Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: matshif on May 15, 2003, 05:23:48 pm

Title: Mj Dubfinder 1.0.385?
Post by: matshif on May 15, 2003, 05:23:48 pm
I downloaded the MJ DubFinder. Where can I find this in MC?

Title: Re: Mj Dubfinder 1.0.385?
Post by: KingSparta on May 15, 2003, 05:50:35 pm
MC uses a another registry than MJ did key you may not see it.

If he did not change the registry.reg file it may not work.

also you might want to try downloading my program, because when you do, i have a command to force MC to register plugins.

other than that don't know.

FYI: MC9 has a built in Dup Finder And It Is Faster.
Title: Re: Mj Dubfinder 1.0.385?
Post by: Mirko on May 15, 2003, 08:30:22 pm
> FYI: MC9 has a built in Dup Finder and it is faster

Why did I update MJDubFinder yesterday?
Oh well, I guess I'll continue "improving" it, even it is slower...
Title: Re: Mj Dubfinder 1.0.385?
Post by: matshif on May 15, 2003, 08:33:31 pm

also you might want to try downloading my program, because when you do, i have a command to force MC to register plugins.

other than that don't know.

FYI: MC9 has a built in Dup Finder And It Is Faster.

Yes, I known that MC has a good DubFinder. It just slip out of my mind. Age?

And your program I have had seen I don't know when. That's a nice one.


Title: Re: Mj Dubfinder 1.0.385?
Post by: KingSparta on May 16, 2003, 06:13:16 am
> FYI: MC9 has a built in Dup Finder and it is faster

Why did I update MJDubFinder yesterday?
Oh well, I guess I'll continue "improving" it, even it is slower...

Do you have a solution to his problem?

I think it may be the registry.reg file.

can you post it?
Title: Re: Mj Dubfinder 1.0.385?
Post by: Mirko on May 16, 2003, 07:26:36 am
I was getting back from work about 10mins ago and did an update to the plugin.
Please try downloading again; if you get the error again, please be patient I'm just about testing this with another user who kindly helps me (wrong grammar I guess).

There will be quite a couple of updates this evening or within a few days. Thought about that "already contains a dup-finder (although I was not able finding but, but it might be there somewhere *g*)" and finally decided to do some work that's worth its future name "MJCleanUp" :-)