More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 32 for Windows => Topic started by: Matt on June 27, 2024, 07:15:15 am
This is the latest build of JRiver Media Center 32. Please post bugs here. Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion. Non-bug posts will be deleted.
Download 64-bit build (works on 64 bit systems only)
Download 32-bit build (works on all systems)
32.0.58 (6/25/2024)
1. Changed: When reading XMP image tags, we will use "CreateDate" tag in XMP schema if we can not find "DateCreated" tag in Photoshop schema.
2. Fixed: Revised how playlist caching is reset for DLNA to hopefully work around issues with certain devices.
3. Fixed: Text subtitles in italics could result in the drop shadow being cut off.
32.0.57 (6/20/2024)
1. Fixed: Stop After Each Item was not working nicely for video files since the recent changes.
32.0.56 (6/18/2024)
1. Fixed: EXIF tags in heic/heif images were not loaded.
2. Changed: The volume tooltip is shown right away when scrolling the volume with the mouse wheel.
32.0.55 (6/13/2024)
1. NEW: The Name edit box in the image Face Tagging tool will have a list of names for choices, from all existing names from image [People] field, plus any new name added during the current session.
2. Fixed: The image Face Tagging tool's status bar text about face tagging statistics was not always updated.
32.0.54 (6/10/2024)
1. NEW: Switched to a new EV certificate (may help trust issues go away).
2. Fixed: Stop after each item lists in the tooltip now.
32.0.53 (6/6/2024)
1. Changed: Previous and next still work when in stop after mode.
32.0.52 (6/4/2024)
1. NEW: Image Face-tagger will show additional status text, such as "There are 7 tagged regions. Region 1, 2 have no name. Region 7 has no rectangle."
2. Changed: JRVR will no longer perform partial DolbyVision adjustments on Blu-ray content when an Enhancement Layer is required, to avoid distorting the image.
3. Changed: Images that were perfect squares could be unexpectedly rotated by the image printer.
4. Fixed: Images with transparency could print as grey instead of white.
5. Fixed: Picking to stop after could advance more than one track after playback.
6. NEW: Added an option to Video -> Display Settings to enable HDR early when playing a HDR video (this enables HDR before playback starts).
32.0.51 (5/30/2024)
1. NEW: Skins look for a ContinuousStopButton image and use it for the stop mode if found.
2. NEW: Skins look for a ShuffleAutoButton button and use it for the auto shuffle mode.
3. Changed: Modified the information text below the "Do not merge MJMD [People] tag with XMP data" option.
In DSP Studio Analyzer only two channel's (and the sum) live dB readings are now displayed across the top despite that there are 4 channels (in my case) playing in a 5.1 container from 2-channel source material and all four live graphs are dancing away. All 4 channel's (and the sum) live dB readings used to display across the top in previous builds. I don't use up-mixing. Just copy commands in Parametric Equalizer to replicate Left to SL, and Right to SR before individual EQ is applied to each.
I'm finding that smart playlists are not refreshing after updating to 32.0.58 when using JRemote.
Reverted to 32.0.55 and smart playlists are refreshing like before.
Renaming a folder full of audio files and cover art files to a new location using tags to create file and folder names (in a NEWLY CREATED folder) Media Center asks: "overwrite the existing file or skip" but only for cover art files.
How can there be an existing file to replace if the folder did not exist before this operation?
It does not ask about audio files only image files.
This is not a new issue but has been persistent through several MC versions on more than one Windows machine and continues after a re-install.
Is this the last version of MC32?
I have already purchased MC33, and wonder If I should upgrade to the first version available at the forum, or should keep using MC32 until mid September.
Is this the last version of MC32?
I have already purchased MC33, and wonder If I should upgrade to the first version available at the forum, or should keep using MC32 until mid September.
This is probably the final build of MC32.
This is probably the final build of MC32.
I am looking forever for a good media player and a library organizer for my digital collection.
I had JRiver back in version 12 or 13 many years ago. I think I payed less than $50 back then.
I really think it's time I got back into the JRiver platform since I've tried so many like Helium and Bee and all kinds of things which were just awful.
