Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: JimH on September 03, 2003, 05:55:05 am

Title: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: JimH on September 03, 2003, 05:55:05 am
If you are the developer of a skin, plug-in, website, or other software here, please post the name of your work with a very brief description and a link to a discussion thread here and a download link.  

If you have a question or want to discuss a skin or software, please use the appropriate thread or start a new one.  

New developers can find information and a link to a developers' board here:

Technical Information

Developer Board
Title: MC-Skins
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on September 03, 2003, 07:47:10 am
NightLife Megaskin...


Discussion thread (;action=display;threadid=15295)

DayLight Megaskin...


Discussion thread (;action=display;threadid=17322)
Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: JimH on September 03, 2003, 07:49:19 am
It might be nice when posting a skin to also include a small thumbnail (150x150 or less).  Or even also include a link to a larger screenshot.
Title: Customize Stuff For MC 9.1
Post by: knickelfarz on September 04, 2003, 12:21:15 pm
( Steel...

The new default skin for MC 9.1 ...

To get more infos, screenshots and the latest versions with different colors please visit the Blue Steel Skin for MC 9.1 (;action=display;threadid=16096) thread.


A set of skins & track info templates for Media Center 9.1, made to look as close to the "classic" standard Windows GUI as possible.

To get more infos, screenshots and the latest versions with different colors please visit the WinDoze Skins for MC 9.1 (;action=display;threadid=15333) thread.


A set of skins for Media Center 9.1, made to look as close to the standard Windows XP GUI as possible.

To get more infos, screenshots and the latest versions with different colors please visit the Lunatic Skins for MC 9.1 (;action=display;threadid=17472) thread.
Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: Doof on September 11, 2003, 11:28:25 am
Is there some reason all of this stuff isn't being added to the Plugins download page like it used to be?

My own personal contribution:

PixOS Inspired "Stuff" (;action=display;num=1063303568) - including 2 TrackInfo templates, a mini-me skin (coming soon) and a Hairstyle skin (if I can figure out how)
Title: Re:Index to What's Here
Post by: mattsnuts on December 18, 2003, 06:13:07 pm
WritePlaying 1.2.0


A Media Center plugin for writing the currently playing track to a text file.

WritePlaying can also change Media Center's Title Bar to display the currently playing track.


So that your email sig file tells people what song you're listening to! That's why I wrote it, but maybe you can think of other uses... a web page, etc.

Why would you want to change Media Center's Title Bar? So you can read what's playing on the Windows Taskbar without switching to Media Center (like Winamp).

What's New
WritePlaying can be downloaded here:

Listening to: 'Seed' from 'I Believe You Are A Star' by 'Dimmer'
Title: Re:Index to What's Here
Post by: scott_r on January 01, 2004, 03:16:06 am
MC XML Export
The XML Export tool for Media Center

MC XML Export is an advanced set of XML tools for use with your Media Center library. It lets you export any view scheme or playlist along with the database fields you choose to XML and apply XSL transformations and save the output, plus much more.

Check out the plugin's thread for more info and a screenshot:;action=display;threadid=18079 (;action=display;threadid=18079)

Title: Re:Index to What's Here
Post by: JimH on January 09, 2004, 07:16:25 am
Someone wrote a TV scheduling plug-in for Media Center:
Title: New trackinfo: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on February 28, 2004, 06:40:35 am
MultiInfo (created by Cascius & DJ_Hazelwood) ...


... is a track-info-template for Media-Center 9/10/11.

Discussion thread (
Title: Re:Index to What's Here
Post by: @l@n on April 03, 2004, 07:32:12 pm
aTagger (Alan's Tagger) plug-in

aTagger is available for download at  If you already have v1.0.6 or later installed, press the [Check Now] button on the "Processing Options" tab to update automatically.  The ReadMe for the current version of aTagger is available at

aTagger is a freeware plug-in for JRiver's Media Center (  The function of aTagger is to automatically update the Media Center audio files with Artist, Album, Year, Genre, Image, Rating, Styles, Tones, Type, Review and Parental Advisory information from online sources.

aTagger processes the files in a user selected playlist.  For best performance, the files should be sorted by album.  In order to store the Rating, Styles, Tones, Type, Review, and Parental Advisory data, the Media Center database must be updated (add the new Library Fields from Tools | Options... | Tree & View).

