablet. Just to see whether that works.
Panel is on the wiki.
Ok, its not the remote causing the issues. thats neither the tablet or the iphone remote.
The issue is with MC alone.
It plays one song and then just freezes. I have done hard restarts, reinstalled the Duet drivers and sill the same issue occurs. Even with the Duet disconnected MC freezes. It is just unusable. I spent and hour starting restarting, starting this morning just to play some music.
I have even uninstalled MC and reinstalled it and it still goes into a tail spin.
Could it be the 5TB drive that I store my music on? I tried another 5TB drive and the same issue happens with that drive.
would you like me to send you the error log file to help fix this?
BTW this issue is only occurring with my Mac. MC works fine on my two windows machines.
Could you test with files on a local drive? You could set up a test library for that purpose.
Hey JimH, thanks for your quick response.
What do you mean by test them onto a local drive? Do you mean to copy a load of my flac files onto my main drive used by mac os? I could try that and see what hapoens and report back. Leave that with me.
n the meantime, one correction to my post above, it seems that if i change the usb hard drive to the one used by my windows laptop, and make the appropriate rule in portable library, this seems to have the system working for now. Not sure what will happen long term in the days to come but lets see how that goes.
I am running chkdsk on the usb drive used for the mac. If this is culrpit then I could try and use this drive on the laptop and see if I get any issues.
Regarding formatting of this 5TB drive, should it be formatted as ntfs or the mac formating? Should i just wipe this drive and format it on the Mac from scratch and then copy all the files across onto it?
btw the ETA on the chkdsk for the drive is about 11 hours!!!
So it seems that 11 hours went faster than I thought!!!!
However, there were some bad clusters detected. The message was also that there is not enough space to replace the bad clusters. So does that mean the disk is bad and that I should buy a new disk? Or can I get away with repairing?
The safest things to do would be to buy a new disk. (I am SOOO glad that I have my music files stored in triplicate on separate drives!!!)
FYI, the mac seems to be working fine so far today with the other drive.
Honestly if you're having issues with bad sectors you should probably replace the drive, yeah. How old is the drive?
The drive is less than 4 months old. I've ordered another one so lets see how that goes. It is a shame though that this has lasted for not very long at all.