Anyway, what I wanted to know is how secure your payment method is. Is there a PayPal payment page or something? I was hacked several times in the last few years giving away my credit details and I can't go through that again.
Just discovered a crash, and repeated it several times:
--Drop files for conversion into Playing Now (Speakers)
--Select all, and right-click
--Library Tools > Convert Format
--Preset > Load > Any one of my presets >>> CRASH!
Used the same presets over many versions/years.
No DSP Studio (no 3rd party inserts e.g. VST) in presets.
Simple format conversions, e.g., FLAC>ALAC.
This crash just cropped up out of the blue.
Can confirm happens on 32.0.42 and 32.0.58.
Can confirm that if I delete old presets and create any new, loading new still crashes.
Note: Have always been using Portable install.
Thank you.
I loaded presets and it worked for me. I wonder if there's something special about the presets you're loading? Could you try saving a new one and see if that also crashes? Thanks.
Hi Matt:
Yes, I did that. I deleted my old presets, saved a new one (just to ALAC, nothing else) under a new name, tried loading it and: crash.
Thanks. Presets are saved here in the registry:
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JRiver\Media Center 32\Properties\ConversionProfiles
Want to save the crashing one and send it to matt at jriver?
I'll see if I can reproduce the crash. Thanks.
Sure. Happy to help.
However, before I export from Registry...
I'm running Portable. So, wouldn't the entries be in some data file under the portable install folder?
Note: I've been running Portable for years and many versions, and using (adding, recalling, deleting...) conversion presets without issue.
Yes. So look in the settings file at the spot I mentioned.
Do you mean:
[install folder]\Application Data\J River\Media Center 32\Settings\User Settings.ini and/or
[install folder]\Application Data\J River\Media Center 32\Settings\Machine Settings.ini
It's in user settings. Search for ConversionProfiles.
DP for DSD to PCM 88.2 kHz Conversion="(1:1)(33:Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC))(69:(1:1)(33:Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC))(1:1)(2:95)(1:0)(1:0)(1:1))(0:)(1:1)(1:1)(11:\[Desktop Path\])(1:1)(1:1)(1:2)(1:0)(1:0)(1:6)(1:0)"
DP Straight Conversion="(1:1)(33:Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC))(69:(1:1)(33:Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC))(1:1)(2:95)(1:0)(1:0)(1:1))(0:)(1:0)(1:0)(11:\[Desktop Path\])(1:1)(1:1)(1:0)(1:0)(1:0)(1:6)(1:0)"
Thanks. That loaded fine for me. Maybe send me a crash dump using logging. See the wiki if you need help.
Done. Sent you e-mail w/ crash dump ZIP attached.
I have a small number of songs that will not appear in a smart playlist using date range. All of the songs were imported on 12/31/2008.
Date imported rule:
Is this because the date/time is after 12/31/2008 00:00:00? I know with database queries, sometimes need to use 12/31/2008 23:59:59 to be inclusive to the end of the day or ignore the time part.
Try using the following day.
I have a small number of songs that will not appear in a smart playlist using date range. All of the songs were imported on 12/31/2008.
Date imported rule:
Is this because the date/time is after 12/31/2008 00:00:00? I know with database queries, sometimes need to use 12/31/2008 23:59:59 to be inclusive to the end of the day or ignore the time part.
I might be missing something obvious here (I read the info three times) but...
Your rule is specifying files imported during 2018...
The files presented as examples have import dates during 2008, so, they don't match the rule and won't be listed.
I might be missing something obvious here (I read the info three times) but...
Your rule is specifying files imported during 2018...
The files presented as examples have import dates during 2008, so, they don't match the rule and won't be listed.
My screenshot of the rule is the wrong screenshot. The actual rule uses is 1/1/2008 to 12/31/2008.
Jim's suggestion of using 1/1/2009 as the end date does resolve the issue.
When using 12/31/2008, the computer is using 12/31/2008 00:00:00 (beginning of the day), so these files are after that time.
Shuffling an audio smartlist from theatre view does not shuffle the smartlist.