Mac => JRiver Media Center 33 for Mac => Topic started by: HaWi on October 07, 2024, 11:59:05 am
When I exit MC33 using [File]/[Exit] and then Open with [Show Media Center] from the top menu bar icon MC33 crashes.
Log and crash report are attached.
EDIT: When I try to reopen MC from the dock icon it opens but is unresponsive. So right now, the only way to quit MC is to quit completely and then Reopen. However, that also quits the Media Server.
many thanks for any help!
This is also happening on Windows 10. With only the server running, with icon in system tray, click said icon and choose "Show Media Center", Media Center shows, and immediately crashes.
It's been like this a while and is the reason I can no longer have "just media server" run at system boot time. It has to be "Media Center and Media server"
Please provide a crash dump from your Windows machine. Thanks.
Please provide a crash dump from your Windows machine. Thanks.
Attached. Steps to reproduce:
In MC Options, set Startup to "Media Server Only"
Exit MC and MC Server
Pres Win+R and run "C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 33\Media Center 33.exe" /Boot
Left click server icon in tray > Show Media Center... No crash, no problems.
Click the red "X" in top right to close Media Center
Left click server icon again > Show Media Center... Boom. MC is gone.
This is 100% repeatable for me. In these tests, I never changed views, played anything, nor interact with the interface in any way. I just followed the steps, and it crashed, every time.
I still can't reproduce. I'm wondering if the images view you're in could be part of the problem.
Try Playing Now or something else simple.
You could share a library backup with me maybe?
Morning Matt, I've been at this for a couple of hours now. It's frustrating. I still have nothing conclusive, but, have found that it has nothing to do with the startup option, as far as I can tell.
In all of my many tests (that all crashed) I got the attached, just once, from Windows.
My new theory is that the server icon in the tray is doing something different.
Even with startup options set to MC+Server, if you close MC using the red X in top right, then try to use the server icon context menu to "Show Media Center", the program shows, and promptly crashes out of sight.
If I close using the red X and show using the pinned taskbar icon, it doesn't crash. I went through that at least a dozen times... Click X > click taskbar icon > click X > click taskbar icon and so on... no crash. Do that several times, then do a click X > left click server icon > show media center. Crash.
The library I was using contained no files. I have sent to you via email.
Also... Without question, if you clone a library, the clone does NOT use its own set of auto import rules. Change the rules in the clone library and they persist in the original, and vice-versa. This might be considered a bug?
Thanks for the library backup. Should be fixed next build. Cheers.