Enjoy...  @l@n
Title: Re:Index to What's Here
Post by: Seviien on April 07, 2004, 10:54:30 am
-Shining Armor Megame Skin (a brushed steel look)
for v9.1
for v10

-Custom Iconset and Art (adapted from Fretwalker's Work)

The skin and icons are both depicted in the screenshot below:
Title: RE: more skins
Post by: cascius on April 22, 2004, 04:21:54 pm
Here are a few skins for you enjoyment:

Shakedown 1.0:
::::::::Download:::::::: (    ::::::::Screenshot:::::::: (

SB 4.1 Orange:
::::::::Download:::::::: (    ::::::::Screenshot:::::::: (

SB 4.1 Citrus:
::::::::Download:::::::: (    ::::::::Screenshot:::::::: (

Hope you like them,

Title: MCMultiView
Post by: cncb on October 23, 2004, 01:44:30 pm
An interface plugin for MC11 that allows simulataneous full-screen control of different zones on different extended desktops.


Title: Index to What's Here
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on October 30, 2004, 09:49:47 am
ThunderStorm Mini ...


... is a mini-skin for the Media-Center  default skin.

Discussion thread (;action=display;threadid=24330)
Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: JimH on May 11, 2005, 09:05:55 am
Smartie LCD Plug-in
A basic plugin for lcd smartie, to get info from MC and display it on any LCD supported by smartie.

And here's a link to LCD Smartie itself:
Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: Beatnik62 on July 28, 2005, 02:51:34 pm
Some MegaMe Skins for MC

Aluminium classic


Aluminium dark


Aluminium light


You will find the Discussion thread ........  here (

And another one named ....

MC Avenger
based on a WindowBlinds skin Avenger made by MikeB314


You will find the Discussion thread ........  here (

Have fun with this MegaMe Skins from Beatnik  8)

Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: Mr ChriZ on March 22, 2006, 05:23:24 pm
Information on my MC plugins can be found by following the links below
Batchman Image Resizer - Put on hold following issues with MC SDK..  :-[

EvilLyrics Plugin  (

EvilLyrics No Longer supported...

.NET Script Plugin (

Intention Skin (

2nd Stage Skin Out Now!

More soon hopefully  :)
Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: mesue on July 01, 2006, 08:55:57 pm
"All I Need" Track Info Page by Sue Chastain
Track Info Page for JRiver Media Center 11


• Switch between a dozen color styles, many of which were designed to coordinate with existing Mega-Me skins.
• Color style selection is persistent.
• Click on cover image to open full size.
• Shows stars for song rating.
• Shows song title, position in playlist, artist album, year.
• Shows track number, length, play statistics, and format info.
• Shows lyrics, genre, comments, keywords, notes, playlists, songs, and review.
• Separate page shows artist info — bio, born/formed, died/disbanded, artist's albums.
• Search links to help you find missing lyrics, artist info, cover images, and shop for music. (All links launch in a new browser window.)

Download it here:

Screen shots showing different colors and skins:

Discussion Thread (
Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: Doof on July 06, 2006, 12:37:25 pm
Guess I should add these here...

Both can be found at
Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: dcwebman on August 16, 2006, 08:36:03 am
If you are the developer of a skin, plug-in, website, or other software here, please post the name of your work with a very brief description and a link to a discussion thread here and a download link.  

If you have a question or want to discuss a skin or software, please use the appropriate thread or start a new one.  

New developers can find information and a link to a developers' board here:

Sample index entry:

NetRemote is a program for Windows and for Pocket PC's.  It can control Media Center and other PC programs from across the room.;action=display;num=1033055602;start=4#4

The two links given here do not work.
Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: JimH on August 16, 2006, 08:39:47 am
Fixed.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: glynor on September 26, 2006, 02:46:36 pm
Glynor's Library Sharing Scripts:

Share libraries between 2 or more computers but retain the ability to edit tags on more than one machine!


