Networks and Remotes => Remotes => Topic started by: trodesson on February 06, 2025, 11:44:18 am
Bonjour, JE suis un vieil (68 ans) et ancien (depuis la version 17) utilisateur de J River et J Remote (je ne suis pas un geek). Depuis un bon moment, je n'arrive plus à utiliser J Remote, car je pense que je ne me rappelle mon nom d'utilisateur ni de mon mot de passe. Merci de me dire comment recréer un compte
Hello I am an old (68 years) and former (since version 17) french user of J River and J remote (I am not a geek) For a long time I can not use J Remote because I think I can not remember my username and password. Please tell me how to recreate an account.
Vous pouvez regarder votre nom dans Media Network settings.
Si vous ne pouvez pas rappeler votre password, fermer Media Network et intialisez encore.
Media Network ? What is it ? And is where ?
On the wiki.
A Google search also can find it if you add "JRiver"
ok I found it! What should I do? Answer me in English (I'll do the translation if needed)
Tools > Options > Media Network
Disable and re-enable. You will get a new Access Key.
Look at Authentication in the same place.
Ok So I did find my access code but I can't remember my username or password.
You can change it in the Media Network settings, under Access Key there's a Authentication checkbox. Uncheck it, re-check it and put in a new username and password and there you go.
No it does NOT work, I did all these manipulations: the system asks me for a password and an identifier ? ? I change identifier and password (3 letters) and finally I have a new access code the identifier has changed but probably not the password (I have 5 small dots instead of “3”) And I still can not use J remote (that I have already used, I found very practical, and I wanted to advise a friend) with my cell phone.
Translated with (free version)
Did you read the wiki?
Turn off Authentication. Then no login and password are required.
Ok and thank you for your help. So if I disable authentication, I should be able to connect just by entering the access code on the j remote app on my cell phone? No it doesn't work
Read Network Access ( on the wiki.
You're not trying to log into Cloudplay or something like that, right? You might need to post a screenshot of the login window (without any information put in).
I'm trying to connect to j river from my smartphone (samsung A40) and via j remote 2 . I do: add server → accesskey → I type in my access code (and nothing else because I unchecked autentication) → connect → the phone searches then replies: unable to connect to server
You are connected with your Samsung A40 within the same local network via Wi-Fi that the computer acting as the server JRiver is running on, correct? Trying to connect outside of your local network (e.g. via mobile data) can be tricky and requires you to forward ports on your router and requires your ISP to allow port forwarding.
For best results with JRemote or any remote for that matter, it's best to use the device you're running JRemote on and the device running Media Center in the same local network together. Don't use mobile data or anything like that, it's not going to work without deeper configuration.
Yes, I have a local network on which is my computer which has JRiver (connected to my PS audio via bridge). I also tried to test my connectivity from my computer and indeed: “this library server is not reachable from the internet....”.
Yes, I have a local network on which is my computer which has J River (connected to my PS audio via bridge). I also tried to test my connectivity from my computer and indeed: “this library server is not reachable from the internet....”.
You may need to forward port 52199 on your router.
Yes, I have a local network on which is my computer which has JRiver (connected to my PS audio via bridge). I also tried to test my connectivity from my computer and indeed: “this library server is not reachable from the internet....”.
It isn't clear what you want to do.
Are you just using MC on your local network and controlling it with JRemote? In that case, re-read the wiki topic on Media Network. You don't need to configure port forwarding.
That's true, you can use the local IP address of the device MC is running on instead of the Access Key.
Thinking about it, maybe that Information dialog can be improved? If perhaps the internet is not reachable (likely firewall if I had to guess), it could display the local IP address of the device MC is running on so it could be used instead?
I just tried to go through IP address I entered my IP and port 52199 with always the same negative result. It's getting complicated ....
That's true, you can use the local IP address of the device MC is running on instead of the Access Key.
Thinking about it, maybe that Information dialog can be improved? If perhaps the internet is not reachable (likely firewall if I had to guess), it could display the local IP address of the device MC is running on so it could be used instead?
I'm trying (as I already have) to control MC with J Remote rather than with my computer's keyboard and mouse.
Make sure it's the local IP address assigned to the computer Media Center is running on. It's not your IP address assigned by your ISP, that won't work without port forwarding. Local IP addresses typically start with 192.168...
I looked for the IP as explained in the WIKI (I did the 2 suggested manipulations) and I got the same IP starting with 178 (not good then). How can I obtain the IP address assigned to the computer Media Center is running on?
For Windows or macOS:
For Windows or macOS:
Sites like whatsmyip only gives you your WAN or public IP address, not the LAN or local IP address of the device itself (either given to the device from the router via DHCP, address reservation or manually set by the user) which in this case is needed. Using the public IP address would require port forwarding to be used on the router and for the ISP to support port forwarding whereas using the local IP address as long as it's on the same network should work (and no port forwarding needed).
