I apologize if this has been said before, but I just now noticed that I have two entries in the Add/Remove Programs control panel applet for MJ. These correspond with two entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Uninstall
My instinct tells me just to delete the Media Jukebox 9.0 key and not worry about it, but I wanted to ask y'all what you think I should do; also wanted to find out if it's happening to other folks. Lastly, I was wondering what your guess is on why Media Center 9.0 reports at being 781.00MB.
Running Windows XP SP1.
edit: I figured out what's up with the 700MB... there's a file called burntemp.raw in C:\Program Files\JRiver\Media Jukebox that is 740mb. What is this file, is it safe to delete? What made it get put there? Can I relocate it to another drive or path?