Download Here (
Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: glynor on September 29, 2006, 02:58:12 pm
Glynor's Settings Saving Script

Copies the contents of HKCU/Software/JRiver to a REG file which can be used to painlessly restore all of MC's settings after an un/re-install or after switching to a new computer.
Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: castingflame on February 08, 2008, 11:30:20 pm
Where can I get Replace Master from Spartan? Can't seem to find it any  ?
Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: KingSparta on February 09, 2008, 08:34:20 am
Where can I get Replace Master from Spartan? Can't seem to find it any  ?

I Scraped it Because I could not get any feedback, and I lost interest.
Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: Craig on August 18, 2008, 03:49:26 am

Now at V1.6, MC2Slim is a small program that runs alongside MC and allows playback control of Slimdevices Squeezeboxes rather than using the Squeezecentre web interface (Squeezecentre is still needed)


Further information and discussion can be seen here

and the program can be downloaded from

Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: HiFiTubes on October 19, 2009, 01:12:19 pm
Is this compatible with MC14 Craig? Thanks.

Now at V1.6, MC2Slim is a small program that runs alongside MC and allows playback control of Slimdevices Squeezeboxes rather than using the Squeezecentre web interface (Squeezecentre is still needed)


Further information and discussion can be seen here

and the program can be downloaded from

Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: raldo on January 07, 2010, 06:17:04 am

Personal Video Database (PVD) is a program which pulls metadata and posters for movies and TV shows from online sources (imdb, amg and others) -

PvdImport helps in getting data from the PVD database into MC, allowing us to match PVD fields with fields in MC.

[Do a search on "PvdImport" in the forum to find the current download thread with a FAQ etc.]

o Install the plugin msi from here ( On Vista/Win7, you probably should run the installer as Administrator.
o Install firebird 2.1.x server with default settings from here (  You need to install the version with desription "Windows executable installer for full Classic or Superserver, recommended for first-time users"
o Install PVD from here ( (There's a link called "Installer" there)

Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: marko on January 25, 2010, 03:00:04 pm
Standard View Skins

The Fly:
More info here... (

Black and Blue (Has full scaling / High DPI support):
More info here... (

Black And Blue Too (Has full scaling / High DPI support):
More info here... (

Black And Blue Too HC (Has full scaling / High DPI support):
More info here... (

More info here... (

iCopy 9:
More info here... (

Arctic Winter:
More info here... (

Arctic Winter HC (High Contrast):
More info here... (

Knit Knots:
More info here... (

Playing Now Popup Skins

( (
Info and download (,139775.0.html)

Info and download (,139776.0.html)

Notify Slider
Info and download (,139846.0.html)

Info and download (,139777.0.html)

Top Toolbar
Info and download (,139778.0.html)

Info and download (,140020.0.html)

Info and download (,140571.0.html)

Info and download (,140571.0.html)

Title: Re:Index to What's Here
Post by: avpman on January 19, 2011, 06:25:09 pm
aTagger (Alan's Tagger) plug-in

aTagger is available for download at  If you already have v1.0.6 or later installed, press the [Check Now] button on the "Processing Options" tab to update automatically.  The ReadMe for the current version of aTagger is available at

aTagger is a freeware plug-in for JRiver's Media Center (  The function of aTagger is to automatically update the Media Center audio files with Artist, Album, Year, Genre, Image, Rating, Styles, Tones, Type, Review and Parental Advisory information from online sources.

aTagger processes the files in a user selected playlist.  For best performance, the files should be sorted by album.  In order to store the Rating, Styles, Tones, Type, Review, and Parental Advisory data, the Media Center database must be updated (add the new Library Fields from Tools | Options... | Tree & View).

Enjoy...  @l@n

Links dead

Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: marko on January 20, 2011, 01:28:24 am
Links dead
That's because AMG complained and sent a "cease and desist" letter.
Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: avpman on January 20, 2011, 05:31:28 pm
That's because AMG complained and sent a "cease and desist" letter.

Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: justsomeguy on January 21, 2011, 04:14:44 am
Image removed, referenced bad site

Main purpose of this is to look up the original track release year when that track belongs to part of some compilation album. Like having a best of released in 2011 of songs originally released some years earlier. Normally all tracks would get the best of release date.

The idea is to create a custom field in MC with a type of string. Create a playlist of songs you want to update. Export that list as either .mpl or delimited txt from within MC. You can then open that list inside this program and have it create track years for each track. It will then export that back into a mpl that can be imported back into MC, updating any fields that were updated during the search.

This uses discogs for the search.
During export from this program it allows you to select which fields you want to include in your new mpl file. At this time it's probably best not to select the Date Created, Date Modified or Date Imported field. MC uses unix style date-times and I currently only export each field as displayed. So if you were to update Date Imported field (not sure why you ever would) with a normal readable MM/DD/YY HH:MM AM/PM then include that field and import back into MC you Date Imported field in MC will be wrong. At some point I may add a conversion to the export for handles this but for now it doesn't... just a warning. Backup you database before making any changes.

This is an excel file using VBA. You must allow macros in excel.

reference removed, referenced bad site

Discussion thread] (

Discussion thread (
Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: MrHaugen on March 03, 2011, 03:40:46 am
The ( link does not work
Title: Re: Index to What's Here
Post by: JimH on March 03, 2011, 06:27:22 am
The ( link does not work
It's here:
Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: MrHaugen on March 03, 2011, 06:29:55 am
Thank you
Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: jitterjames on December 22, 2013, 12:20:00 pm
Software: VoxCommando

Intro Thread:

Web site:

Voice control (speech recognition) program for Windows, that now allows voice control of JRiver Media Center.

Demo Video:

I hope it is of interest to some JRiver fans.  ;D
Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: busa on January 02, 2014, 04:53:07 am
Anything similar for Mac?
Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: sarkonovich on February 17, 2016, 01:53:58 pm
House Band for Amazon Echo

Voice integration for JRiver and the Amazon Echo.

Short Demo Here:

To enable the skill for your Echo:

Supports full control (play, pause volume, skip) plus searching via artist, album, track, word string, or a combination of these.
"Alexa, play the song blood on the trackS by Bob Dylan"
"Alexa, what do I have by Bob Marley?"

House Band supports two basic kinds of search: loose and strict.

Loose searches are just key word searches.
"Alexa, play Fear of Music" will queue up all Albums/Songs/Artists matching the phrase "fear of music."

Strict searches are indicated by using words like "album," "songs", "track", "artist." They will constrain the search in the relevant way.

"Alexa, play the album Space Oddity"

will look for an album matching the search phrase. First, it will look for an exact match. If nothing comes up it will try to match any album with the words
"space oddity" in the title. In the case of multiple matches (e.g, "Space Oddity" and "Space Oddity [1995 Remaster]")  Alexa will ask you which you'd like to play. You can then select by keyword, e.g.,

"Play the remaster"

will play the remastered version of the album.

Create Play doctor playlists:
"Alexa, create a playlist based on David Bowie."

Play playlists:
"Play my Desert Island playlist."
"Play the playlist mellow jazz."

Zone Support:

"Alexa, what are my zones?" or "What zones do I have?" etc
"Alexa, what's the current zone?"
"Alexa, change zone to living room."
Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: avpman on February 17, 2016, 04:11:44 pm
Is House Band an Amazon App for the echo? If that's the case the question of will it work with JRiver running on a Mac is moot, no? I'm assuming House Band communicates with JR via an IP and a port number and doesn't matter if it points to a Mac or PC?

Thoughts anyone?
Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: sarkonovich on February 18, 2016, 08:52:23 am
Yes...Mac vs. PC is irrelevant.
Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: WeeHappyPixie on September 29, 2016, 09:25:49 am
Are there any plans to make this available in the UK. It doesn't show up when I search for it and if I use the direct link to Echo I get a warning that it's restricted due to geographical restrictions.

Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: danrien on March 18, 2018, 04:42:52 pm
Project Blue - Streaming audio client for Android

Its features include:
* Reliable streaming from your home server running JRiver Media Center
* Caching of audio files during playback (new experimental ExoPlayer engine only)
* Synchronize audio from MC server to device
* Play local files when present and metadata match
* Updates server with now playing information
* Interfaces with Bluetooth remote control clients and Pebble watches
* Interfaces with apps that implement the Scrobble Droid interface (Simple Scrobbler is my scrobbler of choice) for scrobbling to or
* Intuitive layout
* "Material" Design
* Fully open source, all source for Project Blue can be viewed at

Available on Google Play:

Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: Djohnson98 on April 16, 2018, 02:20:14 pm
Can House Band play items listed in the "My Connected Media" group under "Connected Media".  I have several streaming radio stations listed in this group, but Alexa doesn't seem to understand what I want it to play.  For instance I have a radio station called "Delilah Radio".  When I say "Alexa, ask House Band to play Delilah Radio" nothing happens.
Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: cdrmaker on January 12, 2019, 06:01:58 pm
does MC support google assistant or Amazon Alexa? if so, how does it intergrate? if not will either be supported? I'd like to be able to control MC to play music or video.
Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: JimH on January 12, 2019, 06:23:20 pm
Please take a look at the HouseBand thread on this board. It's audio only.
Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: hardolf on June 03, 2019, 03:30:18 pm
LyricsFinder for Media Center
Discussion thread and download links:,120908.0.html (,120908.0.html)
Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: JohnnySapphire on July 13, 2021, 09:33:38 am
Just noticed yesterday House Band Skill was removed from Amazon/Alexa as an available skill.

Anyone else see the same thing?
Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: avpman on July 13, 2021, 12:09:01 pm
Just noticed yesterday House Band Skill was removed from Amazon/Alexa as an available skill.

Anyone else see the same thing?

I just asked Alexa to tell Houseband to play a playlist.  Reply: "The Houseband skill is no longer available..."  WHAT?!?!
Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: JohnnySapphire on July 13, 2021, 12:46:33 pm
I just asked Alexa to tell Houseband to play a playlist.  Reply: "The Houseband skill is no longer available..."  WHAT?!?!

Looks like its no longer in the Skill store either
Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: avpman on July 13, 2021, 12:52:22 pm
This is not good. The WAF is going to take a big hit.  >:(
Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: JohnnySapphire on July 20, 2021, 10:42:42 am
Anyone know if they are going to fix Houseband or is it done for good on Alexa? might have to move on from JRiver without this feature...
Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: JohnnySapphire on July 25, 2021, 10:22:23 am
Anyone interested, there more info about it here:,102709.600.html
Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: zybex on March 29, 2022, 01:13:57 pm
ZELDA - Expression Language Editor,125975.0.html

ZELDA is an Expression Language editor for MediaCenter. It's a playground to test and tweak your expressions until you get the wanted results. ZELDA displays the result of a given expression immediately as you type, so there's no need to go back and forth to MC to test the expression. This makes the development & test process much faster.
Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: zybex on March 29, 2022, 01:15:24 pm
ZRatings - Metadata updater for Movies,125575.0.html

ZRatings is a companion tool for JRiver Media Center to help tag a movie collection. It retrieves IMDb, TMDb, Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes movie ratings, along with other movie metadata such as Tagline, Original Title, Actors, Director, Studios, etc from Open Movie Database (OMDb) and The Movie Database (TMDb).
Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: zybex on March 29, 2022, 01:18:04 pm
ZStats - Statistics and Top Playlists calculator,131845.0.html

ZStats compiles statistics from the [Play History] field and creates a bunch of user-defined Top Plays playlists with the most played tracks for any given time range (daily/weekly/monthly/custom). It can also write the stats back to a field to be used in views/expressions/smartlists.
Title: Re: Partial List of Third Party Software and a Link to Developer Info
Post by: EnglishTiger on December 31, 2022, 11:52:50 pm
EnglishTiger's Innovative TrackInfo Plugins, Standard View and Playing Now Popup Skins for JRiver MediaCenter

Current Forum Thread -,140290.0.html   (,140290.0.html)

Download Site -  (