Mac => JRiver Media Center 33 for Mac => Topic started by: pscott on March 19, 2025, 03:03:27 am
I have started having problems with playing files in my library, mostly recently imported albums. When I try to play something in my library I get the error - "Something went wrong with playback" sometimes with "audio file could not be found". No wonder, because MC 33 had started enclosing the filename in parentheses. Why? There's lots I don't understand about importing and strange "tagging" problems. But why does MC change the names of audio files? It's not a complicated audio problem, just a problem MC seems to cause by renaming files. Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong to cause MC 33 to do this when I import album folders? Thanks for for any explanations and/or suggestions.
What is the source of those files and can you provide an example of the filename on the source and what MC on the Mac appears to be changing it to.
These are downloads, purchased, from eClassical , NativeDSD. and others. Example - original name 01 - Suite No.3 in C major, BWV1009 - I. Prelude, changed to (Suite No.3 in C major, BWV1009) - I. Prélude. In this case the file had played before, and seems to have changed after re-importing later, when I had tried to fix other such download that failed to play from library. The file on the disc does play with MC when opened directly, just not from library after name has been changed from importing.
Thanks for helping!
Do you mean the actual filename on disk changes when MC imports it, or just what you see in the "Name" field/tag in MC ?
If the actual file is changing, check your AutoImport rules.
No clue, sorry what are "your AutoImport rules." File name does not change, but Library does, and that appears to be what MC tries to play. Otherwise, it would find file and play it. Please explain. Thanks.
The "Name" in MC is not the actual Filename, it's just a friendly name for display - it can be anything. When you import an Album or file, MC will fetch information about the album and populate the Name, Album, Artist, etc. fields with the relevant info. The imported file itself that you downloaded likely already contains this information too, and MC just shows it to you. The actual filename is not touched (unless you use some advanced features for auto-renaming on import - sounds like you don't).
The point is, changing the Name won't prevent the file from playing. If it's not playing the cause is something else; maybe your DAC/output configuration.
I am not set to auto-import in background, afaik, which always crashes MC on my computer. I am importing albums. I have looked up and discovered what appears to me my auto-importing rules, but do not find anything in my settings about enclosing filename in () im my librarywhich is what seems to be happening when I import a folder. Now I have to fix my library files to delete the () that enclose the actual filename. How?
Thanks for explaining the "name". Nevertheless MC now will not play the file because it says it cannot find it. It could before I imported the folder. Any other reason?
File name does not change
Now I have to fix my library files to delete the () that enclose the actual filename
So is the actual filename ON THE DISK FOLDER changing or not? Check it on the actual disk, outside of MC.
In MC you can see different fields. Open the Tag Editor panel (lower left corner) and see the value of:
- Name
- Filename
Does this Filename FIELD have the parenthesis? Or is it the same as the filename on the folder?
A screenshot or two would speak volumes.
tried once already but will try again to send attachment
Ok, that looks fine. The Filename field points to the correct file, and the Name is just what the file's internal tags call it. There's no file renaming going on.
So the cause is something else. Just reproduce the playback error and post the screenshot.
On Windows, such long filenames can cause "file not found" problems, but I don't know if that's also the case on a Mac.
Result of playback attempt is attached
The AppleOS and MC can cope with the longer filenames normally associated with classical music as the attached image shows.
If it was MC and not the Source of those tracks/albums or something the user has done I, that was changing the Name Field then I, with over 15000 Classical Tracks, and a load of other MC for Mac users, would be constantly complaining until it got fixed!!!!!
After reading countless postings claiming MC was doing something it shouldn't only to find later down in the same thread that what was causing the problem was invariably the same reason - A User Error somewhere in the Auto-Import Rules I decided never to use Auto-Import again; and that decision was made over 5 years ago.
I only ever use dbPowerAmp and MC to do any Tag Editing, I've experienced and read abut countless screwups other 3rd party tag editors can cause to learn not to trust them.
Plus I only ever rip cd's and/or boxsets I've purchased as I prefer to have easy access to the source of what's on my PC.
Having trouble this this Forum tonight, some attempted posts, with attachments seem to have failed. As you said, surely user error'
Yes, I am old and stupid, and up too late tonight
I do appreciate all replies and attempts to help.
I overlooked playback logging suggestion. I will try that tomorrow.
Your media files were imported from /Volumes/MusicBackup/musicDLs. Is this on an external USB drive? Is it connected or is it just a backup drive that you plug in when needed?
All your screenshots are from within MC - please check outside MC if the files are actually available in that location.