I did the manipulations recommended by microsoft to find the IP of my computer and I got 2 IPs starting with 192. I tried both with no results.
We agree: as I've deactivated authentication, I don't need a password or username ?
Hello everyone! It still doesn't work. Can you confirm that my setting is correct for what I want to do: control MC pas J Remote installed on my smartphone. In my opinion: NO
Can you confirm that my setting is correct for what I want to do:
You've set Media Center to use Media Network. You have an Access Key. Authentication is off. If you enter that Access Key in JRemote, it should connect to Media Center.
If it doesn't, then something is blocking access on the server side. Firewall or ? There's no way we can tell you what it is.
... control MC pas J Remote installed on my smartphone.
I think you mean
control MC by using JRemote installed on my smartphone
That's what JRemote can do.
Investigate the server side problem.
I tried using your Access Key to connect to your server and I could not do it.
100.x.x.x (outside address) (your local or "inside" address)
178.x.x.x (outside address)
Normally, I would expect just two addresses. One inside and one outside. So it's possible your network is misconfigured.
You can try using the inside network address instead of the Access Key.
Add Server > IP Address
Port is usually 52199
Is that local IP address actually in a set of three instead of four? Because the local IP address range having only three sets of numbers instead of four is a bit puzzling to me (as IPv4 IP addresses are as far as I know always in four parts) as it should be XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX instead of XXX.XXX.XXX so maybe that has something to do with your issue. Maybe the default gateway on your router or DHCP is set incorrectly or something like that? The typical range is usually 192.168.1.XXX for local devices with a default gateway of or on most routers.
Is that local IP address actually in a set of three instead of four?
It was my mistake. Corrected above.
But I think having two outside addresses is odd.
Thank you all! I've just tried with IP 192.1.146 (port 52199 and authentication unchecked) without success.
That means that the server isn't open. Firewall probably.
Have you configured Windows Defender on the server?
Are you using any other antivirus? If so, uninstall it.
Thank you all! I've just tried with IP 192.1.146 (port 52199 and authentication unchecked) without success.
i try and : "Unnable to connect to server "
Yeah, no idea then, something in your network isn't correct or there's a firewall blocking something or has something to do with having two public IP addresses. Hard to say honestly.
Ok and thank you very much for your help. So I've got a real problem and it's not me who just doesn't know how to work the thing: Honor is safe! I'll try to reconfigure my network Thanks again.
Have you configured Windows Defender on the server?
Are you using any other antivirus? If so, uninstall it.
No. I've contacted my internet provider and hope they can help me reconfigure my internal network.
Configure Windows Defender,114101.0.html
Are you running any other antivirus software?
According to my ISP's customer service department, there are no problems on my network and I only have one IP: The mystery thickens.
You still have two outside addresses.
The inside address is still
Very odd problem.
You're not using a VPN or a proxy or anything like that, right?
Good idea. Could you describe your network?
You're not using a VPN or a proxy or anything like that, right?
I haven't been able to connect via J remote for a few years now. I installed Nord VPM a few months ago. No, I don't use a Proxy (I don't know what it is).
Configure Windows Defender,114101.0.html
Are you running any other antivirus software?
I do use Window Defender. So I tried to change the settings by following the tutorial (very well done) and I got to the point,
but I couldn't find anything by going through “%APPDATA%”.
Please describe your network.
The address is really odd. Try Google. address
And are you using any other antivirus or security software?
What changed with your network a few years ago?
If you're actively using NordVPN, that could create issues. Also check the Windows Defender Firewall and make sure both inbound and outbound connections for Media Center are allowed.
Do a Google search. Here's an example of what you can find:
Good idea. Could you describe your network?
Hello everyone! My network: the “freebox”, my Dell “optiflex 9020” computer running J River, My “PS Audio perfectwave directstream” with its brige 2 card, a “Synology DS 423” nas, and another “NETGEAR” nas that I only use as a backup.
Do you have basic bidirectional Wi-Fi LAN communications working between PC MC server and phone?
(1) Can the MC Server ping the Android phone? Type cmd into the Windows Taskbar's Search Bar to bring up a Command Window. At the ">" prompt enter:
>ping <return>
where xxx completes the phone's IPv4 address. To find the complete address on the phone, do something like open Settings > About Phone > Status > IP address.
(2) Next, type into the Windows Command Window:
>ipconfig /all <return>
This lists network info about the server, including its Wi-Fi IPv4 address (if it is using Wi-Fi, otherwise note its wired IPv4 network address). Confirm it is, or is it something different?
Can the Android phone ping the PC MC Server computer? From your Android phone, using a Google Play app such as "Ping & Net", ping the server's active IPv4 address.
==> You should get at least 3 successful ping responses in rapid succession (less than a few seconds total time, 0% packet loss) for each case. If ping fails in either direction, you have a network problem, not a MC issue.
Note: Above two IPv4 addresses should agree with those shown on your network router for these devices.
2/17/2025 Edited for clarity.